Mortgage Refinancing - FRASER

August 1990


Mortgage Refinancing

This article was prepared by Glenn B. Canner and Charles A. Luckett of the Board's Division of Research and Statistics, and Thomas A. Durkin of the Office of the Secretary, with research assistance from Ian W. Burns and Wayne C. Cook.

here is drawn from a consumer survey sponsored by the Federal Reserve Board during mid-1989. (For a description of the survey, see the appendix.) Comparative information on the use of home equity loans comes from a consumer survey conducted in 1988.3

In recent years, homeowners have raised substantial amounts of funds for various purposes by liquidizing some of the equity in their homes. One means of doing so, and the main topic of this article, has been to refinance an existing mortgage for an amount greater than the outstanding mortgage balance plus closing costs.

In an earlier article, we discussed the prevalence and use of home equity loans as another means of converting home equity to liquid form.1 That report distinguished two types of such loans: "traditional home equity loans," which are closed-end loans that typically require repayment of interest and principal in equal monthly installments, and the newer "home equity lines of credit," which are revolving accounts that permit borrowing from time to time at the discretion of the account holder up to the amount of the credit line. Using either type of home equity loan, homeowners are able to borrow against the accumulated equity in their residential property to finance the purchase of goods and services or to repay other debts.2

This article focuses on mortgage refinancing, particularly as it is used to tap accumulated home equity. To the extent possible, this report draws comparisons between those who increase their net borrowing by refinancing and those who do so through the use of home equity loans. Most of the material regarding refinancings presented

1. Glenn B. Canner, Charles A. Luckett, Thomas A. Durkin, "Home Equity Lending," Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 75 (May 1989) pp. 333-44.

2. Of course, a fourth method of extracting equity is to sell the property and either purchase a lower-priced home or rent.


Most discussions of the decision to refinance a home mortgage have concentrated on the case in which the existing principal is refinanced but no new borrowing is undertaken.4 A homeowner faces the question of whether to refinance whenever current mortgage interest rates drop below the rate on the homeowner's existing mortgage. To determine the attractiveness of refinancing, homeowners must weigh the prospective aftertax savings from lower interest costs against the costs of the refinancing transaction itself, including any mortgage fees (points), application and appraisal fees, and other costs associated with obtaining a new mortgage, as well as any prepayment penalty on the old mortgage. Because savings on interest accumulate gradually over time as scheduled payments are made, the amounts saved with each payment must be discounted to their present value by some appropriate rate, and their sum compared with the total cost of the refinancing. If the discounted present value of the stream of prospective after-tax savings in interest payments exceeds the after-tax refinanc-

3. See Canner, Luckett, and Durkin, "Home Equity Lending."

4. For examples, see John Marquardt and Walt Woerheide, "Mortgage Refinancing: A Better Decision Rule and the Impact of Tax Reform," Journal of Retail Banking, vol. 10, (Fall 1988), pp. 23-31; Jeremy J. Siegel, "The Mortgage Refinancing Decision," Housing Finance Review, vol. 3 (January 1984), pp. 91-97; Arefaine G-Yohannes, "Mortgage Refinancing," Journal of Consumer Affairs, vol. 22 (Summer 1988), pp. 85-95.

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ing costs, a homeowner might opt to refinance. However, several other considerations generally complicate the decision.

Cost Motivations Affecting the Decision

One consideration is the possibility that the homeowner might sell the property before the mortgage maturity date, thus reducing the total (and present value) of expected future interest savings. If the property were sold relatively soon after a refinancing, the savings in interest costs that had accumulated by that time would probably not offset the transaction costs associated with obtaining the new loan, unless the reduction in rate were unusually large.5 This uncertainty about length of residence is one reason that most rules-of-thumb about whether to refinance incorporate the dictum that the costs of refinancing be recoverable within two years.

Uncertainty about the future course of interest rates also affects the refinancing decision. Seemingly, a homeowner should refinance whenever mortgage interest rates drop enough to generate a positive net saving on interest costs within a reasonable period of time. However, the timing of this decision is important because, if interest rates continue to fall, the homeowner will reap even larger savings by waiting to refinance. Thus, the decision to refinance depends on the homeowner's expectations about future interest rates weighed against the amount of savings available from an immediate refinancing, guided by the homeowner's willingness to forgo a known gain for the possibility of a larger one.6

Generally speaking, if a rise in rates and a fall in rates of the same amount were viewed as equally likely, and the savings currently available from refinancing were relatively modest, the typical homeowner with a fixed-rate mortgage would probably choose to wait. The most that could be lost in the event of rising rates would be the relatively small savings currently available--a large rise in rates would have no more adverse effect than a small rise in rates. But a large drop in rates in the future would allow a large reduction in interest costs, so that the possible benefits of waiting to refinance would outweigh the possible costs. The situation is different if the homeowner has an adjustable-rate mortgage; in that case, the prospect of rising rates creates a greater incentive to refinance because it is possible for the rate on the existing mortgage to adjust to some level above the current one.

Before the 1980s, virtually all refinancings involved the payoff of one fixed-rate mortgage with the adoption of a new fixed-rate mortgage. But the growth of adjustable-rate financing in the past decade has multiplied the possible configurations a refinancing can have: A homeowner can also move from a fixed-rate loan to an adjustable one, from an adjustable to a fixed, or from one adjustable-rate loan to another.

The decision to refinance with an adjustableor with a fixed-rate mortgage involves many of the same factors considered in the creation of the original home-purchase mortgage. Adjustablerate mortgages (ARMs) are typically offered with initial rates lower than those available on fixedrate loans--sometimes with deeply discounted rates for the first year or two.7 But, because the

5. The closing costs associated with a refinancing are generally treated as a front-end, lump-sum cost. Although these closing costs are frequently added to the balance owed on the new loan, the present value of the payments associated with financing the closing costs is essentially equal to a lump-sum payment if the discount rate applied is equal to the interest rate on the new loan. A small difference between the two amounts may exist, however, owing to tax effects. If the closing costs on a refinancing arefinanced,the interest paid on those borrowed funds is fully tax deductible. On the other hand, if a lump-sum payment of closing costs is made, only the portion of the closing costs that constitutes points (prepaid interest) is tax-deductible, and it must be amortized over the life of the loan.

6. The option of a rapid sequence of refinancings as rates decline is generally not feasible because prepayment penalties and mortgage fees make it too costly.

7. On most ARMs, the interest rate is set in reference to some "index" rate determined by market forces, such as the yield on one-year Treasury securities. A markup over the index rate, the "margin," is also specified in the contract. The mortgage rate, calculated as the index rate plus the margin, is reset from time to time, frequently at one-year intervals. Rate adjustments are usually subject to certain limitations: Most ARMs contain "caps" on how much the rate may rise in a year and over the life of a loan; annual caps of 2 percentage points and lifetime caps of 5 percentage points are common. The initial rate on an ARM is virtually always lower than the rate on afixed-rateloan of comparable maturity and loan-to-value ratio. The lower rate reflects the fact that much of the "interest rate risk" of long-term loan contracts is shifted from the lender to the borrower in an ARM transaction. The borrower needs the incentive of a

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rate is adjustable, the borrower is exposed to increasing interest expense should rates rise, subject to the allowed frequency of adjustment and the limitations of any annual and lifetime caps on the mortgage rate. Expectations regarding future rates may thus play a key role in the homebuyer's opting for a fixed- or adjustablerate loan initially or in a refinancing. In general, when rates are at the low end of the homebuyer's expectations, it makes sense to obtain fixed-rate financing, "locking in" the comparatively low rate. If rates are expected to rise sharply in the future, a homeowner with an ARM, as noted above, may choose to refinance into a fixed-rate loan (FRM), even when the new (fixed) rate is close to or above the rate currently in force on the ARM.

Expected length of residence may also be a crucial factor in deciding whether to refinance with an adjustable- or with a fixed-rate loan. As noted earlier, homeowners who expect to move very soon would probably not benefit from refinancing. However, those who plan to move within two years or so might find it optimal to refinance with an initially discounted ARM, since the brunt of an upward adjustment to higher market interest rates might not take effect until the move was imminent. Some homeowners might attempt a strategy of refinancing at regular intervals into initially discounted ARMs, assuming that such instruments continue to be offered.

Another reason to refinance, as noted, is to raise additional funds. In the household survey, nearly 60 percent of those who refinanced also borrowed additional funds. Many of these households obtained a lower rate than that on their old mortgage, but some accepted the same or a higher rate. The decision to raise new funds through refinancing hinges on the size of the existing loan relative to the amount of new funds sought, the comparative rates on the existing and prospective substitute loans, and the rates and terms available through alternative means of financing. If they can qualify for a refinancing, most homeowners, depending on the amount needed, will also be able to obtain funds using a home equity loan, a personal loan, or a credit card account. In most cases, a first mortgage carries the most attractive available rate, so that refinancing is often the best choice for raising a large amount of new funds. On the other hand, if the existing mortgage carries a very low rate and is large relative to the new funds required, a refinancing might best be avoided. The homeowner would probably not benefit by giving up the attractive old rate. Nonrate considerations also affect the decision. A home equity credit line, for instance, provides more flexibility for subsequent borrowing and might be more appropriate for handling repetitive credit needs, such as tuition expenses, even when rate comparisons seemed to favor a refinancing.

Other Reasons to Refinance

Mortgage debtors may also elect to refinance for reasons other than obtaining lower interest costs on the existing principal. For example, liquidityconstrained homeowners might wish to reduce the size of their monthly payments, even if lower rates are not available. This reduction in monthly payments could be accomplished by refinancing for a longer term than the remaining life of the existing mortgage.

lower initial cost to accept the risk of a higher future cost. Sometimes, as a stronger inducement for the borrower to choose an ARM, the lender reduces the initial rate even below the level implied by the index-plus-margin formula; these initially discounted rates are popularly known as "teaser rates." In the past two years, roughly 60 percent of ARMs originated carried an initial rate discount.


To obtain information about mortgage refinancing, the Federal Reserve Board sponsored a survey of households in 1989. In total, the survey included a nationally representative sample of 1,514 families. The following sections present the results of the survey.

Prevalence of Refinancing

Nationwide, the consumer surveys show that roughly 67 percent of all households own their homes, a figure consistent with Census Bureau statistics. The majority of these homeowners have an outstanding mortgage obligation on their

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1. Holdings of first mortgages and refinancing activity, by region, 1989

Percentage distribution


North North-

Debt status of homeowners regions West Central east South

Mortgage status No mortgage

First mortgage or land contract


Refinancing activity Percentage of mortgage

debt holders who refinanced first mortgage or land contract


Percentage of mortgage debt holders who held a home equity loan











100 100 100 100 100











NOTE. All statistics in this and the following tables are based on weighted observations.

SOURCES. For refinancing, see Surveys of Consumer Attitudes, June, July, September 1989, Survey Research Center, University of Michigan. For home equity loans, see Survey of Consumer Attitudes, July-December 1988, Survey Research Center, University of Michigan.

primary residence (table 1). However, there is considerable regional variation in the holding of such debt. For example, two-thirds of the homeowning families in the Western region of the country have mortgage debt, while only half of those in the South and in the North Central region have such an obligation. There is also considerable variation across regions in the proportion of mortgage debt holders who have refinanced their home loans. Nationally, one-fifth of all mortgage debt holders have refinanced their first mortgage. However, the proportion of mortgage debt holders who have refinanced ranges from a low of 13 percent in the South to slightly more than 25 percent in the Northeast and Western regions.

The overall proportion of mortgage debt holders who have refinanced their primary mortgage has increased markedly over the past decade or so. Results from the 1977 Survey of Consumer Credit indicate that as of 1977 only 8 percent of homeowners with first mortgage debt had refinanced, well below the current figure of 20 percent.8 This change in the prevalence of refi-

8. Thomas A. Durkin and Gregory E. Elliehausen, 1977 Consumer Credit Survey (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1978) p. 92.

nancing activity over time undoubtedly reflects the greater swings in interest rates in the period since 1977, which have presented more opportunities for homeowners to benefit from refinancing, and also reflects the availability of more home equity, created in substantial part by rapidly rising house prices during the late 1970s and portions of the 1980s.

The effects of interest rate levels on the volume of refinancing are illustrated in table 2, which shows the percentage distribution of refinancing by the year of the refinancing for the families surveyed in 1989. Relatively few homeowners refinanced during the early 1980s, when mortgage rates were well into double-digit figures. However, refinancing activity picked up in the mid1080s and was especially strong in 1986 and 1987, when interest rates were substantially lower than in previous years. Aggregate data on refinancing activity, which are available only for thrift institutions and for loans guaranteed by the Veterans Administration, show a similar pattern (chart 1). In both cases, refinancing accounted for a much larger portion of loan originations in 1986 and 1987 than in other years. In 1986, for example, nearly

2. Year in which first mortgage was refinanced and prevailing interest rates on conventional home mortgage loans

Year in which refinancing occurred

Percentage of all refinanced loans

in survey'

Interest rate (percent)2

Before 1980 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989'
























1. Refinancing activity in years before 1986 may be understated somewhat in this table. Some homeowners may have refinanced a loan more than once; however, only the most current refinancing activity is reported. Multiple refinancing is most likely to have occurred with respect to loans originated in 1981 or 1982 and refinanced in the 1983-85 period, when mortgage rates dropped well below those in effect in the early 1980s, then subsequently refinanced a second time in 1986 or 1987, when mortgage rates dropped sharply again.

2. Average contract rate on conventional mortgages for new homes. 3. Through September 1989. SOURCES. For the distribution of refinancings, see Surveys of Consumer Attitudes, June, July, September 1989, Survey Research Center, University of Michigan. For prevailing interest rates, see Federal Reserve Bulletin, table 1.53, p. A37, selected years.

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1. Refinancing as a proportion of total dollar amount of mortgage loan originations


half of all mortgage loan originations (measured in dollars) at thrift institutions were refinancings.

As noted, roughly 20 percent of all mortgage debt holders have refinanced their first mortgage loan. However, the proportion of total first mortgage debt outstanding accounted for by these refinanced loans is about 23 percent. The share accounted for by refinancing is larger in terms of the amount of total debt because many of the refinancings involved additional borrowing, and most of the refinanced mortgages were more recent in origin, and therefore larger, than the average of all loans outstanding. The evidence suggests that refinanced loans include a heavy concentration of loans replacing ones originated in the early 1980s, while the total stock of mortgage debt includes many loans made earlier when house prices were lower.

Sources of Refinancing and Home Equity Loans

Homeowners have refinanced mortgage debts through a wide range of financial institutions, although commercial banks and savings institutions (savings and loan associations and savings banks) have been the predominant sources of funds (table 3). Other creditors, such as mortgage and finance companies, also have a significant market share, together accounting for about one-quarter of the refinancings. This division of the market is similar to that for traditional home equity loans. In contrast, finance companies and other nondepository sources of

3. Sources of refinancing and home equity loans

Percentage distribution, by type of loan


Home Traditional

Refinancings equity lines home equity

of credit


Commercial banks Savings institutions' Credit unions Other creditors2

















1. Includes savings and loan associations and savings banks. 2. Incudes finance companies, brokerage firms, mortgage companies, previous owner, contractor or developer, employer, government agency, relative, friend, or other private party.

SOURCES. For refinancings, see Surveys of Consumer Attitudes, June, July, September 1989, Survey Research Center, University of Michigan. For home equity loans, see Surveys of Consumer Attitudes, July-December 1988, Survey Research Center, University of Michigan.

credit play a much smaller role in the market for home equity lines of credit.9

Reasons for Refinancing

As discussed earlier, consumers who refinance may do so for two very different reasons, although in some instances both reasons may be motivating factors. For some mortgage debt holders, the sole motive to refinance is to reduce the payment burden of the existing debt, either by obtaining a lower interest rate or by extending the term of the loan.10 For other homeowners, the decision to refinance reflects primarily a desire to extract accumulated home equity in order to finance the purchase of goods and services, including additional real estate, or to repay other debts.11 Of course, some homeowners who refinance and liquidize equity may also be influ-

9. See Canner, Luckett, and Durkin, "Home Equity Lending" table 1, p. 335.

10. In addition, some consumers may elect to refinance an adjustable-rate mortgage with afixed-rateloan, even without a lower rate, in order to eliminate the risk of future increases in payments.

11. In a recent paper, Manchester and Poterba found a negative correlation between the occurrence of a refinancing and changes in net worth. This suggests that, on average, a portion of equity liquidized during refinancings is used for consumption rather than investment purposes (reinvesting liquidized equity would leave net worth unchanged), although it could reflect portfolio adjustments made in response to declines in the value of other assets. See Joyce M. Manchester and James M. Poterba, "Second Mortgages and Household Saving," Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 19 (May 1989), pp. 325-46.

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