Step 1 Lesson Plan - Caitlin Haig
|Author (s): |Title of Lesson: |
|Team Members: Caitlin Haig, Kearsten Smith |Exploring Isosceles Triangles |
|Lesson #2 |Lesson Source (kit, lesson): |
|Date lesson will be taught: 9th and 12th Nov 2012 |Math Printable Worksheets (Evaluation Triangles Source) |
|Grade level: 9th |Triangle Optical Illusion Source |
|Concepts/Main Idea – |
|During this lesson students will learn about three different types of triangles; Isosceles, Equilateral, and Scalene. Students will learn the defining characteristics of each type and be able to apply that |
|knowledge following the lesson to identify each type. |
|Objective/s- Write objectives in SWBAT form… |Evaluation |
|The Students Will Be Able To: |In the space below, explain the type(s) of evaluation that will provide evidence that students have learned |
| |the objectives of the lesson (formative and summative). You will provide student copies at the end of the |
| |lesson. |
| | |
|Summarize the definition/properties of an isosceles triangle in their own words. |Evaluation for objectives 1 and 2 for scalene triangles will be determined from the organizer (sections |
|Measure the angles and sides of a triangle using a protractor and ruler. |entitled description/properties, definition, and draw). Evaluation for objective 3 for scalene triangles will|
|Construct an isosceles triangle using protractor and ruler. |be determined informally through the use of the Triangle Worksheet and note cards. ( the examples from the |
|Categorize triangles as isosceles or not isosceles based on their properties. |worksheet will be shown to the students and they will hold up blue for scalene and red for not scalene) |
|Connect isosceles triangles to multiple real world examples. | |
| | |
Kansas Science and Math Standards- Include standard, benchmark and indicator where applicable
Math: Must include Common Core Math Practice Standard and tested indicator (2003 standards), if applicable.
Math Common Core 5: Use appropriate tools strategically. Using age-appropriate tools and materials.
Math Common Core G.CO.10: Prove theorems about triangles. (measures of interior angles of a triangle sum to 180(, base angles of isosceles triangles are congruent)
|Materials list (BE SPECIFIC about quantities) |Accommodations: Include a general statement and any specific student needs |
|for | |
|Whole Class: |Students will be presented with many visual aids and written handouts. Students |
|Each student: |will also be working in groups during most of the activities in this lesson and |
|One Optical Illusion Worksheet |will be encouraged to discuss concepts and topics with peers. |
|One Isosceles Organizer (attached to back of name tent) |One activity will get students out of their chairs in a cooperative learning |
|One Name Tent |activity, allowing ELL students to interact with their peers and receive help if |
|3 Note Cards (Red, Yellow, Blue) |needed from peers rather than the teacher. ADHD students will receive this |
|One Triangle Booklet to record data |opportunity to get out of their seats and move around. All instructions are |
|One Ruler |written down and the organizer allows for ELL students to have a list of the main|
|One Protractor |vocabulary along with visuals. |
|Each group: | |
|One ruler | |
|One protractor | |
|One Job Badge for each job (3 Job Badges) | |
|**Rulers and protractors will start out with one per group and later on in the lesson, each student will need one. It is | |
|not advised that every student get one in the beginning. | |
| |Safety: Include a general statement and any specific safety concerns |
| | |
| |Normal classroom safety rules will apply; no other safety rules should be |
| |required. Teachers should be sure to monitor the group work to be sure that |
| |groups are working together appropriately and respectfully. The rulers and |
| |protractors should be taken from students using them inappropriately. |
|Engagement: Estimated Time: ____10 Minutes____ |
|What the teacher does AND how will the teacher direct students: |Probing Questions: Critical questions that will connect prior |Expected Student Responses AND Misconceptions - think like a student to |
|(Directions) |knowledge and create a “Need to know” |consider student responses INCLUDING misconceptions: |
| | | |
|Show students the optical illusion and have them try and guess how |(There are 47 triangles in the picture) | |
|many triangles are in the picture. This activity will introduce the | | |
|different shapes that triangles can be seen as. |What do you notice about the triangles in this picture? |Some have long sides, small angles, big angles, short sides, etc. |
| | | |
| |Take the next two minutes to write down everything you know | |
| |about triangles. Now share with your group what you thought | |
| |of. | |
| |What were some of the facts that you know about triangles? |They have three sides. They have three angles. There are different |
| | |types. |
| |Teacher: Tell students that there are 3 types of triangles: | |
| |scalene, isosceles, equilateral. They will define these | |
| |triangles in the exploration. Use engage to transition into | |
| |learning about isosceles triangles: “One of these types of | |
| |triangles is called isosceles” | |
|Teacher Decision Check Point: Once students have shared their prior knowledge, they can move on to the Explore |
| |
| |
| |
| |
|Exploration: Estimated Time: ___15 minutes_______ |
|What the teacher does AND what the teacher will direct students to |Probing Questions: Critical questions that will guide students|Expected Student Responses AND Misconceptions - think like a student to |
|do: (Directions) |to a “Common set of Experiences” |consider student responses INCLUDING misconceptions: |
| Students, working in groups, will be asked to measure sides and |What do you think of the data that is shown? Is anything about|Students should see that in all triangles there were at least two angles |
|angles, of different triangles hung around the room.(Note triangles |it interesting? |and sides that were equal. |
|provided via attachment: Triangles (For Teachers) ) Each student |May need to be prompted to look specifically at the | |
|will be given booklet of data sheets to fill out (Triangle Booklet |relationship between the angles and sides. | |
|– see attached) with the required information from each triangle. |Why do you think that is? | |
|This task will be completed in groups using cooperative learning in |Why do you think we made all the triangles that way? |Because you made them that way. |
|the form of assigned rolls listed in the Job Badges Worksheet. |Now look at the angles in each of the triangles. Besides the |Students may not know. |
|After groups have completed the measuring activity teachers will |fact that two are always equal, what else do you notice about | |
|make a class data table on the projector using data given by class |the angles? |All of them add up to about 180( |
|members. |Do you think this is true for all triangles? Draw any | |
|Following the class data table students will be asked questions |triangle you want and measure all of its angles to see if they| |
|related to the data. |add up to 180. Did they? So now what do you think? Do the | |
| |angles in all triangles add up to 180(? |I’m not sure. Maybe. Sure. Yes. No. |
| |Keep this in mind whenever you work with triangles. | |
| |** If students mentioned in the engage that all angles in a | |
| |triangle sum to 180( and it seems as if most students agree, |Yes they did! Almost (human error). Yes they do. |
| |this section may be skipped as long as the teacher reviews | |
| |this fact one more time. | |
| | | |
| | | |
|Teacher Decision Check Point: |
|When students are able to explain why all the triangles provided are alike teachers will know that students are ready to move on. |
| |
|Explanation: Estimated Time: ____10 minutes______ |
|What the teacher does AND what the teacher will direct students to |Clarifying Questions: Critical questions that will help |Expected Student Responses AND Misconceptions - think like a student to |
|do: (Directions) |students “Clarify their Understanding” and introduce |consider student responses INCLUDING misconceptions: |
| |information related to the lesson concepts & vocabulary – | |
| |check for understanding (formative assessment) | |
|Students will be given the worksheet titled Isosceles Organizer in |**Use think-pair-share: Instruct students to complete the | |
|the attached and asked to complete it to the best of their ability, |organizer on their own, discuss it with their groups (of 3), | |
|and then share with their groups. If time allows, students should |then have them share with someone from another group. Have a | |
|come write their answers on the board on a larger, whole class |class discussion about the organizer (See below for | |
|version of the organizer. |suggestions) | |
| | | |
| |What are your answers to the box labeled definition? |Answers should vary with each group as well as with each student. There is |
| |What are your answers for the box labeled properties? |no one right answer to any section. |
| |What are some real world examples of isosceles triangles? |Students should use the exploration to answer the properties and definition|
| | |areas. |
| | | |
|Teacher Decision Check Point: |
|Once all students have completed and corrected all information in their organizer teachers will move on with lesson. |
| |
|Elaboration: Estimated Time: ____10 minutes______ |
|What the teacher does AND what the teacher will direct students to |Probing Questions: Critical questions that will help students |Expected Student Responses AND Misconceptions - think like a student to |
|do: (Directions) |“Extend or Apply” their newly acquired concepts/skills in new |consider student responses INCLUDING misconceptions: |
| |situations | |
|Students will draw and relate the information about isosceles |Is there a pattern with the angles that are congruent on |Yes, they are opposite the sides with equal measures. I’m not sure. Magic! |
|triangles to the real world on the corresponding areas of the |isosceles triangles? Why is this? |Because every triangle had this pattern |
|organizer. |Show students the Sides & Angles Worksheet and ask the following | |
| |questions. | |
| |Take a minute to look at these triangles. What do you notice |The biggest angles are across from the biggest sides and the smallest |
| |about the relationship between the sides and the angles? What |angles are across from the smallest sides. They should be equal too. |
| |does this tell us about the sides across from equal angles? | |
| |(Draw an arbitrary triangle ∆ABC) If side [pic] is larger than | |
| |[pic], what do we know about the angles BCA and ABC?” ([pic] is |[pic] is larger than [pic] |
| |larger than [pic]) | |
| |If we know that two sides are equal, what else do we know about | |
| |the triangle? | |
| |(May be useful to draw a diagram on the board) |That the angles across from the two sides are equal. |
| | | |
| |If we know one of the angles that are congruent, how can we find | |
| |the other two angles? | |
| | | |
| |Use this information along with a protractor and ruler to draw an|One angle will be the same. We can find the third by subtracting the first |
| |isosceles triangle. |two angles from 180(. |
| | | |
| |** at this point, have extra rulers and protractors available if | |
| |each student would like one of his/her own. |Students should use their rulers and/or protractors to draw an isosceles |
| | |triangle. |
|Teacher Decision Check Point: |
| |
| |
|Evaluation: Estimated Time: ___5 minutes_______ |
|Critical questions that ask students to demonstrate their understanding of the lesson’s performance objectives. |
|Formative Assessment(s): In addition to the final assessment (bell ringer or exit slips), how will you determine students’ learning within this lesson: (observations, student responses/elaborations, white |
|boards, student questions, etc. Look at your Teacher Decision Check Point)? |
| |
|The worksheets used in both the exploration and the elaboration will provide a formative assessment. Students will also be showed the examples of triangles in the Triangles Worksheet and asked to hold up |
|note cards based on whether they think the triangle is isosceles or not as an informal assessment. |
| |
| |
|Summative Assessment: Provide a student copy of the final assessment/exit slips or other summative assessments you use in the lesson |
|Evaluation is attached in the form of a worksheet, titled Triangle Worksheet. Original source was Math Printable Worksheets. |
All worksheets are listed below as well as included in their respective parts of the lesson.
|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic][pic] |[pic] |
|Engage |Exploration |Exploration, Elaboration, Explanation, Evaluation |Evaluation |
UKanTeach 5E Lesson Plan Day 2
|Author (s): |Title of Lesson: |
|Team Members: Caitlin Haig, Kearsten Smith |Exploring Equilateral Triangles |
|Lesson #2 |Lesson Source (kit, lesson): |
|Date lesson will be taught: 9th and 12th Nov 2012 | |
|Grade level: 9th | |
|Concepts/Main Idea – |
|During this lesson students will learn about three different types of triangles; Isosceles, Equilateral, and Scalene. Students will learn the defining characteristics of each type and be able to apply that |
|knowledge following the lesson to identify each type. |
|Objective/s- Write objectives in SWBAT form… |Evaluation |
|The Students Will Be Able To: |In the space below, explain the type(s) of evaluation that will provide evidence that students have learned |
| |the objectives of the lesson (formative and summative). You will provide student copies at the end of the |
| |lesson. |
| |Evaluation is attached in the form of a worksheet, titled Triangle Evaluation. |
|Summarize the definition/properties of an isosceles triangle in their own words. |The attached organizer also provides a source of evaluation. |
|Measure the angles and sides of a triangle using a protractor and ruler. |[pic] |
|Construct an isosceles triangle using protractor and ruler. | |
|Categorize triangles as isosceles or not isosceles based on their properties. | |
|Connect isosceles triangles to multiple real world examples. | |
Kansas Math Standards
• Math Common Core 5: Use appropriate tools strategically. Using age-appropriate tools and materials.
• Math Common Core G.CO.10: Prove theorems about triangles. (measures of interior angles of a triangle sum to 180(, base angles of isosceles triangles are congruent)
|Materials list (BE SPECIFIC about quantities) |Accommodations: Include a general statement and any specific student needs |
|Whole Class: | |
|Each student: |Students will be presented with many visual aids and written handouts. Students |
|One Sheet of Blank Paper (Engage) |will also be working in groups during most of the activities in this lesson and |
|One Equilateral Organizer (attached to back of name tent) |will be encouraged to discuss concepts and topics with peers. |
|One Name Tent |One activity will get students out of their chairs in a cooperative learning |
|3 Note Cards (Red, Yellow, Blue) |activity, allowing ELL students to interact with their peers and receive help if |
|One Ruler |needed from peers rather than the teacher. ADHD students will receive this |
|One Protractor |opportunity to get out of their seats and move around. All instructions are |
|Each group: |written down and the organizer allows for ELL students to have a list of the main |
|One ruler |vocabulary along with visuals. |
|One protractor | |
|**Rulers and protractors will start out with one per group and later on in the lesson, each student will need one. It is | |
|not advised that every student get one in the beginning | |
| |Safety: Include a general statement and any specific safety concerns |
| | |
| |Normal classroom safety rules will apply; no other safety rules should be |
| |required. Teachers should be sure to monitor the group work to be sure that groups|
| |are working together appropriately and respectfully. The rulers and protractors |
| |should be taken from students using them inappropriately. |
|Engagement: Estimated Time: __________ |
|What the teacher does AND how will the teacher direct students: |Probing Questions: Critical questions that will connect prior |Expected Student Responses AND Misconceptions - think like a student to |
|(Directions) |knowledge and create a “Need to know” |consider student responses INCLUDING misconceptions: |
|Students will be instructed to construct equilateral triangles (using | |Be sure to try this activity beforehand, as some students may struggle |
|the Folding Triangles Worksheet originally found at: Equilateral | |with following the folding directions. |
|Triangle Folding). | | |
| | |They are symmetrical. All of the sides have the same length. |
| |What do you notice about these triangles? |Instead of having two sides with the same length, these triangles have |
|Extension for Students with high levels of understanding: Have them |Are there any rules that you think these triangles will have |three. |
|make a design out of their triangles. |like the scalene triangles did yesterday? | |
| | | |
|[pic] |Why do you say that? | |
| | | |
|Teacher Decision Check Point: |
| |
| |
| |
| |
|Exploration: Estimated Time: ___15 minutes_______ |
|What the teacher does AND what the teacher will direct students to |Probing Questions: Critical questions that will guide students|Expected Student Responses AND Misconceptions - think like a student to |
|do: (Directions) |to a “Common set of Experiences” |consider student responses INCLUDING misconceptions: |
|Check the students predictions from the engage |Were your predictions correct? | |
|Students will be instructed to measure the lengths of the sides in | | |
|addition to the measure of each angle in the triangles that they |How do you know this? | |
|created in the engage (measurements will be written on the triangles| | |
|themselves). |What do we know about equilateral triangles? Write this on the| |
| |organizer under properties/description and use the information| |
| |to write your own definition of equilateral triangles. | |
| | | |
| |Ask the students to use what they know about scalene and | |
| |equilateral triangles to draw one of each. | |
| | | |
| |Extension for students with higher levels of understanding: | |
| |Have them draw a different scalene triangle | |
| | | |
| |How did you draw your scalene triangle? | |
| |Did any | |
|Teacher Decision Check Point: |
|When students are able to explain why all the triangles provided are alike teachers will know that students are ready to move on. |
| |
| |
|Explanation: Estimated Time: ____10 minutes______ |
|What the teacher does AND what the teacher will direct students to |Clarifying Questions: Critical questions that will help |Expected Student Responses AND Misconceptions - think like a student to |
|do: (Directions) |students “Clarify their Understanding” and introduce |consider student responses INCLUDING misconceptions: |
| |information related to the lesson concepts & vocabulary – | |
| |check for understanding (formative assessment) | |
|Students will be given the worksheet titled organizer in the |What do we know about equilateral triangles? Write this on the|Answers will vary with each group. |
|attached and asked to completely it to the best of their ability in |organizer under properties/description and use the information|Students should use the exploration to answer the properties and definition|
|their groups. After completing this worksheet student groups will |to write your own definition of equilateral triangles. |areas. |
|share with one another, in the form of a class discussion their | | |
|answers. We will then complete one as a class so that all students |**Use think-pair-share: Instruct students to complete the | |
|have the correct answers. |organizer on their own, discuss it with their groups (of 3), | |
| |then have them share with someone from another group. | |
|[pic] | | |
|Teacher Decision Check Point: |
|Once all students have completed and corrected all information in their organizer teachers will move on with lesson. |
| |
|Elaboration: Estimated Time: ____10 minutes______ |
|What the teacher does AND what the teacher will direct students to |Probing Questions: Critical questions that will help students |Expected Student Responses AND Misconceptions - think like a student to |
|do: (Directions) |“Extend or Apply” their newly acquired concepts/skills in new |consider student responses INCLUDING misconceptions: |
| |situations | |
|Students will draw and relate the information about equilateral |Is there a pattern with the angles that are congruent on |Yes, all sides are angles are congruent. |
|triangles to the real world on the corresponding areas of the |equilateral triangles? | |
|organizer. | | |
| |If we know that all sides are equal, what else do we know |All tree angles are congruent |
| |about the triangle? | |
| |(May be useful to draw a diagram on the board) | |
| | | |
| |If we know one of the angles that are congruent, how can we |All three angles are equal. 180/3=60 or 60+60+60=180 |
| |find the other two angles? | |
| | | |
| |Use what you know about equilateral triangles to draw one. | |
| | | |
| |Extension: students can draw more than one equilateral | |
| |triangle. | |
|Teacher Decision Check Point: |
| |
| |
|Evaluation: Estimated Time: ___15minutes_______ |
|Critical questions that ask students to demonstrate their understanding of the lesson’s performance objectives. |
|Formative Assessment(s): In addition to the final assessment (bell ringer or exit slips), how will you determine students’ learning within this lesson: (observations, student responses/elaborations, white |
|boards, student questions, etc. Look at your Teacher Decision Check Point)? |
|. |
|Evaluation is attached in the form of a worksheet, titled Triangle Evaluation. |
| |
| |
|Summative Assessment: Provide a student copy of the final assessment/exit slips or other summative assessments you use in the lesson |
|Evaluation is attached in the form of a worksheet, titled Triangle Evaluation. |
(Engage) (Explain/Elaborate) (Evaluation)
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