Biology - Mr. Woods' Science Classes


Human Blood Types

Names:__________________________________________________________________ Block:______

Today you and your partner will be exploring the final concept in our genetics unit. Follow the instructions step by step and answer the questions as you go.

Start by going to the website:

Read the introduction, so that you understand who the source is for this website. Part of doing proper research is making sure your sources are reliable.

1. Based on the introduction, do you believe the source is reliable? Why or why not?

From the menu on the left side of the screen, select “Human ABO markers” and read through the page.

2. There is a new term in the first paragraph. What is it?

3. The prefix co- means with or together. What do you think this new word means?

4. How many alleles are there for human blood type? What are they?

5. What would your blood type be if you inherited the following alleles:

|Parent 1 |Parent 2 |Your Blood type |

|IA |IA | |

|IA |i | |

|IB |IA | |

|i |i | |

From the menu at the left, select “Blood types and genotypes” and read through the information on the page.

6. There are four human blood types. List the possible genotypes for each phenotype in the chart below. Use the ACTUAL alleles.

|Phenotype |Possible Genotypes |

|A | |

|B | |

|AB | |

|O | |

7. How many genotypes total are there for human blood type?

8. Can two people who have type AB blood have a child with type O blood? Explain.

From the menu at the left, select “How are ABO alleles inherited by our children?” and read through the information on the page.

9. Now, answer question 8 again.

10. Use a Punnett square to determine the possible blood types of the cross from question 8. (Both parents have type AB blood).

11. Play with the Blood Type Calculators. Predict the results BEFORE you press the “calculate” button. Were you right or wrong? Do this until you feel that you have a good understanding of how human blood types are inherited. Remember, some blood types (phenotypes) have more than one genotype.

From the menu at the left, select “Rh factor” and read through the information on the page.

12. What type of heredity describes the inheritance of the Rh factor? (Hint: the answer has something to do with pea plants…)

13. Based on the charts on the page, which trait is dominant and which is recessive?

14. If mom’s genotype is Rh+Rh- and dad’s genotype is Rh+Rh-, what is the expected phenotypic ratio from this cross?

15. If mom’s genotype is Rh+Rh- and dad’s genotype is Rh-Rh-, what is the probability they will have a child who is Rh+? (You MUST show your work!)

From the menu at the left, select “Problem set” and read the introduction and instructions on the page. After you have read through this, click on the “Begin Problem Set” button.

There are six problems in the set. Read the question and answer it in the spaces below. After you have written out your answer, select the answer you believe to be correct to check your work. Was your answer similar to Professor Hallick’s? Explain why or why not.








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