
PSYCHOLOGY Submitted by_ Ayati Mehta, Armaan. Beri, Karmistha Bhimwal


WORKSHEET-DP-1 24.7.2015

DIRECTIONS: Use your textbook, class discussion, and any other available resource(s) to complete the following questions. (150 WORDS ONLY)

1. Define Psychology.

Answer 1: The science of human and animal behavior and cognitive processes. It includes the application of this science to human problems.

2. Why study Psychology? (list at least 2 reasons)

Answer 2: i. Understanding of Relationships.

ii. Study of brain to know human's behaviour.

3. What are the four goals of Psychology?

Answer 3. The four goals of psychology are to predict, control and explain the behaviour or mental developments of human and animals.

4. Roots of psychology

Psychology started like many sciences as part of philosophy which also gave psychology much of its conceptual framework. The creation of psychology as an independent science took shape in the middle of the 19th century with its roots in biology and a growing interest in the mind and the underlying processes of the brain. The word psychology comes from two Greek works “pysche” (the mind or soul) and “logos” (reason) literally psychology means reasoning about the soul.

5. Explain Wundt’s idea of introspection.

Answer 5- Introspection is the study of the normal adult mind, Wudnt considered psychology as the science of consciousness. In his mind many important psychological problems could only be studied with non-experimental techniques.

6. What role did William James play in the development of Psychology?

Answer 6- William James was a psychologist and philosopher who was the first to teach a psychology course in the U.S. and is often referred to as the father of American psychology. He is also known for contributing to functionalism. His main contributions are sais to be functionalism and James- Lange Theory of Emotion.

7. List and know the six Contemporary/Modern Approaches to studying Psychology.

Answer 7- The six contemporary approaches of studying psychology are:

i. Humanistic Approach

ii. Cognitive Psychology

iii. Behavioural Psychology

iv. Biological Psychology

v. Comparative psychology

vi. Psychodynamic Psychology

8. Briefly describe the Psychoanalytic Approach to Psychology. Which psychologist is most closely associated with this approach?

Answer 8- Psychoanalytic approach is a theory of personality development which argues that personality is formed through conflicts among three fundamental structures of the human mind. The psychologist most closely associated with this is Sigmund Freud.

9. What are the key principles of the Behavioral Approach to Psychology? Which psychologists are most closely associated with this approach?

Answer 9:  

Human behavior is learned, thus all behavior can be unlearned and new behaviors learned in its place. Behaviorism is concerned primarily with the observable and measurable aspects of human behavior. Therefore when behaviors become unacceptable, they can be unlearned.

Behaviorism combines elements of philosophy, methodology, and psychological theory. It emerged in the late nineteenth century as a reaction to depth psychology and other traditional forms of psychology, which often had difficulty making predictions that could be tested experimentally. The earliest derviatives of Behaviorism can be traced back to the late 1800s where Edward Thorndike pioneered the law of effect (a process that involved strengthening behavior through the use of reinforcement).

10. What are they key principles of Sociocultural Psychology?

Answer 10- It focuses on how environment and culture affect behaviour of thinking. At the sociocultural level of analysis social learning theory explains that people learn gender behaviour by watching how other people of their own sex behave. It also deals with how culture effects definitions of gender roles and may shape mental representation of gender.

11. What are the key ideas of Biological Psychology?

Answer 11- It focus on physiology and genetics. it explains differences in gender behaviour and genetic makeup (XX and XY chromosomes) and hormones (testorone and estrogen).



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