Chinese and Virgo Month Combination with Dragon Year

Chinese and Western Combinations

Virgo (Rooster) Month

Combination with Dragon Year:

"Study" Mercury, Earth, Mutable

"Take Charge" Yang-Positive Wood

Characteristics: Braggadocio, Good Health,

Volubility, Sentimentality, Crankiness, Enthusiasm,

Dissatisfaction, Pluck, Infatuation,


Decorum, Rigidity, Reserve, Mistrust, Success, NitPicking,




Meticulousness, Lucidity, Service, Negativism,


This is a combination of respectable fire. The Virgo-Dragon is a go-getter with one of

the sharpest minds you will meet. However, there is nothing prideful in their

demeanor. This combination is among the more interesting ones in terms of

complimentary characteristics. The Dragon carries a blade and is bloodthirsty. They

can zap or bomb nearly anything with their energy and power. The Virgo does not

exacerbate this. Rather it smoothes it over and makes it all appear socially

acceptable. It is not so much fire and air that characterizes this combination as it is fire

nicely appearing under a mantel of family photos. When young they may be soft and

kind and gentle. That phase does not last. They get cynical and occasionally

hazardous. Dead-ahead zeal is part of the cause of this. They refuse to be stopped

and they will bulldoze anything and anyone in their way. They do not show off and

they do not brag. If sparks begin coming out of the fireplace, be warned, there is still

fire in the Dragon-Virgo and lots of it. Getting them angry will result in a fiery tonguelashing and a person will likely get singed if not toasted. Clearly this means that a

romantic partnership with this combination will probably not be melodious. There is,

after all, a hint of egoism in the Dragon-Virgo. To add to the issue is the fact that

Virgo-Dragons are fussy and inflexible.

Romance: The Virgo-Dragon must circle the globe because their street is one way

and U-turns are not allowed. Watch, cheer and tune in, but you probably will end up

just another fan. The Virgo-Dragon is not the best romantic match for most people.

They are very attractive and have enormous sex appeal. That is not the problem. The

problem is that zeal for success and demand for career. The suitors and groupies are

put on hold. The phone calls are not returned.

Relationships: Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces-Dogs irritate and are probably not

good choices for this combination. Sagittarius and Pisces-Buffalos do not make the list

at all. Topping the list of romantic picks of the Virgo-Dragon are Rats. Among those,

Taurus and Capricorn-Rats are the best choices. Additional good choices are Taurus

and Cancer-Roosters as well as Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn-Monkeys. The

Scorpio-Snake is someone to keep an eye on.

Family Life: This combination makes very responsible parents but strict and

demanding. Their middle years bring a kind of sappiness to their nature. Or perhaps it

would be better to say they get easier going. Finally, as senior citizens, they spoil their

grandchildren horribly. The Virgo-Dragon has good taste and this will show in the

furniture; even though it is not the most comfortable you have used. It gets your

attention for its harsh nature. Everything is straight edge sharp. They enjoy visitors but

please call ahead and do not overstay your welcome. This combination blooms late in

the parenthood department.

Likelihood: This combination is focused and they are a well-directed person. They

breathe and eat fire at the appropriate moments; they are also generally fair about

things. Do not obstruct their path or make them angry. The Virgo-Dragon is

multitalented and consequently able to succeed at most anything. That means they

can be happy anywhere because they are the type that loves their work.

Famous Virgo/Dragons: Paul Williams, Raquel Welch, Jimmy Connors.


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