Class of 2023 Abbie Zuhlke Why do you want to be a member ...

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Abbie Zuhlke Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? SGA House is my home. As a member of house, I have grown as a campus leader and gained countless transferrable skills. Having an opportunity to work hand and hand with peers to make a genuine impact on the college experience of the student body is unparalleled. I have fallen in love with my role and I am eager to continue serving as a Representative in the future year. What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about? First, I would love to make SGA a well-known and approachable organization within the College of Education. I would love to host frequent events that bring the Education Reps in direct conversation with their constituents. Second, I would also love to form a stronger connection between SGA reps and college deans/faculty but encouraging monthly meetings. Finally, I would like to facilitate stronger partnerships between SGA and other student organizations on campus. Whether that be through funding or influence, we have the power to make change and we should use that power to help other student organizations.

Amelia Boatwright Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? I love TCU wholeheartedly, and having watched its ascent from relative obscurity in 2013 in the seventh grade to the well-known university it is today inspires me to continue the momentum into tomorrow. As a member of SGA, I would be able to combine my passion with that of other Frogs to carefully address issues and solve problems we face. I believe my patience and organization will help me be productive in committees, planning out and executing what needs to be done. To listen to representatives from across colleges would allow me to become more connected with the diverse groups on campus and learn about new perspectives on happenings at TCU. I hope that by gaining knowledge I can be a better classmate, roommate, and friend to all, while representing the best interests of students at this continually improving school. What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about? 1. More streamlined advising experience ? many lower division advisors are not well acquainted with upper division professor advisors and have trouble communicating course sequences further into the student's career. Have lists of upper division advising contacts that does not require a student to track down a point person. 2. Utilizing common areas for more events ? create a tradition of hosting at least 1 dance per semester that any student can attend. Establish a Scream Night in the Commons and Worth Hills common area the evening before finals week to allow students to express their emotions at an appointed time. 3. Reforming the meal plan system in regards to Frog Bucks and Campus Cash ? either combine into one system for use on and off campus or allow Campus Cash to be used for goods other than food at campus stores

Breana Adams Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? For the past two years, I've been a representative for the College of Communication and my involvement within SGA has greatly impacted my TCU experience and encouraged me to continue serving my community through this great organization. I have worked with incredible students, faculty members, and administrators at TCU on projects and pieces of legislation. The main reason I want to continue serving in SGA House of Representatives is to give back to the community that has given me so many experiences and learning opportunities and to continue making TCU a better campus for all students to feel welcomed and accepted. What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about?

1.) Having Representatives interact with their constituency on a regular basis in order to voice their concerns and opinions regarding their college and SGA as a whole. Hosting once a month open discussion would be a great opportunity for members of SGA to meet with their constituency and hear their viewpoints on issues. 2.) A project I would love to work on is having Inter-club council meetings with different organizations on campus. With Inter-club council meetings, I plan to hold a meeting with plenty of organizations on campus once a month to maintain an open dialogue between SGA and the student body. 3.) Advocating for in-person DEI training for all faculty, staff, and students that hold leadership positions within TCU's recognized organizations. From there, I would advocate for students to take one Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies course and have this be a Heritage, Mission, Vision, and Values core requirement.

Catherine Cunningham Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? I would like to be a member of the Student Government Associations House of Representatives because of the impact that I can continue to make as a member. This last year as a member of the House of Representatives, I have had the honor of voting on some incredibly impactful legislation, and be apart of some amazing projects, committees, and legislation. I hope to continue that work next year as a voting member of the House of Representatives. What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about? The first thing I would like to see implemented on campus is an annual blood drive. I am currently working on making this happen in my committee, but I would like to see this become a project that SGA is apart of year after year. I also would like to streamline campus dining and work with Sodexo to improve our current contract and add more privatized dining options. Finally, I would like to transition completely to electronic student IDs. This would allow students less stress, since when they lose their ID they are still able to get into buildings and purchase food from their IDs.

Charles Baggarly Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? I want to spread positivity and joy throughout campus. The house of representatives is a great platform for me to spread my message and to make an impact. I will do everything in my power to put smiles on the faces of TCU students. I will represent my constituency and place the desires of the people over my own needs and opinions. I will focus on creating change and fighting to ensure that our time at Texas Christian University is nothing short of legendary. What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about? I am passionate about the wellbeing of the students. I would like to start projects focused on student engagement, community building, and establishing relationships. The best thing about TCU is the people. The Horned Frog Family is a group like none other. I want to connect students with each other to maximize the potential of our great university and to form lasting bonds. Although our campus community is very strong, it can always be stronger. I want to fight to eliminate hate speech and to encourage people of different backgrounds to get to know each other. As a journalism major, I can also be a representative of TCU student media, to get important news out to the student body immediately.

Cole Mushegan Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? As an SGA Representative, I wish to help improve the lives of TCU students. Throughout my time at TCU, I have seen an amazing college, yet I have also seen ways that TCU can improve itself to help better the lives of their students. I wish to be apart of SGA so that way I can truly give my constituents the best college experience, that they could have. TCU hosts the greatest student body, it is time to give them the greatest college campus. What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about? First, I will work with the faculty to help create a universal standard for how teachers use D2L. Technology can enhance the learning experience, so we should create a standard that all teachers use, from where grades are posted to how assignments are assigned.

Second, I would like to create a way that students can use their Student ID card on their phone. By creating an Apple Pay system, students will be able to use their id for meal swipes.

Lastly, I want to create a system where students are able to reach out to their representatives directly for any problem that they may have, so that way SGA reps are not just bringing forth their ideas, but what their constituents want.

Delania Bellows Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? As someone who has been a member of the SGA House of Representatives for both my years here at TCU (freshman and sophomore), it has been one of the best experiences I have been a part of on campus. Every Tuesday I walk into a room filled with people who are passionate for wanting to make TCU better and work to provide an environment where students,

professors, and staff feel comfortable, happy, and noticed. Continuing my time on SGA would mean the ability to keep collaborating with my peers on projects that amplify the benefits TCU offers and to establish connections with members of all different major programs to create an inclusive environment. It is an association that I could not be prouder to be a member of and would love the opportunity to continue to serve the campus for another year. What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about? For the past year, I have been working on the Farmer's Market with the TCU Dining Committee. In the Fall it was a big success, and we are currently in the process of planning a bigger one for the Spring. Some of the members on the committee and I are contacting vendors that we think might have suitable products to sell to the student body, as well as food trucks that can bring unique and local foods to campus. I would also like to further explore the option of bring food chains to campus, preferably in Bluu 2. The students have been discussing their desire to have different restaurants come on campus and allow for meal swipes to be used when purchasing food. Lastly, I plan on adding more local businesses to Frog Bucks to allow for the TCU community to collaborate with and support the city of Fort Worth.

Ella Gibson Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? I want to be a member of the House of Representatives to be a voice for students across campus. I think that decisions made in SGA must be made in the best interest of the student body as a whole. Being a part of the House of Representatives is a special opportunity to be able to connect with your constituency, work with groups across our diverse campus and make decisions based upon student needs.The House of Representatives give students the opportunity to be heard. Furthermore, I would like to be a part of SGA to grow as a leader. The House of Representatives teaches important lessons of perseverance and respect that translate into the classroom, workplace and many other aspects of life. What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about? One project that I am passionate about is creating more opportunities for the student body to be involved in House. While the goal of SGA is to be a voice for the student body, many students don't know how to express their opinions to the House of Representatives. I think that the first step should be better communication between representatives and their respected constituency. Another project that I would like to work on is putting a greater focus on staff appreciation. I also would like to work to create better representation for the arts. While sports have proven to foster unity on our campus, I believe that the talent of the art departments is often overlooked and SGA should work to promote the work of these groups.

Eric Jiombwe Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? Leadership is all about influence and everyone has influence. Understanding how to use that influence is what distinguishes better leaders from good ones. With this knowledge, I am

driven to not only use my influence to make our community better but to most importantly help others become key partners in this cause. By everyone employing their influence selflessly, the challenges that our society still faces will be dissolved one by one. TCU is not a perfect institution, yet, its imperfections are opportunities that can unite and mobilize all of us to utilize our influence and make real contribution to eventually bring us a step closer to perfection. I am running to render my selfless contribution and play my part to cause. What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about? Creating and supporting events that seek to merge different and rather unique social groups into the general society to foster more cohesion. Creating safe spaces in which raw, vulnerable and authentic discussions can be made. Reaching out to other minorities in our societies and making it easier for them to contribute and champion diversity of the TCU community.

Emily Nunez Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? I would like to be a member of the SGA House of Representatives because I would like to represent the voice of my fellow students at TCU. I think it is important to have leaders that encourage new ideas and are able to listen to feedback to help further innovation at TCU. I would be able to do this and much more by having a seat in the house. I enjoy supporting student projects and organizations by helping them allocate funds and being a resource they can come to for help. I will be able to bring new ideas to SGA and hopefully organize new ways to innovate the Neeley School of Business or Class of 2023. Overall, I would love to be the voice of my fellow students in SGA by bringing new innovative ideas. What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about? Three things that I would want to change or bring to TCU's campus is normalizing safe sex and STD testing, easier help with mental illnesseses, and expand helping students with interviews and resumes. STD testing can be something scary that people may not want to do. I would like to organize something to help students be aware of places where they can get tested and be safe. I have also struggled a lot with mental problems, but it is not always easy for me to reach out for help. Instead of just going to the counselors on TCU's campus, it could be helpful to have students who other students can use as resources to talk and can be referred to better help if needed. I also think that Neeley does a pretty good job at helping with resumes and interviews, but my friends in different colleges don't get the same practice and it could be beneficial to organize an event where students can get help and practice with resumes and interviews.

Garret James Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? I want to be able to continue my work within SGA of building a better rapport with students of Harris College. As the currently Chaplain, I would love to be elected again and to help guide our student body spiritually. What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about?

1. The connection between representatives and their constituency. Why? I think it should be the huge backbone of SGA and people talk about it as if it is, but surely it is not. 2. A spiritual presence within TCU. Regardless of faith, I think in today's world, our society tells us not to care about our souls when this is so far from the truth. I want make spiritual health strong on this campus. 3. The relationship in the house in general. Representatives don't know who they are representing with. Meetings are awkward (and therefore inefficient to the student body) because the only time you see most of the people are only during meetings.

Kelly Mahoney Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? I want to continue my work on the SGA House of Representatives this coming year as a way to give back to TCU. This place has given me so much- friends that have turned into family, and a beautiful campus that turned into home, and I'm so beyond lucky to be here! We've all been struggling to connect with each other throughout the pandemic, but now that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, we can slowly return back to the TCU we know and love. More than anything, I want everyone in my constituency to feel welcome and loved by TCU. What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about? Three things I'm passionate about working on include camaraderie between classmates, safety on campus, and increasing mental health resources. I chose TCU because of their strong commitment to each of these, but with the year we've had, all three of these ideas have been thrown for a loop. I'm hoping to slowly incorporate these back into everyday life at TCU as cases continue to go down and we're able to come together more. It's an absolute joy to work to improve TCU, and I'm hoping to continue this meaningful work into the next year.

Lyvia Baldner Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? I was able to serve as a member of the SGA House this year for the first time. I can say this has been the highlight of my year. SGA is a way for me to make a difference in my TCU community. My favorite aspect of SGA is getting to represent my peers as their representative for the arts, which is usually underrepresented in colleges. I wish to serve again as a member of house to continue to bring more awareness to the arts What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about? The first thing I would seek to change at TCU is awareness for the arts. I hope to increase marketing for arts events and engage more members of the TCU community with the arts. I am also very passionate about fueling my body with nutritious food choices. I would love to increase availability of sustainable foods to the student body. As a dance major, we train similarly to athletes at TCU. I hope to make some one the added perks given to athletes available to dance majors, such as, grace from professors when class conflicts with rehearsals and gain entrance into the athlete dining hall!

Maddie Raney Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? Student Government Association: a poem Representing you would be a treat. I am no stranger to the seat. I've spent so much time for the House to shine. Vote Maddie `cause she'll bring the heat.

Bob Schieffer deserves some respect, and a rep with such high intellect. No one's like Maddie, she's a real baddie, and she'll get SGA back to correct. What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about? There are a few things I have noticed in my time at TCU as well as in SGA that need some of our attention. The first being increase STD awareness on campus. On this campus we draw a lot of attention to the health and wellness of students, but it seems like this awareness ends at sexual health. I would love to continue my work on a project approaching this issue into the coming semester. I also would like to increase communication between admin, SGA, and the student body. This is something SGA has been known to lack in and there is simply no excuse. Finally, I believe increasing voter turnout and student evolvement in SGA is something we should really strive for this year. Below is another fun poem, a haiku, for this question.

STD testing, more bagels at the press please and more vacation.

Maria Philip Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? I was this year and really enjoyed it What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about? more training for academic advisors, more mental health awareness and programing, continue positive programming

Marie Langer Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? I have really enjoyed my time thus far as a Neeley Representative and would love nothing more than to continue in this role. The friendships I have made as a part of this organization will be lifelong and I am forever grateful for that. I am proud to be a part of a team of individuals that are driven to make a positive change on campus and be a voice for the entire TCU community. I want to continue to be an advocate for students and carry on the amazing legacy that SGA has earned itself.

What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about? First, I would like to implement more convenient printing sources on campus beyond the library, particularly within the Neeley School of Business. There are no printing locations for undergraduates within Neeley, so students have to go to the library to print. I would like to put printers in the business school so students can print materials quickly and efficiently before their classes. Next, I would like to incorporate better dining options on campus. TCU has done a great job this year with bringing in more tasty outside vendors, such as the food trucks, but I would like to continue expanding on that. I would also like to encourage more campus-wide service events. I volunteer at a local animal shelter every Saturday and am currently creating teams for a Walk-a-Thon that will raise money for the dogs. We could do something similar to this, a TCU Walk-a-Thon, to raise money for a cause and unite the student body.

Martin Vershel Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? I want to continue to fight for what students want SGA to do, while creating a healthy balance of professionalism and fun! What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about? Transforming SGA into a more user friendly resource, Cultivating a more accessible and inclusive environment on campus, and Uniting students through shared interests!

Wyatt Reiter Why do you want to be a member of the House of Representatives? After having had an incredible experience serving as AddRan College of Liberal Arts representative this past year, I would love to return again to serve my class, college, and university. Being in the HOR has allowed me the opportunity to see how valuable SGA is to advocating for students by serving as a representative of their voices and I am passionate about continuing to reach more members of the student body in this role. I find that my interests in serving the Horned Frog community that I have learned to call home, have led me to want to continue my position in HOR. Additionally, I believe that I am someone who is willing to give my time and effort to consistently making SGA a better program and working for whichever committee I am a part of. What are three things you want to change on campus/ projects you are passionate about? Although I have a lot of love for our campus community, there are a few areas I am passionate about developing, for the better. One such area is on-campus dining, a facet I plan to continue to work in as we look to add a chain/local restaurant to our campus, something I have worked on as a member of our Dining Committee and am committed to continued service here. Additionally, I would like to see the Community Commons project continue into next Fall even if we are able to live with less COVID-19 restrictions; I have found that it has brought together a wide variety of TCU students and staff, while being well received by each. Lastly, I would also like to work towards the addition of desk shields in certain


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