2021 VCAL Quality Assurance Work Related Skills : Unit 2 ...

2021 VCAL Quality Assurance Work Related Skills : Unit 2 - Foundation.Provider Name Insert TextPlease note: Quality Assurance (QA) is an integral part of the implementation of the VCAL certificate. Full participation in the annual VCAL QA process is a requirement for authorisation to deliver VCAL. All principals/directors must therefore allow appropriate staff to participate in the VCAL QA process and attend VCAL QA meetings as required. The VCAA strongly recommends that the teacher who completes the QA documentation also attend the QA meeting/s. Failure to participate in the VCAL QA process may trigger a VCAA audit of the VCAL Learning program and / or reassessment of authorisation to deliver VCAL. For more information, please contact the VCAL Unit at vcaa.vcal@education..au The VCAL Quality Assurance (QA) process ensures a common understanding and consistency among teachers on assessment judgements and the design of assessment tasks for the three VCAL levels.The VCAL QA process is based on providers submitting a sample of tasks / activities and evidence of student learning used within a VCAL curriculum unit to their regional QA panel. It does not need to include all tasks / activities and evidence of learning from the course. It is a snapshot of the learning program. The tasks / activities and evidence of student learning that is submitted for VCAL QA should, however, stand alone and not require further explanation to the QA panel. Sufficient detail must therefore be included to give a clear idea of how the tasks/activities meet the learning outcomes and elements and to allow the QA panel to validate the template as being at the appropriate level and having sufficient rigour. Wherever possible, all elements within a Learning Outcome should be achieved in the one assessment task.Key VCAL QA terminology For the UnitTask / project overview This brief description provides the QA panel with an overview of the learning across the unit, including the tasks / projects / theme etc. Level of teacher support in relation to the task / projectVCAL qualification levels have differing expectations of teacher support and student independence. These sections require definitions of both and must align with the certificate level of the unit. Student roles and responsibilities in relation to the task / projectFor each Learning OutcomeTask Description This brief description is of the specific task where students will demonstrate achievement of the Learning Outcome. Activities to demonstrate achievement of elementsThis is a sample of tasks / activities that students will complete in order to demonstrate the achievement of the element. Evidence to demonstrate achievement of elementsThis is a sample of the evidence that will support the assessor’s claim that a student has achieved an element. This can include, but is not limited to, direct observation, written work, oral presentations object production and project implementation. Provider detailsProvider nameTeacher nameTeacher emailTeaching VCAL for the 1st time Yes / NoTeaching this VCAL unit for the 1st timeYes / NoUnit overviewTask / project overview: (100 words maximum)Level of teacher support in relation to this task / project Student roles and responsibilities in relation to the task / project Learning outcome 1Work in a team to plan and organise a simple work-related activity.Task Description:ElementsActivities to demonstrate achievement of elementsEvidence to demonstrate achievement of elements1.1brainstorm and explore possibilities for a simple work-related activity 1.2identify and work collaboratively to select the activity1.3outline technology required for the activity1.4work in a team to identify roles and responsibilities for the activity1.5work collaboratively to develop a plan for the activity, outlining organisational details involved, and communicate the proposal, seeking feedback.Learning outcome 2Identify and demonstrate employability skills required for a simple work-related activity.Task Description:ElementsActivities to demonstrate achievement of elementsEvidence to demonstrate achievement of elements2.1discuss and identify employability skills required for a simple work-related activity2.2describe employability skills required for the activity2.3demonstrate selected employability skills in the activity2.4evaluate how the employability skills were used in the activity.Learning outcome 3Identify workplace issues relevant to a simple work-related activity. Task Description:ElementsActivities to demonstrate achievement of elementsEvidence to demonstrate achievement of elements3.1conduct an OHS risk assessment for a simple work-related activity3.2identify other possible issues that may arise from the activity3.3suggest possible solutions to address identified potential issues3.4identify the social and ethical considerations for the responsible use of technology within the activity.Learning outcome 4Work in a team to complete a simple work-related activity.Task Description:ElementsActivities to demonstrate achievement of elementsEvidence to demonstrate achievement of elements4.1carry out a simple work-related activity within agreed timeframes4.2use appropriate technology collaboratively in the activity4.3manage own tasks within the activity4.4evaluate the effectiveness of the activity.Learning outcome 5Review the process and outcome of a simple work-related activity.Task Description:ElementsActivities to demonstrate achievement of elementsEvidence to demonstrate achievement of elements5.1review the organisation and implementation of a simple work-related activity5.2review the problem-solving process used in the activity5.3review own and team effectiveness in achieving the desired outcome of the activity5.4review the use of technology in the activity5.5identify employability skills used within the activity that can be transferred to other work contexts.Learning outcome 6Prepare, plan and deliver a presentation on a completed simple work-related activity.Task Description:ElementsActivities to demonstrate achievement of elementsEvidence to demonstrate achievement of elements6.1prepare and plan for a presentation on a simple work-related activity6.2give a presentation on the completed work-related activity6.3explain the planning process of the activity6.4describe the implementation of the activity6.5identify the outcomes of the activity. ................

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