A House Construction - Homework For You

4000310515center 3300095000 420003263900175001760220A House Construction 00A House Construction 21640802868930Musab AlotaibiAMS 4904-27-184000020000Musab AlotaibiAMS 4904-27-18IntroductionWith the rising mortgage costs, I decided to construct my own home to reduce on the costs building and construction. I found it as the only alternative to become my own home manager by owning a home that was built according to my demands and desires. First of all, I made sure I have enough financial resources before I went looking for professional contractors. All I wanted was to construct an affordable house, one I would be proud of and one that would be constructed according to my general requirements. I would have loved to go for a mortgage but given the fact that I am not an already established individual who could afford paying back the huge monthly installments, I chose to go the long way, do it from my own savings. I knew that building my house would mean quality assurance and following the current upsurge of new modern-day building technologies, I found the cost of putting up my own house much cheaper than having to buy one already constructed. I knew that I would need enough money to complete my house, so I had to make sure that I save enough money so as not to be affected financially during the process of construction. By building my own house, I knew I was erecting an asset that would be there for many years. That was reason enough to do it in my own way. In accordance to Abram (1964), “a house is not just a shelter, but it is also a section of the overall neighborhood fabrication of life and social being.” Owning a house touches upon our economical facets in various ways. It creates a sense of development in us and those around us. Owning a house provides essential social contacts, presentable images and acts as an indicator of social status. Owning a house highlights major family budget portions and gives us a sense of belonging since the house becomes our tangible asset material. It is because of such reasons that I decided to build my own house and own it with a sense of pride.Research ReviewThe issue of house ownership has become very important in today’s world. Creation of own homes has become a driving force to all the most fortunate and the least. Everyone wants to own a house. In order to achieve this, many are putting in mind the most important aspects stated right from the onset of the idea to understand the significance of erecting and owning a home.Primarily, home building is quite critical more so in low cost housing areas due to lack of enough space. So for one to put up a good home, space must be put in focus. It is because of lack of space that many people are finding it hard to build homes in areas they value most. Putting up a home in a high density residential area is taken to be as an extension of neighborliness and this promotes some form of attachment, attention, and speculations (Brunson, Kuo, & Sullivan, 2001; Cloutier-Fisher & Harvey, 2008; Mee, 2007). House ownership is a fundamental process that generates important components of social existence. It generates and promotes vital social existence. House ownership satisfies some of our humanistic desires by providing us with good shelter. It also satisfies our psychological wellbeing, promotes our social status hence giving us a sense of self-actualization. (Israel, 2003). As human beings, our needs are influenced by our personal, cultural, and societal backgrounds, our values, and styles. Such are the reasons that determine the goals that we set when thinking of our ideal homes. (Festinger, Schachter, & Back, 1950; Israel, 2003; Priemus, 1986). The only major problem that affects the desire to own a house is the lack of resources and space. Not all people are blessed in equal measures.A home is notably a process of establishing oneself in a manner that befits his or her own physical and social wellbeing. The process involved is basically referred to us home making (Steel, 1981) and place experience (Cloutier-Fisher & Harvey, 2008). Home owning affords one the space in the manner of self-development and maintenance of social wellbeing. It creates good relationships and advance of social ties due self-identification that comes with home ownership. Territories are identified and personalized due to the appropriation of home ownership. Research methodologyI started the idea of constructing my own house by saving enough money for it. The most important thing is that I had some viable piece of land given to me by my father. After I realized that the money was enough, I did engage a contractor for the technical part. All I wanted was to have the best that my financial powers could afford and with some good advice from various people, opted for structural insulated panel technology. I found it convenient since it allowed for more flexibility of designing a house according to my taste using an effective technology that would cut down housing costs. I also went ahead and did more extensive research on various latest design models and after finding the one that was appealing to me, I shared it with my chosen architect who later designed it according to my desires. I did also decide on reading various literature materials from building and construction fields that would contribute to my final decision on the kind of house I would want to be built. I had to read more on the environmental issues concerning my area since this would affect the end product if caution is not taken. I had to also read more on geographical concerns in relation to landscaping, urban planning literature since my site of construction was located in an urban area. All I needed was to end up with the best putting in mind the administrative demands.I did do a consultative meeting with various people connected to building and construction. I met the area engineer just to be sure that I am abreast of with administrative requirements. Went further to meet various plumbers and other constructions people so that I could compare their prices before embarking on those that I would find affordable and trustworthy. I checked on various building materials and the providers and came up with a viable number that I could rely on. After all that, I decided to hand over the forthcoming steps to the contractor and the architect so that they could carry on with the work but under my supervision. I wanted the best and to get the best I had to be sure of each step of progress. Research findings and resultsIn the modern day, the construction of a house needs exclusive research on high quality building materials. This will ensure that the house constructed is secure to live in and also strong for a longer life extent. After thorough research of building materials of a decent house, I came up with a list of all the vital materials needed for the construction of a modern home. The materials are not specific to any company as the same quality of materials maybe produced by several companies. Some of the materials maybe omitted in my list which means the list maybe subject to change at present or in the future. Services and productsRequirementCOSTEquipmentDrills, concrete mixers, wheelbarrows, spades$9,000MaterialsSand, steel, cement, ballast, wood among others$35,000TransportationNeeded for material delivery$3900Software resourcesRequired to design the house$2,000Project process assetContains the standards, templates, policies to guide the project process to ensure better and efficient utilisation of time and resources$1100Human resourceTo provide labour for the project$40,000TOTAL $91,000Comparing the rate at which houses are being rebuild in the United States to those in the old Europe, I found out that many houses in the United States were being built with CMU blocks and wood. This is because wood is a locally available construction material which is inexpensive. On this research I found that concrete houses are long lasting than the wood ones. The concrete homes are however more economical on the long run and have several advantages. They are easily modified to suit the desires of the owner even after the construction of the home is done. They are also hardy and can withstand most elements of destruction. There are several materials used for floor construction of a house namely; cement and lime, bricks, ceramics, marble, glass, and plastic mud among others. These floors differ in terms of construction cost, beauty, and durability. For instance, the mud floor is cheap and easy to construct but when finished is less presentable than other expensively constructed floor like that of glass or marble. In my case I prefer use of ceramics which is moderately expensive to purchase and construct with, it is durable, and it is beautiful to the eye when finished.Construction of a firm wall is inevitable when constructing a home for a few generations to come and a modern one at the same time. I found that the most appropriate technology for this particular construction is using cement and concrete blocks or stones. This will produce a strong wall which will stand off against destructive elements for instance the termites that eat wooden constructions thus destroying houses. This wall will be constructed in such a way that any color or home décor will be easily installed.Metal bars may be used to design the roofing of the house. There exist other materials like the wood which is locally available at a cheaper price. The wood however is not long lasting and may also not be able to withstand destructive agents as compared to metal bars. The choice of the correct size and material of the metal bars will allow for easy installation of a roofing material and design. This will also enable for easy finishing and decoration of the interior. On the roofing part, there are many different roofing types to consider. These types are; solar tiles, asphalt shingles, metal roofing, stone coated steel, green roofs, rubber slate, clay and concrete tiles among others. The choice of these types will depend entirely by the owner’s choice and preferences. For instance, one may consider installing metal roofing to asphalt shingles or one may decide to install the stone coated steel roof. In this particular research I found the advanced solar collectors which integrate seamlessly into shingles that already exist most suitable than other types of roofs. The solar tiles serve the purpose of roofing and act as a source of energy. These tiles are capable of generating up to 1 kilowatt of energy per 100 square feet. The solar tiles cost more than traditional solar options but in the long run they help in offsetting the energy costs. The roof may also be designed in such a way that it can harvest rain water which will be made possible by installation of tanks which will also lower water bills in cases where water tariffs apply.At the entrance, what matters most is the type, the design and the color of the door. There exists several types of doors and doorframes made from different materials. Some of these types are; fiberglass, wood which maybe softwood or hardwood, vinyl and aluminum doors. These doors come in different designs and for this report I decided to pick two types namely, fiberglass and wooden doors. Fiberglass is a classy door made to withstand years without scratch. They come in different colors and it is also possible for it to be painted to match with any home décor. This type of door is suitable as the front door since it has two layers of glass which conducts minimum heat and cold. The wood door on the other hand will be suitable for other interior doors which will be painted to match with the home décor. These doors will be of hardwood material for a long lasting service.The compound is another crucial part of any home. I found out that blocks which are interconnected to produce a nice compound are the best compared to the complete cementing of the compound. This will allow for infiltration of a considerable amount of water in a rain event which will reduce surface runoff thus avoiding flooding. The interlocking blocks provide an easy way of making the compound floor and come in different colors for decoration. This will save on the purchasing of paint.Conclusion.The house constructed by the above findings is not complete and therefore needs a little work for it to be complete. This will involve the installation of a security system e.g mortion sensor, safety measure e.g fire alarms, decoration of the interior and also the compound among others.These finding are therefore not limited and therefore are subject to addition. My assumption when doing this research was that all materials exists at one place. However, in real life this is not the case. The cost of all the above-named materials may also differ according to where a person decides to purchase from. Transport cost of the material may also make a difference in overall cost of the house. TaskStartEndDurationNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilContract writing3/11/174/11/171Contract signing5/11/20176/11/171Secure financing6/11/20179/11/173Obtain permit10/11/201711/11/20172Site work14/11/201715/2/1889Plumbing18/2/201828/2/1810Electrical1/3/20185/3/184Roof6/3/201824/3/1818Inspection26/3/201830/3/184Move in5/4/201815/4/18ReferencesBrown, B., Perkins, D., & Brown, G. (2003). Place attachment in a revitalizing neighborhood: Individual and block levels of analysis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 23(3), 259-271. Brown, B. B., & Werner, C. M. (1985). Social Cohesiveness, Territoriality, and Holiday Decorations: The Influence of Cul-de-Sacs. Environment and Behavior, 17(5), 539-565.Brunson, L., Kuo, F., & Sullivan, W. (2001). Resident Appropriation of Defensible Space in Public Housing: Implications for Safety and Community. Environment and Behavior, 33(5), 626.Cloutier-Fisher, D., & Harvey, J. (2008). Home beyond the house: Experiences of place in an evolving retirement community. Journal of Environmental Psychology, In Press, Corrected Proof. ................

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