Blood Typing

Blood Typing Name:

Antigen— any foreign material that stimulates an immune response & the production of antibodies

Antibodies— chemicals that inactivate foreign materials

Although all blood looks the same, there are different proteins in it. In humans, blood typing is based on 2 proteins, which are found in the red blood cells. These proteins are designated protein and .

These proteins have no known effect on the function of the RBC’s. There are main blood types in humans (and many types). If you don’t have one of these proteins in your blood, you will make antibodies against it/them. So, if you don’t have protein B, you will make an antibody against it called anti b and if you don’t have protein A, you will make an antibody against it called anti a.

|Protein (in rbc) |Blood Type |You will produce these antibodies in your plasma |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Agglutination (clumping)

Remember gr. 11 immunity…the job of the antibody is to prevent the antigen (foreign material) from attacking cells. One way it does this is by

So, if protein A comes into contact with anti a, agglutination occurs…the red blood cells …now blood is not going to work or flow very well!

Blood Transfusion— giving blood to another individual

This is a very valuable tool and has saved millions and millions of lives. Through trial and error and other techniques, it was found that sometimes blood transfusions work and sometimes they don’t…

|Type |A |B |AB |O |

|A | | | | |

|B | | | | |

|AB | | | | |

|O | | | | |


If the wrong type of blood is given, it is very dangerous as it…

Rh Factor

A 2nd factor found to affect blood transfusions is the Rh factor. Scientists studying the blood of found another protein in their blood. Scientists studying human blood then started searching for this protein…and found that some humans had it, some didn’t. They designated this protein People without it are designated . If you don’t have this protein…you don’t like it…& will make an antibody against it ( )

|rbc |plasma |

| | |

| | |

|rH factor |rH + |rH – |

| |(no antibodies) |(makes anti d) |

|rH + | | |

|rH - | | |

Therefore, in a blood transfusion, we also must match people for the Rh factor. You cannot throw blood into a person as anti d will react.

Blood Typing

Process: Add a drop of blood to each area. Add a drop of

anti a, anti b and anti d to one each. You can tell the blood

type from these 3 reactions by watching where clumping is.

Rare blood types—there are also many rare blood types in the world. These people are always donating their blood to store in case of an accident. A blood registry exists… for example, there might only be 5 people in North America with a certain blood type…if one gets hurt, all persons on the registry for that type will be called so they can donate…blood gets flown in.


This is a very rare condition that may occur if the mother is and the biological father is

. (And baby must be rH+)

Recall: blood never mixes between mother and baby so the baby’s blood can be a different blood type.

During the birthing process, however, bleeding occurs as the placenta gets ripped and torn. Some of the baby’s blood (Rh+) can get into the mom’s blood (Rh-) so the mom will make anti d antibodies against it. Mom will be OK. However, in subsequent pregnancies, anti d (which now exists in the mom’s blood) can pass through the placenta and diffuse into the baby’s blood. If the baby is Rh+ and is now exposed to anti d, what will happen??


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