Doctoral Degree Count Down

Doctoral Degree Check ListCoursework:Students must complete 36 credit hours of coursework within 5 years to complete residency. Eight courses in English beyond M.A (24 credit hours).Any appropriate ENG class at the 500-, 600-, or 700-level can count toward the PhD. HOTEL and Old English (or other linguistics courses) might be appropriate for some students, for instance. ENG 600 might also be appropriate for some students. Most students will satisfy their PhD coursework requirement with ENG literature classes. ENG 609 and 610 are elective courses required for teaching in the Writing Program and in the introductory literature series, respectively. They are not required for graduation from the PhD program, and they do not count toward PhD coursework.Maximum of 2 courses outside of English (approved by the Graduate Committee)One foreign language See the Graduate Studies Office about getting your foreign language posted on your transcript. This must be done before students can sit for their qualifying exams. Most students either take graduate reading level classes or have taken four consecutive language classes as an undergraduate. For other ways to fulfill the requirement, check out this webpage: (page 44).Appoint an advisory committee no later than one year prior to the Qualifying Exam or when one accumulates 18 credit hours.Must have four members total (three English and one outside member with three of the four having full graduate faculty status). You can check on graduate faculty status here, under ENG: to this website to create your advisory committee: . You can also revise your committee here. Your submission will go to the DGS for approval who will then forward the form to the Graduate School. Remember to carbon copy (cc) the Graduate Studies Assistant so he/she can put a copy in your student file.Written Qualifying Exams:Obtain the qualifying exam lists in your areas from the Graduate Studies Office. PDF copies of all the exams lists are available at this link: who enroll into the PhD program Fall 2005 or after have five years from the semester they enter to take their qualifying exams.Ensure all coursework is finished, and there are no “I” or “S” grades in credit-bearing courses.Student must have foreign language posted.Once the student has the approval of their dissertation chair and committee, the student will work with the Graduate Studies assistant to schedule both the written and oral parts of the qualifying exam. Schedule 1343 POT for two days to take written exam (Historical and Topical). There may be up to seven days between the exam dates, exams are from 8 AM – 4:30 PM. Inform the chair of the exam dates so questions can be submitted to the Graduate Studies Assistant at least one day in advance of the exam. (The outside member has the option of contributing a question.)Also, notify the Graduate Studies Assistant to schedule the oral exam. The oral exam (based on the written exam) will generally take the week after the written exam. No later than two weeks before the exam, schedule the Qualifying Exam with the Graduate School at this link: . Please cc the Graduate Studies Assistant so s/he can put a copy in the student’s file. The Graduate School will use this form to generate an exam card. The exam is distributed to advisory committee members via email. Students may repeat any failed portion of the exam. The second exam must be taken with 4 months – one year after the initial exam. If a student fails the oral exam, s/he may repeat it only once.Student is admitted to candidacy for the doctoral degree upon successful completion of Qualifying Exam.Student must register for ENG 767 after the exam is completed. (Students can register for ENG 767 the semester they plan to take their Qualifying Exam as long as they schedule the exam with the Graduate School during the first six weeks of the semester. The exam can occur anytime during the semester.) Dissertation Scrutiny:The Dissertation Scrutiny is a defense of the dissertation prospectus. It should occur the semester after the Qualifying Exam. The Scrutiny focuses on the dissertation prospectus, topic, and context. Students shall write a dissertation prospectus. The prospectus is a substantial document (15-20 pp., not including bibliography) that sets forth the problem or issue to be explored, indicates its importance and originality, describes the methodology to be used, and includes a tentative yet conscientious chapter outline and a bibliography of primary and secondary sources.Once students have the advisory chair’s approval, they should schedule the Scrutiny with the Graduate Studies assistant. Doctoral Final Examination:Students must submit the application for degree the semester they wish to graduate within 30 days of the beginning of the semester in which you wish you graduate. To apply for the degree, you must apply online at myUK () RecordsGraduate Degree Application.? The Application for Degree is valid for only one semester. Student must submit “Notification of Intent to Schedule a Final Doctoral Examination” online at least eight weeks prior to the exam: (). Once the form is received in the Graduate School, an assistant dean will appoint the outside examiner. (Student, DGS, and Graduate Studies assistant will be notified via email.) The outside examiner who is usually a faculty member outside English makes sure that university rules are followed during the PhD final exam process. He or she should be included in scheduling and treated like other advisory committee members. One month prior to the proposed exam weeks, the student must notify the Graduate Studies office of intent to defend so that the exam time and date can be scheduled. After the chair and advisory committee have approved that the student is ready to proceed to the defense, the student must schedule the final exam with the Graduate School: to cc the Graduate Studies assistant so a copy will be placed in the student file.The majority opinion of the Graduate Faculty members of the advisory committee prevails, and if they are evenly divided, the candidate fails. See the Graduate Bulletin for procedures in the event of failure: student should refer to this website to find out the formatting rules for the dissertation: student must submit a revised copy of the dissertation for a final format check with the Degree Certification Officer for English in the Graduate School. Once any format revisions are made, two final copies of the dissertation with DGS’s and Chair’s signatures must be presented to the Graduate School within 60 days of the completed exam or by the end of the semester, whichever comes first. ................

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