MPH Degree Program

MPH/GC-PHP Degree Programs

Petition and Authorization for Directed Study

This form should be filled out and approved by the Directed Study faculty supervisor, graduate academic advisor, and program director. Registration in the directed study will be authorized when all steps have been completed.

Directed study is generally authorized only for the advanced student who has an important area of knowledge and/or work that should be included in his graduate program and which cannot be provided through available courses, who has satisfactory scholarship, and who has demonstrated creative and critical ability for such study. The instructor should authorize a directed study only if he/she can give the student the individual time and assistance necessary to carry it to completion.

The plan for the directed study is indicated below and should outline the study, the evaluation method, and the significance to the student’s program.

|Name: |ID No. |Date: |

|Number of credits to be earned (1-2 credits preferred): |

|Directed Study registration date: (Fall, Winter, Spring-Summer/Year): |

|Directed Study date of completion: |

Title of Directed Study:

DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY (Develop the Directed Study Proposal in collaboration with the faculty supervisor listing the methods, evidence, and timeline by which the student’s performance will be assessed. The Directed Study Proposal also includes learning objectives, activities, products and the evaluation plan.)

Use additional pages as required:


Directed Study Approval Typed Name and Access ID signifies approval

|APPROVED By DIRECTED STUDY Faculty Supervisor (Type Name): | | |

|APPROVED BY ADVISOR (Type Name): |Access ID: |Date: |

|APPROVED BY MPH DIRECTOR (Type Name): |Access ID: |Date: |


The above registration was authorized by ______________________________ Date:_________________

School of Medicine Graduate Officer or designee


This report serves two purposes. First, it services in lieu of a course description in courses which do not carry descriptions. It is required under the principle that the University must keep a record of the work of each student in each course in graduate programs. Second, it affords a means whereby each student will receive appropriate permission for the assistance in planning his/her study.

Directed study is generally authorized only for the advanced student who has an important area of knowledge an/or work that should be included in his graduate program and which cannot be provided through available courses, who has satisfactory scholarship, and who has demonstrated creative and critical ability for such study. The adviser should authorize a directed study only if he/she can give the student the individual time and assistance necessary to carry it to completion.


Directed Study is excellent procedure in graduate work provided it is in accordance with all of these criteria:

1. The study must be in or related to the student's major field, and be a significant body of knowledge and/or work relevant to his/her degree program, his/her purposes and his/her objectives.

1. The study must be at an advanced academic or professional level. It cannot duplicate work in any course previously taken or that will be available while the student is earning his/her degree.


1. Registration in Directed Study must be approved by the adviser and be authorized by the appropriate Graduate Officer before the student registers in it. The study must be under the adviser's supervision unless he/she makes arrangements in advance that some other member of the faculty in "regular" graduate status will direct the study.

1. Before the student can register he/she must confer with his/her adviser, the proposed study must be carefully planned, the availability of necessary materials should be verified and the procedure for certifying credit, i.e., special examination or report should be agreed upon.

1. Hours of credit should be estimated conservatively before the student registers.

The appropriate amount of credit cannot always be determined in advance, but in no case should an hour of credit be certified for less than 64 clock hours of effective and intensive work.

If the student registered for either fewer or more hours of credit than are warranted, after the study is completed, he/she should submit an ADD/DROP FORM and either add or drop the appropriate number of hours. If the student has registered for more hours than the completed study warrants, no refund will be allowed for the excess hours.


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