National Council for Special Education – Working to ...

Pace learning appropriately, model, practice etc.: Use direct and explicit teaching methodologies with regular practice. Pacing must be judged by the teacher. Sight word approach/Regular word approach: emphasising the difference between the need to learn sight words as whole words (that still may have chunks), and regular words where rules apply. Having these words/lists that have been learned displayed around the room or available to them can be a useful reference for students. Identify patterns from error analysis: This is an essential starting point where the assessment will point to the student ‘default’ in terms of spelling. It will give the teacher a good starting point to understand the type of errors that individual students make. It would be beneficial to discuss these with older students to help them understand the kinds of errors they make.Link spelling to phonic teaching: Group words with regular patterns and patterns. Use Key words as associations. Draw attention to spelling choices. For irregular words in which a 'sound' may be written in different ways, you can help by giving the words in ‘families’ in the same way as you did for reading. Let the pupils use different colours to show similar correspondences, for example, for the various spellings of the long vowel [???]:acorn,?alien,?apron …rain, train, saint...eight, neigh,?eighteen…say, stay, play…Then, for the less frequent spellings:reign, veil, reins …grey, obey, prey …Then, for the exceptions:steak, great, breakTeach spelling rules directly and explicitly as appropriate and refer to them as a guide for spelling Learn in syllable chunks: Consciously break the words into syllables, and practicing spellings in this way. For teaching the spelling of regular words, the multisensory routine SOS (Simultaneous Oral Spelling) is effective. It was developed by Gillingham and Stillman.There are several variants of SOS, but they contain at least the following steps:the teacher says the wordthe pupils repeat the word and then name the lettersthe pupils name the letters?at the same time as?they write them down in cursive writingthe pupils check if they have spelt the word correctlyThis technique helps establish associations between the auditory, the oral-kinaesthetic (through repetition), and manual-kinaesthetic (naming letters as they write) modalities.Teaching irregular wordsThere are several multisensory methods for teaching irregular words where Simultaneous Oral Spelling strategy cannot be used on account of the irregular ‘letter’-‘sound’ correspondences. Different methods suit different children. Here are some examples:Fernald's (1943) Method of Teaching Irregular Word:spupils receive large cards on which the word is written in cursive style (possibly from a ‘pack of irregular words’ for reading)the word is divided into syllables with a pencilthe pupils follow the letters with the finger of the writing hand, saying each syllable as they trace itthey repeat this action several times until they sense that they can spell the wordthe card is hidden and the pupils write the word from memory as they say itif the spelling is correct, they repeat the action by tracing the word with their fingerthe word should then be practised in contextThis procedure trains the auditory and manual-kinaesthetic modalities.Another example, which has many variants, is known as LCWC: Look, Cover, Write, Check.Example of LCWC routine for spelling irregular words,?as described in the?Dyslexia Institute Learning Programme?from Dyslexia Actionthe teacher shows the word for several seconds, asking the pupils to look carefullythe pupils say the wordthe pupils name the letters in the word (spelling out loud)the pupils copy the wordboth teacher and pupils hide the wordthe pupils repeat the wordthe pupils spell the wordthe pupils write the word againthe teacher shows the word again and the pupils check their ownspellingThe different steps are repeated until the pupils can spell the word. This routine can be practised as a game by playing an ‘accordion’ on a large sheet as the children copy the word (the fourth step above), bend over the ‘key’ on to the word to hide it, and then write it. If the answer is wrong they bend the ‘key’ back out again and repeat the step. The game is played to make the smallest possible accordion in the time given. When teaching irregular words, internationally recognized experts like Bevé Hornsby and Tony Buzan advise going through the routine and repeating it at increasingly longer intervals.Mnemonics: Useful for irregular words. These are helpful for students to make connections to problem words. There are also lots of well-established ones e.g. Because = Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants ................

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