Mercer County Community College

Homework - Ch. 1 – Why Computers Matter to you

Write an answer to the following question. Your answer must be typed and at least 300-words (1 page, double-spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt. font). This assignment is worth 10 points.

Career Outlook

Which career fields are growing the fastest? (Suggestion: Try searching at .) Which fields are growing fastest in the state where you live? What computer skills and knowledge do the top 10 career paths demand? What kinds of continuing training in technology can you imagine would be required as you progress in these careers?

Grading Rubric:

| |Points |

|Length of essay | |

|2 – Exceeds minimum requirement | |

|1 – Meets minimum requirement | |

|0 – Below minimum requirement | |

|Format of document | |

|2 – Document formatting is adequate (cover pg, heading, essay construction, page setup) | |

|1 – Document formatting is fair | |

|0 – Document formatting is not adequate | |

|Completion of essay | |

|6 – Thorough answer (considers all points of view) | |

|5 – Good answer | |

|4 – Poor answer | |

|2 – Incomplete answer | |

|0 – No answer | |

|Final Homework grade | |


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