The Already and The Not Yet | stories from the middle at ...

OriginsDo you see the planet you're standing on? Who created it is what you're probably wondering. Today I'm going to discuss some of the beliefs of the ancients and people we see today. Beliefs ranged from a turtle holding up the earth to the Big Bang theory. I guess people started to get curious in the ancient years so they started telling stories to show their beliefs in different origins.The Big Bang theory is what most scientists believe in because it just has more facts than the rest. The Big Bang is a theory that says in the beginning there was a little dot the size of a period on a notebook. It was carrying the mass of our universe but one day just exploded to create everything. Most scientists (Christian and non-Christian) believe in this theory. The only way that this was possible to me is if God put that dot there with all the mass.Of course not everyone believes in this theory. So those who don't have this belief asked questions. Some questions are still unanswered. One of those questions is “What caused the Big Bang?” which means who caused the dot in the sky? Part of the Big Bang theory is that there is a possibility that the universe will keep on expanding and people are wondering “what will happen if the universe kept on expanding?” I would like this answered as well. Questions like these are very powerful. I was really shocked to hear my teacher teach about this theory but he taught me to listen to what others scientists and Christians are saying. I found it really weird when we learned about the ancient stories like the turtle because they were really confusing and some didn't even talk about the universe being created at least the one I read.I'm really most interested in what the Bible says because it's still hard for me to imagine the whole universe in one dot. Also the Bible said it took 7 days for the universe to be created but this had to take millions and millions possibly even billions of years to create. But God could have put that dot in the sky so I think the Big Bang is possible. --Andrew-- ................

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