Expansion of the Roman Empire & Trade

Expansion of the Roman Empire & Trade

Augustan Age

After Augustus became emperor, the Roman Empire grew ___________and___________________, and life improved for the Roman people.

The Roman Empire

The Roman Empire ______________ over three continents:

Pax Romana

A period of ____________ and ________________ in the cities and the country.

• The first 200 years of the Roman Empire were a time of peace called the ________________________________.

• During this time, trade increased and people became wealthy.

• This positively affected life in the cities and in the country.

The Roman Empire Expands

• The Roman Empire expanded to control the entire _________________________ ___________________________.

• Trade increased in Rome, both within the empire and with other people.

• Traders travelled by land and sea and connecting_______________, ________________, and _____________________ throughout the Empire.

Trade Routes

Rome improved trade routes within its Empire by building:

• A vast system of ___________________


Traders brought _______________ from all over the _____________________

• Spain-wine, olive oil, copper, and gold

• Britain-tin and wool

• Gaul (France)-olives, wine, grain, glass, and pottery

• Asia Minor-wool, linen, timber

• Egypt-papyrus

Traders brought __________________ from __________________ the empire.

• Africa-gold, incense, ivory,

• China/India- spices, silk, tea, porcelain

Currency System

• Coins helped to _____________________ trade throughout the empire.

• Coins made it easier to trade ________________throughout the Empire.

• Coins made it easier to pay _____________________.

Roman Roads increased Trade

Romans built a network of sophisticated and durable roads that promoted:

Trade Improved

the Lives of Roman People

• Roman citizens could buy things.

• Roman merchants became_______________.

• Rome built ______________ to bring water into the cities.

• Rome built great ____________ and __________________ for the entertainment of the people.

Increased Trade Promoted an Exchange of Culture

Trade with other places (Africa, Asia, northern Europe) _____________ ____________ _______________ throughout the world.

• Philosophy

• Architecture

• Literature

• Laws (twelve tables-written code of laws)

• Republican form of government

The Roman Army

How was the Roman Army organized?

• Main part of the army was the _____________

• This was made up of 5000 men under the command of the ________________

• The legion was divided into ________ cohorts

• Each cohort was made up of __________ centuries

• The centuries were commanded by a ________________

• Centuries originally had __________ men

• The centurions were very important men

• They were responsible for training the soldiers under their command and making sure everyone ____________ __________________.

• Some were very cruel

Roman Standard

• Each century had its own ________________ or standard.

• This was carried by the standard bearer, a very experienced and ___________ soldier

• To lose your standard was a great __________________

How to be a Soldier!

• You had to be a _________________ ___________________.

• You had to be __________________ fit and 1.6m tall

• You were expected to stay in the army for _________ years


• Most soldiers joined between _____________ years old

• There were three 30km marches each month

• On each march the ______________ (soldier) would carry 25 kilos of equipment

• Legionaries would also learn drill, or marching

• This was important for learning manoeuvres in battle

• New recruits were given shields and swords twice as heavy as the real thing!

EQ 1:

What caused the Roman Republic to become an empire and how was that empire structured?

EQ 2:

How did an increase in trade affect the quality of life for Romans?


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