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center571140E-cigarette and Vape Pen Module Unit 3 QuizE-cigarette and Vape Pen Module Unit 3 QuizE-Cigs/Vapes _____ have nicotine.neversometimes?alwaysnone of theseNicotine...changes brain chemistry.is a stimulant.is highly addictive.all of these.The brain can acquire the pleasure chemical, dopamine, via...snowboarding.?cliff diving.?smoking cigarettes.all of theseA drop in nicotine levels causes the body to have strong cravings for nicotine.True?FalseNicotine causes increased heart rate, lung damage, acid reflux, inhibits your sex drive and...inhibits night vision?more health problems for those with diabetes?hair growthnone of theseE-cigarette/Vape pen flavors are fruit based and therefore not harmful.?True?False?Some flavors can be more harmful than others such as...?Whole Foods, OrganicPizza, PieMcDonald'sCinnamon, Cherry?Diacetyl is related to popcorn lungs and...is reversible.aids breathing.found in e-cigarettes/vape pen flavors.?does not scar the lungs.E-Cigs/Vapes cause aerosols to enter the lungs, may contain nicotine, ear/eye/throat irritation?All of these?None of theseSome of theseWe know there are no health risks associated with the use of e-cigarettes/vape pens.TrueFalseWe know there are no benefits to some people using E-Cigs/VapesTrue?FalseThirdhand smoke…are chemicals from smoking that stick to surfaces?is smoke that comes from a hookaha mythical term invented by the Cancer SocietyNone of these ................

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