Denton ISD

1. How many of its genes does each offspring receive from its father?A. AllB. HalfC. One QuarterD. Three Quarters2. Genes occupy specific locations on _____.A. CiliaB. FlagellaC. RibosomesD. Chromosomes3. White fur is recessive in mice. If both parents have white fur, what is the likelihood that one of their offspring will have white fur?A. 25%B. 50%C. 75%D. 100%4. Genes control the structure and function of _______A. the brain onlyB. the entire organismC. the entire circulatory systemD. the skeletal system5. Four puppies in the same litter have different hair color than the mother dog. Which of the following processes is responsible for the variety of hair color in this litter? A asexual reproduction B binary fission C regeneration D sexual reproduction 6. A person eats a piece of food that is contaminated by bacteria. Which response will MOST quickly remove the bacteria from the body? A exhaling B sneezing C sweating D vomiting 7. Reptiles are described as being cold blooded, which means that their body temperatures depend on the temperature of their environment. Alligators are a type of reptile. Which of these examples is MOST LIKELY a situation in which an alligator is trying to warm up his body? A an alligator lying on a river bank in the sun B an alligator swimming to the bottom of a lake C an alligator hiding in a hole dug into the side of a pond D an alligator resting beneath the surface of a pond in the shade of a tree 8. Temperate deciduous forests of the United States often have cold winters and hot, humid summers. How would mammals in this type of biome MOST likely respond to hot temperatures? A fasting B hibernating C shivering D sweating 9. Polar bears are well suited to survive in their environment. Which of the following helps the polar bear maintain a relatively stable body temperature between 35 ?C and 41 ?C? A strong legs with large, hairy, webbed feet B large stomach capacity, allowing intervals of several weeks without eating C black skin covered with transparent "tubes" of hair which detect sunlight to dark skin D transparent eyelids 10. An organ is a group of specializedA. CellsB. FibersC. TissuesD. Systems11. According to the cell theory all organisms are composed of cells. Which of the following is considered an organism?RockTreeAirBarn12. Which of the following is the smallest organizational level in the human body?A. cellB. OrganC. TissueD. Muscle13. The tissue in the human body assembles to form _________A. CellsB. OrgansC. Organ SystemsD. Organisms14. Devon has cystic fibrosis or CF. It is an inherited condition that causes his body to produce excess mucus and lower than normal levels of digestive enzymes. A person with CF often experiences the following symptoms: · frequent lung infections · poor energy level · low appetite Although all of Devon’s body systems are affected by cystic fibrosis, it is mainly a disorder of which two body systems? A circulatory and digestive B digestive and skeletal C digestive and respiratory D circulatory and respiratory 15. Which body system moves oxygen into the blood and removes carbon dioxide from the blood? A excretory B digestive C respiratory D skeletal 16. There are two human systems that contain different components depending on whether the individual is male or female. They are the reproductive system and the _____________ system.A. RespiratoryB. CirculatoryC. EndocrineD. Digestive17. A class was studying human body systems. The students learned about a system that moved oxygen to the cells and contained structures that help the body fight infections. The class was studying the — A muscular system B digestive system C circulatory system D endocrine system 18. Some moths have a brown body and brown wings, while other moths have a white body and white wings. The brown moths often rest on the bark of pine trees, and the white moths rest on the white bark of aspen trees. If all the aspen trees in an area were cut down, what would be the likely result? A. More brown moths will survive than white moths because predators will be able to spot the white moths more easily. Over time, there will be no white moths in the area. B The white moths will grow brown wings in order to blend in with the environment. Over time, there will be no white moths in the area. C The white moths will migrate to a new area where aspen trees are found. The brown moths will remain in the original area. The number of brown moths will increase. D The white moths will rest on the remaining trees. Over time, they will become brown moths, so the number of moths will increase. 19. Penguins are unusual birds. They swim under water but do not fly. Penguins live in some of Earth's coldest climates, where they feed on sea animals. Unlike most birds which have bones that are hollow, a penguin has solid bones. This difference increases a penguin’s fitness by allowing it to — A dive deep under water B detect fish under water C stay warm under water D hold its breath under water 20. Different parts of the circulatory system are adapted for different functions. A blood vessel that is very narrow and has thin walls is Most Likely specialized for — A storing blood until it is needed B passing materials in blood to cells C carrying blood over long distances D withstanding high blood pressure 21. Rabbits in most areas have a brown coat. The arctic hare has a bright white coat in winter. How does the arctic hare's white color help it survive? A It makes the hare warmer during the summer. B It helps the hare blend into its background. C It makes the hare appear larger to predators. D It helps the hare stay warm during the winter. 22. Crickets communicate with other crickets by chirping. Crickets who cannot make a sound are less likely to find a mate and reproduce. For this reason, there are few crickets that cannot make a sound. This is an example of — A learned behavior B genetic replication C natural selection D selective breeding 23. The digestive system is made up of many parts, including the stomach, the esophagus, and the intestines. These parts work together to digest food and move the solid wastes out of the body. Which of these is a property of the stomach that is NOT a property of the system as a whole? A The stomach absorbs some foods. B The stomach contains muscles. C The stomach is shaped like a pouch. D The stomach stores food until it is digested. 24. The dichotomous key shown below can be used to identify birds W, X, Y, and Z.Bird X is most likely?? CerthideaGeospizaCamarhynchusPlatyspiza25. Which organ is responsible for most of the chemical digestion in the human body? A mouth B stomach C small intestine D large intestine 26. In which of these activities would a Petri dish be most useful? A growing bacteria samples B observing the activities of an earthworm C measuring the frequency of waves caused by a disturbance D collecting pollen from a plant specimen 27. A student wants to observe plant cells. Which instrument should the student use? A Telescope B Microscope C Magnifying glass D Binoculars 28. Hypotheses are tested to support a theory. Which of these is required before a valid and reliable conclusion can be drawn from a test? A The test must last more than one day. B The test must have repeatable results. C The test must have mathematical calculations. D The test must use expensive equipment29. Jaci wanted to find out what effect classical music had on the growth rate of plants. She planted three identical plants in identical planters. The soil, water, fertilizer, and amount of light were exactly the same for each plant. Plant A was exposed to 15 minutes of classical music each day, Plant B was exposed to 15 minutes of ocean wave sounds, and Plant C was kept in a quiet environment. What are the independent variable and dependent variable in her experiment? A classical music, growth rate B amount of light, type of fertilizer C quiet environment, ocean wave sound D type of planter and plant . ................

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