Healers Who Share

|BIL SN 1 |BILE SYNTHESIS |6 |MVB |A miasmic disorder of a liver enzyme needed to make/synthesize bile from cholesterol. The |

| |DISEASE 1 | | |scientific name of the enzyme is 3B-Hydroxy-Delta5-c27-steroid oxidoreductase, fondly |

| | | | |nicknamed HAD3B7. In 2016 this is considered the most common bile enzyme disease. Bile |

| | | | |acids are the most needed of the digestive juices. The mismaking of the bile in this |

| | | | |disease causes swelling of the liver, collection of ascites in the abdomen, malabsorption,|

| | | | |fat-soluble vitamin deficiency and large girth. Subjects often develop an apple shaped |

| | | | |body. Each of these diseases seems magnified by pesticide known as GMO Bacillus |

| | | | |Thuringiensis. The same substance is known before GMO in nature and may be behind the |

| | | | |inherited factor of these diseases. |

|BIL SN 2 |BILE SYNTHESIS |6 |MVB |A miasmic disorder of a liver enzyme needed to make/synthesize bile from cholesterol. The |

| |DISEASE 2 | | |scientific name of the enzyme is Delta 4-3-oxisteroid 5B-reductase, affectionately called |

| | | | |AKR1C4. It is associated with low thyroids and box-shaped bodies. Each of these diseases |

| | | | |seems magnified by pesticide known as GMO Bacillus Thuringiensis. The same substance is |

| | | | |known before GMO in nature and may be behind the inherited factor of these diseases. |

|BIL SN 3 |BILE SYNTHESIS |6 |MVB |A miasmic disorder of a liver enzyme needed to make/synthesize bile from choolesterol. The|

| |DISEASE 3 | | |scientific name of the enzyme is Sterol 27 Hydroxylase, best remembered as CYP27A1. The |

| | | | |mismaking of the bile seems to cause a pill-rolling disturbance of the hands or a shaking |

| | | | |of the hand (Parkinson-like). there are often memory and thinking disruptions. Each of |

| | | | |these diseases seems magnified by pesticide known as GMO Bacillus Thuringiensis. The same |

| | | | |substance is known before GMO in nature and may be behind the inherited factor of these |

| | | | |diseases. |

|BIL SN 4 |BILE SYNTHESIS |6 |MVB |A miasmic disorder of a liver enzyme needed to make/synthesize bile from cholesterol. The |

| |DISEASE 4 | | |scientific name of the enzyme is Cholesterol 7A-Hydroxylase, known by its friends as |

| | | | |CYP7A1. Although not well defined, it is referred to as the "classic" or "neutral" |

| | | | |pathway. It seems to affect thyroids and develops pear-shaped bodies. Each of these |

| | | | |diseases seems magnified by pesticide known as GMO Bacillus Thuringiensis. The same |

| | | | |substance is known before GMO in nature and may be behind the inherited factor of these |

| | | | |diseases. |

|BIL SN 5 |BILE SYNTHESIS |6 |MVB |A miasmic disorder of a liver enzyme needed to make/synthesize bile from cholesterol. The |

| |DISEASE 5 | | |scientific name of the enzyme is Oxysterol Cytosol-Peroxisome 7A-Hydroylase, known by its |

| | | | |buddies as CYP8B1. It is a member of the P450 family of metabolic enzymes and little is |

| | | | |known about its effect. Each of these diseases seems magnified by pesticide known as GMO |

| | | | |Bacilllus Thuringiensis. The same substance is known before GMO in nature and may be |

| | | | |behind the inherited factor of these diseases. |

|BIL SN 6 |BILE SYNTHESIS |6 |MVB |A miasmic disorder of a liver enzyme needed to make/synthesize bile from cholesterol. The |

| |DISEASE 6 | | |scientific name of the enzyme is 2-methylacyl-CoA Racemase. Scientists love calling it |

| | | | |AMACR. Although identified as a mismaker of bile, little is identified as to its symptoms.|

| | | | |Each of these diseases seems magnified by pesticide known as GMO Bacilus Thuringiensis. |

| | | | |The same substance is known before GMO in nature and may be behind the inherited factor of|

| | | | |these diseases. |

|BIL SN 7 |BILE SYNTHESIS |6 |MVB |A miasmic disorder of a liver enzyme needed to make/synthesize bile from cholesterol. The |

| |DISEASE 7 | | |scientific name of the enzyme is Cholesterol 8A Hydroxylase, whispered as CYP8A1. This |

| | | | |creates an exceptionally ballooned bottom on its subjects. Each of these diseases seems |

| | | | |magnified by pesticide known as GMO Bacillus Thuringiensis. The same substance is known |

| | | | |before GMO in nature and may be behind the inherited factor of these diseases. |

|Small Intestines |60 |

|Ideal Size Sml Int |160 |

|Ideal Amyloid in S.I. |140 |

|Amyloidosis Sml Int |100 |


We have developed a whole series of remedies for weight loss that test as strong keys. As we tested them we ran into preliminary issues that would not allow them to work. Detailed below are four of the most serious inhibiting causes.


(with range of bottles needed)

Cholesterol Synthesis

Disease 0/6



Primary Amyloidosis displays a formidable enemy of weight loss. In fact, we find that it is actually mistaken for fat when it is actually a disease of molecules that lodges in organs and makes them swell. Medical literature consistently says that weight loss is a common identifying feature. We now understand that as an identifying feature when the disease has progressed to the point where the clogged organ can no longer function and has manifested cancer and tumors.

For decades in this inherited disease, organs swell, slowly causing gradual dysfunction. The organs test usually as “healthy” for a long time and then the results of the clogging claim the attention. In many people who have had long-term weight problems, we now measure that approx 70% of the weight is in the swollen liver, spleen, pancreas and intestines. It is not fat. It is amyloid molecules.

The condition is impervious to diet, as many a frustrated, over-weight person will tell you.

Cholesterol Synthesis Disease

We have all been distracted to the issue of “too much cholesterol” as a danger to clogging arteries. The issue has long ago been identified as making a mountain out of a mole hill in order to sell dangerous drugs to lower cholesterol.

The real issue is under-utilized cholesterol.

1. Cholesterol is essential in the use of bile, the king of digestive juices.

2. Cholesterol is the precursor molecule for the synthesis of vitamin D.

3. Cholesterol is essential for the synthesis of steroid hormones, including cortisol, aldosterone, progesterone, estrogen and testosterone. Excess cortisol has long been associated with weight gain.

There are countless articles about cholesterol in the diet and cholesterol in the arteries. As usual, the solution is about what to eat and what not to eat. Essentially the media material is similar to warning us about World War 3 in terms of avoiding the common cold. Waaaaaay off the mark.


The Distraction



The medical material is about the amount and type of cholesterol. The real issue is the quality of the cholesterol made in the body.

The National Organization of Rare Diseases (NORD) lists seven Cholesterol Biosynthesis Diseases. The manifestations reveal a variety of accompanying abnormalities as clues to the disease. A subject rarely has all the symptoms, but if 3 or more are present, there is confirmation. Symptoms include micrognathia (undersized jaw/crowded teeth), small nose with averted nares (uplifted nose with nostrils more prominent), eyes close together or remarkably apart, hypogenitalism (mostly males), cryptorchidism (undescended testicles), 2,3 toe syndactyly (webbed), postaxial polydacthyl (6th appendage growing on outside of hand or foot), growth or mental retardation, cleft palate, and cholostatic liver disease.

Weight issues show with the attempt to synthesize bile out of incorrectly synthesized cholesterol. To some degree, this disease occurs in approx 93% of the population, which may partially explain why so many of us put on weight as we age.

Remedies based on excess cortisol proved ineffective in the presence of the disease. We were able to combine the parts to a single remedy, Cholesterol Synthesis Disease.

The point of these pictures is to demonstrate that cholesterol mal-synthesis not only is a disaster for weight control. The very formation of the body depends on this process. Science has ignored the cause of excess cholesterol and we need to concentrate on the real issue of a sterol made in the liver.


The common bile duct has a release valve called the Sphincter of Oddi. It is designed to release the essential digestive juices of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas into the duodenum. There are two inherited diseases that sometimes prohibit release. Sphincter of Oddi Dyskinesia is an in-borne dysfunction of the sphincter that simply doesn’t open or hardly opens the valve. Sphincter of Oddi Stenosis is an inherited “strangling” of the valve that lets precious little of the digestive juices out. Similar to the decay of the common bile duct, the juices back into the releasing organs and cause secondary cancers of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas. Subjects often gather weight around the midriff as the backup builds its effect.

Occasionally the Sphincter of Oddi becomes infected and closes. The most common infection is Clostridium Difficile. Other pathogens are also capable of closing the sphincter.





According to National Organization of Rare Diseases, “Bile acid synthesis disorders (BASDs) are a group of rare metabolic disorders characterized by defects in the creation (synthesis) of bile acids. Bile acids are chemical compounds found in the liver that have several roles in the body including promoting the flow and excretion of bile and assisting in the intestinal absorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins. Bile acids are formed from cholesterol and, therefore, bile acid synthesis serves as the main pathway in breaking down and eliminating cholesterol from the body (cholesterol degradation). The failure to produce normal or functional bile acids results in the accumulation of abnormal bile acids and other substances that normal would be broken down (intermediary metabolites) within the body. The resulting accumulation of abnormal bile acids, intermediary metabolites and cholesterol in the body can damage certain organ systems. The main symptom of most (but not all) BASDs is interruption or suppression of the flow of bile from the liver (cholestasis) and fat-soluble vitamin malabsorption. Additional symptoms such as progressive neurological disease may develop in certain cases and can occur in the absence of liver disease. In many cases, symptoms or signs are present at birth or during the newborn period. If untreated, the more severe forms of these disorders can eventually progress to cause life-threatening complications such as scarring of the liver (cirrhosis) and liver failure. BASDs are caused by mutations in specific genes; most of these mutations are inherited as autosomal recessive traits”.

We have singled out 7 variations of the disease and listed them above. We reiterate that these remedies are best preceded by the Cholesterol Synthesis Disease.

On the next page we have outlined the basics and some details of our findings of the diseases.


(with range of bottles needed)









(with range of mega bottles needed)

Sphincter of Oddi Dyskinesia 5-6

Sphincter of Oddi Stenosis 5-6


From previous education about the degeneration of the common bile ducts, we recall this picture of ducts. Science sometimes distinguishes between the sphincters of the Ampulla and the Sphincter of Oddi. It is difficult to find a clear illustration of the Sphincter of Oddi, like the one above.

Medical manuals consistently speak of the difficulty in diagnosing amyloidosis. They state the issue is rare, although the diagnosing difficulty may be the real issue. We think it is far more common and have devised means of detecting it.

In our way of assessing, we might assess the energetic health of the small intestines at 60 on a scale of 1 to 100. Because the amyloid deposits imbed in the wall and make the organ swell, we might also check the ideal size of the small intestines. In an amyloid instance the ideal size may test at 160, indicating the small intestines has swollen to be 60% larger than is healthy. We could check any of the organs the same way, including the commonly afflicted liver, spleen, kidneys, pancreas and heart. There is also something called an amyloid goiter, suggesting amyloid molecules cause the thyroid to swell. We might double-check the exploration by checking the ideal number of amyloid molecules (which should be zero). Amongst these checks we might find why an organ is performing sub-par or what percentage of a large girth is actually amyloidosis instead of fat.


(with range of mega bottles needed)

Primary Amyloidosis 6

Proteinosis 6

Thick Amyloidosis Dissolve 6-7

There are other signs of amyloidosis besides the deadly swelling of organs. They include chalky eruption on the skin, often commencing with ankles/calves and progressing to legs, back and trunk.

Other signs include bruising around eyes, deposits and inflammatory conditions of the whites of the eyes. Tongues swell, and break out. Ankles become edemic as do other parts of the body.

We include pictures on the following pages
















Voice box - Amyloidosis





Lichen Amyloidosis











|Small Intestines |60 |

|Ideal Size Sml Int |160 |

|Ideal Amyloid in S.I. |140 |

|Amyloidosis Sml Int |100 |



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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