Modern History of Latin America Review Questions

Modern History of Latin America Review Questions

1. How did the independence of the 13 American colonies affect Latin Americans? Latin Americans saw how Americans had gained their freedom and wanted to do the same

2. Why did Spain and Portugal want colonies in Latin American? For the enormous riches from the plantations and mines in Latin America

3. Why was Saint Domingue (Haiti) so important to France? Huge profits from sugarcane and coffee plantations

4. What country became the first one in Latin America to gain their independence? Haiti (Saint Domingue)

5. Who led the group of rebels to free Saint Domingue? Toussaint L’Ouverture

6. How did Toussaint L’Ouiverture learn about freedom and equality? From reading books (unusual because most slaves couldn’t read or write)

7. Which country’s government imprisoned Toussaint L’Ouverture? France

8. Who made up the group of protestors or army of Hidalgo? Peasants and common villagers

9. Why is Hidalgo called the Father of Mexico’s independence movement? He started the independence movement that continued even after his execution

10. What was Miguel Hidalgo’s occupation? A Catholic priest

11. What happened to the Mexican independence movement after Hidalgo was captured and executed? It kept going and Mexicans gained their independence about 10 years later

12. Which country did Simon Bolivar fight against for Latin America independence? Spain

13. Why is Simon Bolivar known as the Liberator of South America? He led many battles for independence movement in much of South America

14. What countries did Simon Bolivar help to liberate? Columbia, Panama, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia

15. In what country was Simon Bolivar born? Venezuela

16. What types of reforms did Hidalgo want to happen in Mexico? Freedom for slaves, Spain give back land that had belonged to Mexican farmers, and Spain should stop taxing the Mexican citizens so heavily

17. Who took over as dictator of Cuba in 1959? Fidel Castro

18. Why did many Cubans support Fidel Castro in his overthrow of the Batista government? They were ready for a change in leadership because the country was suffering from so much poverty; hoped Fidel Castro would improve the country

19. What happened to American businesses in Cuba when Castro took control of the government? They were seized by the Cuban government

20. What type of government did Fidel Castro create in Cuba? Communist

21. What types of freedoms did Cubans lose under Castro’s government? Rights to protest, freedom of the press, speech, ownership of property, vote, religion

22. Which country became Cuba’s major trading partner after the U.S. embargo? The Soviet Union

23. What was the Cuban Missile crisis? A standoff that lasted about 2 weeks between America and Cuba; concerned the building of missile launching bases by the Soviet Union on the island of Cuba

24. What is the name of the group of Mexicans that is fighting for better conditions for indigenous people? Zapatistas

25. Why were the Zapatistas against NAFTA? They were afraid cheap farm products would come into

Mexico from the US and Mexican farmers would be hurt as they would not be able to compete

26. How have the Zapatistas tried to bring about change in Mexico? Through protests and taking over villages and towns in southern Mexico


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