220475713447100Content Area Passages for Social Studies, Science, H.F.L.E. and SpanishINFANT ONEFirst Term, First UnitThe passages in this document are designed to be used for the delivery of content from the National Curriculum for Primary Schools. Care has been taken to align the content with specified learning outcomes. However, they will need to be supplemented with additional information. The passages are designed to be read by both teachers and students. Questions and activities are not included. These can be determined by the teacher. Teachers may edit the passages in any way.This document was published by QADS, MOEYSC in July 2020. There are no restrictions on its reproduction or circulation although it may not be sold for profit or represented as the work of others. Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Social Studies PAGEREF _Toc48568279 \h 4Belize, Our Home PAGEREF _Toc48568280 \h 4Maps PAGEREF _Toc48568281 \h 4Animals Around Us PAGEREF _Toc48568282 \h 5Science PAGEREF _Toc48568283 \h 6On The Farm PAGEREF _Toc48568284 \h 6Plants and Animals PAGEREF _Toc48568285 \h 7Basic needs of Living Things PAGEREF _Toc48568286 \h 8H.F.L.E PAGEREF _Toc48568287 \h 9Ricky Washes His Hands PAGEREF _Toc48568289 \h 9Cleaning the Face, Finger Nails and Toe Nails PAGEREF _Toc48568290 \h 10Healthy and Unhealthy Food PAGEREF _Toc48568291 \h 11Sally the Mosquito PAGEREF _Toc48568292 \h 12Spanish PAGEREF _Toc48568293 \h 13Vanina Visits her Grandparents PAGEREF _Toc48568294 \h 13Questions about Myself PAGEREF _Toc48568295 \h 14Cero Va de Compras PAGEREF _Toc48568296 \h 15Letters of the Alphabet and Sounds in Spanish PAGEREF _Toc48568297 \h 16SubjectSocial StudiesGrade LevelInfant 1 StrandLandforms and LocationsUnit TitleThe World, Our HomeLearning Outcome1.2 Find Belize on a globe and on the map of the world(To be read by the teacher.)Belize, Our HomeThis unique and attractive country is a part of Central America. It is bordered in the north by Mexico, south and west by Guatemala and east by the beautiful Caribbean Sea. Here is how to find Belize on a globe. First, find the equator. This is a line that runs right around the globe half way between the top and the bottom. Next, look for the Americas. This is the area of land that runs almost from the top to the bottom of the globe. The Americas have huge oceans on both sides. These are coloured blue on the globe. Belize can be found a little bit above where the equator crosses the AmericasMapsMaps show us different places. Some maps show the whole world, others show only part of the world. On a map, you can see that Belize is next to Mexico and Guatemala. These countries are our neighbours.If you look at a map of Belize you will see it has six districts, These are Corozal, Orange Walk, Belize, Cayo, Stann Creek and Toledo. The map will also show the rivers, mountains and highways which connect the country. The highways are Phillip Goldson, George Price, Hummingbird and Southern highways. I am proud to live in such a lovely country named Belize. SubjectSocial StudiesGrade LevelInfant 1StrandLandforms and LocationsUnit TitleThe World, Our HomeLearning Outcome1.5 Using pictures, videos or other sources of information, identify the different types of animals that live on different continents.(To be read by the teacher.)Animals Around UsThe world is a very beautiful place. Different types of animals live in different places. Grizzly bears and polar bears live in North America. These animals enjoy living where it is cold. In South America, jaguars, llamas and crocodiles can be found. Lions, giraffes, zebras and elephants live in Africa. Some elephants also live in Asia, along with pandas and tigers. Australia has some types of animals that are not find anywhere else, such as kangaroos and koala bears. Europe has reindeer, wolves, foxes and other small mammals. Some animals, such as snakes, can be found all over the world. The continents and the seas put together form this lovely place called the Earth. SubjectScience Grade LevelInfant 1 StrandLiving ThingsUnit TitlePeople. Plants and AnimalsLearning Outcome1.1 Recognize and identify a range of common animals and plants(To be read by the teacher.)On The FarmJada Marie lives with her mom, dad and brothers on a big farm in Punta Gorda town. There are cows, chickens, pigs and ducks on the farm. The baby ducks enjoy swimming in the creek that passes through the village. The family works very hard planting tomatoes, carrots, sweet peppers and lettuce that mom uses in the kitchen. Jada Marie and her brothers love climbing the mango and plum trees, they also enjoy feeding the animals and collecting the eggs from the chickens. SubjectScience Grade LevelInfant 1 StrandLiving ThingsUnit TitlePlants and AnimalsLearning Outcome1.2 Observe and identify similarities and differences between people, plant and animal species in their immediate surroundings. 1.3 Classify the similarities and differences between people, plants and animals based on the observations made in 1.2: (To be read by the teacher.)Plants and AnimalsPlants and animals are living things. They feed, respire, excrete, grow, move, reproduce and are sensitive to their environment. People, as well as animals and plants need food for energy but they all feed in different ways. People and animals eat plants and other animals, but plants make their own food. They use sunlight, air, water and nutrients from the soil to make food. When plants respire they take in carbon dioxide from the air. When people and animals respire, they take in oxygen from the air. Respiration helps them get energy from food they eat. People, plants and animals produce and remove waste from the body. All people, plants and animals increase in size. They move from one place to another or in different directions. Plants move very slowly. They turn their leaves to the light. Animals as well as people move from one place to another. They all produce young ones to replace themselves before they die. They are sensitive to their environment. SubjectScience Grade LevelInfant 1 StrandLiving ThingsUnit TitlePlants and AnimalsLearning Outcome1.4 Make observations and identify the basic needs of people, plants and animals. 1.5 Discuss how the needs of people, plants and animals are alike and how they are different.(To be read by the teacher.)Basic Needs of Living ThingsEvery living thing has basic needs. Humans need food, water, shelter, oxygen, space and the right temperatures to live. Other living things may have the same needs. Depending on the organism, these needs may include air, water, nutrients, food, light, shelter, space, and certain temperatures. Plants need soil, nutrients, sunlight, water, space, air and appropriate temperatures to survive. Plants need air that provides them with carbon dioxide so that they can produce food and oxygen. Yes! Plants make their own food and the oxygen that you and I need to live. Animals need food, water, shelter, oxygen, space and appropriate temperatures.SubjectH.F.L.E Grade LevelInfant 1 StrandDiet and DiseaseUnit TitleStaying Fit and WellLearning Outcome1.2 Describe how, when and why a person should wash their hands to make it less likely they will get sick.(To be read by the teacher.)Ricky Washes His HandsAt the beginning of the year, Ms. Norales told her class to keep their hands and work area clean. The classroom had a tap by the door. Ms. Norales told the students to wash their hands before entering the class. She told them students to wash their hands for twenty seconds before and after eating, going to the bathroom and playing outside. She also told them not to put dirty hands on their face. Ricky was a very active boy at home and school. He loved to play football outside and enjoyed running up and down the playground. Ricky did not listen to what Ms. Norales had said. He would just take his snacks and lunch from the container and eat and drink his food without washing his hands. He thought washing hands was a waste of time.One day, Ricky got really sick. He had bad bellyache. He had to keep running to the toilet. Yuck! He got very hot. He vomited up all his food.After Ricky got better, he made sure he always washed his hands before eating and when he used the bathroom. He washed his hands for twenty seconds. He cleaned all his fingers and nails carefully. Ricky also watched the other children and told them to wash their hands every time they forgot.That year, Ms. Norales class was the healthiest class in the school. Some students may be able to read this sentence.I can wash my handsSubjectH.F.L.E.Grade LevelInfant 1 (To be read by the teacher)StrandDiet and DiseaseUnit TitleStaying Fit and WellLearning Outcome1.3 Describe effective ways of cleaning and protecting the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, hair, toe nails and finger nailsCleaning the Face, Finger Nails and Toe NailsWe all need to keep our bodies clean. When we wash, we should use plenty of soap and water. When you wash your hands, don’t forget to wash between the fingers. Also wash your thumbs and the palms of your hands. It is easy for dirt to get under finger and toe nails so it is a good idea to keep them short.You should comb and brush your hair every day. This will get rid of knots and help keep your hair clean. When you wash your hair, you should use soap or shampoo.Your teeth are very important. Clean them in the morning and at night. Use toothpaste and a toothbrush. Move the toothbrush up and down, round and round and from side to side. Make sure you get rid of any bits of food that are stuck in your teeth.You should also wash your face in the morning and at night. When you wash your face, make sure you clean the area around your eyes, nose and mouth. Remember to clean behind your ears and behind your neck.SubjectH.F.L.E.Grade LevelInfant 1StrandDiet and DiseaseUnit TitleStaying Fit and WellLearning Outcome1.4 Identify which food and drinks are more healthy and which are less healthy to consume(To be read by the teacher.)Healthy and Unhealthy FoodYoung boys and girls enjoy eating food and snacks. Some foods are better for you than others. Healthy foods include milk, fruit, eggs and vegetables. It is also healthy to eat a little meat and fish. Some foods are not so good. These foods often have too much sugar. If a person eats too many of these foods, they can get weak and sick. Some of these unhealthy foods are sugary juice, chips, cookies and doughnuts. Fizzy drinks like coke are also bad for us.SubjectH.F.L.E.Grade LevelInfant 1 StrandDiet and DiseaseUnit TitleStaying Fit and WellLearning Outcome1.6 Identify places where mosquitos breed around their home and school(To be read by the teacher.)Sally the MosquitoSally was a tiny mosquito. She lived in a village called Santa Agatha. Sally needed to bite people to eat. Sadly, Sally’s bite could give make people get sick with malaria. Sally had a friend whose bite could give people dengue and zika.Sally and her friends needed water. They liked to look for old tires, buckets, old plant pots, broken drains and small ponds around people’s houses and at the school. They also liked cans, bottles and broken coconut shells. They liked any place that collected water.We must keep our yards and streets clean. We must throw away the old tires, can and buckets. We need to fix broken drains. We should keep the grass short and clear away all the old coconut shells. If we do all these things, there will be no water for the mosquitos. This will help us not get sick.SubjectSpanishGrade LevelInfant 1 StrandMyselfUnit TitleKnowing MeLearning Outcome1.1 Respond to greetings using simple phrases, for example: hola; buenas tardes; buenos días; buenas noches(To be read by the teacher.)Vanina Visits her GrandparentsVanina walks into her grandparents’ home on a Saturday morning.Vanina: ?Buenos días, abuelita! ?Cómo está usted?Abuelita: ?Buenos días, Vanina, mi nieta preciosa! Yo estoy alegre porque tú me visitas.Vanina: ?Hola, abuelito!Abuelito: ?Hola, Vanina! SubjectSpanishGrade LevelInfant 1 (To be read by the teacher)StrandMyselfUnit TitleKnowing MeLearning Outcome1.2 Respond orally to questions about self using short phrases, for example: me llamo Miguel; mi nombre es Anita; tengo cinco a?os.(To be read by the teacher.)Questions about MyselfThe teacher introduces herself and shares some information about herself/himself. The students will respond to the teacher’s questions. MaestraBuenos días, alumnos, me llamo _________. Yo soy su maestra de espa?ol para este a?o. Yo tengo _______a?os y me gusta trabajar como maestra porque me gusta ensenar a los ni?os de Belice. (The teacher models the following introduction and asks each student to repeat the sentences below to their assigned partner. Some students then share their introductions with the larger group)Buenos días, me llamo______. Yo tengo______ a?os y me gusta________.Grade LevelInfant 1 SubjectSpanishStrandMyselfUnit TitleKnowing MeLearning Outcome1.3 Count from zero to ten(To be read by the teacher.)Cero Va de ComprasUn día, Cero caminaba por la calle Nueve y se encontró con su amigo Uno. Cero iba a la tienda a comprar dos libras de arroz. ?l tenía tres dólares y cuatro centavos en su bolsa. La mama de Cero le dijo que podría usar solamente cinco centavos para comprar dulces. Cero invito‘ a su amigo Uno a la tienda y compro‘ seis dulces. Le dio dos a su amigo Uno y él se comió cuatro dulces. Cuando Cero llegó a casa, él le dio siete centavos a su mama‘ y las dos libras de arroz. Mama‘ estaba furiosa porque Cero uso‘ ocho centavos comprando dulces. La mama‘ le dijo que otra vez, ella no le va a dar permiso a comprar dulces porque si ella le da cinco, él se toma diez.Grade LevelInfant 1 SubjectSpanishStrandMyselfUnit TitleKnowing MeLearning Outcome1.4 Correctly pronounce the sounds of the first 9 letters (a to i) of the Spanish alphabet.(To be read by the teacher.)Letters of the Alphabet and Sounds in SpanishAa ah de AnaBb beh de burroCc seh de Cesar, seh de casaCh che de churroDd de dedoEe eh de EduardoFf ehfeh de florGg heh de gato, heh de genteHh ache de historia (h is silent)Ii ee de Inés ................

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