World Geography 92B - K. Simmons Hoya Blog

World Geography Name: ______________________

South Asia Date: ______________________

Study Guide Period: ______________________

Answer the following questions using the textbook, notes, maps, & classwork/homework.


Cash Crop

Caste System






Civil Disobedience

Green Revolution


The Raj

Subsistence Farming



Locate: Give the relative location and significance of the following places

Khyber Pass


Ganges River

Plateau of Tibet

Sri Lanka

Winter and summer monsoons (know directions and characteristics)

Indus River

Yangtze River

Gobi Desert

Himalayan Mountains

Huang He (Yellow) River

Mount Everest

Who was “Buddha” and what does his name mean?

Hinduism is the main religion in what country?

Islam is the main religion in what 3 countries in South Asia? What country in SE Asia?

Who built the Taj Mahal and why?

In what two areas do most people live in South Asia?

What are the 4 levels of the caste system in order from top to bottom?

Who are the “Untouchables”? Describe their duties.

Who was Gandhi and what did he help the Indians accomplish? What kind of methods did he use?

What are (specific) examples of civil disobedience used by Gandhi? Who else did he influence?

How does the caste system work? Discuss reincarnation.

What is the oldest religion in South Asia?

What percent and fraction of the world’s people live in South Asia?

Explain the differences in the summer and winter monsoons. How do they affect South Asia? What two crops depend upon them? What country is most prone to flooding?

Where are Sinhales and Tamils fighting? What are the main issues?

East and Southeast Asia Study Guide

Answer the following questions using the textbook, notes, maps, & classwork/homework.


1. Archipelago – (what 3 major countries are examples?)

2. ASEAN –

3. China’s Sorrow –

4. Dynasty –

5. Free Port – (think of 3 cities that are examples)

6. Loess –

7. Shogun –

8. Samurai--

9. Silk Road –

10. Confucianism

11. Great Green Wall

12. Tsunami

13. Taoism

14. Shintoism

15. Describe the 4 regions of China?

16. What is China doing to try and slow down the spread of the Gobi Desert? What is this project called?

17. Why is the Huang He called the “Yellow River”?

18. What is the largest city in China? How many people?

19. What is the main religion practiced in the Tibet region?

20. Which country controlled the port city of Hong Kong up to 1997?

21. Describe the political situation in North Korea.

22. What and where is the DMZ between North and South Korea?

23. What are the differences between the standard of living in East Asia and Southeast Asia? (Be Specific)

24. What was the extent of the Japanese Empire? What happened to the empire?

25. What is the environmental impact of the 3 Gorges Dam?

26. Describe the Communist Revolution in China. Who is Mao Zedong?

27. How were the majority of these islands in East and Southeast Asia formed? These countries are all a part of the __________________ that surrounds the Pacific Ocean.

28. Describe the United States involvement in the Korean War.

29. Which country is the most populated Muslim country in the world?

30. Describe the United States involvement in the Vietnam War.

31. What is the most populated country in the world?

32. What is the main religion in Japan?

33. What are the basic beliefs of Buddhism and Shintoism?

34. Describe China’s “one couple, one child” policy.

35. Describe Qin She Huangdi’s tomb.

36. What is Confucianism? What are the main ideas and beliefs?

37. What was the Boxer Rebellion?

38. Why was the Great Wall of China built?

39. Describe Japan’s transportation system.

40. What is meant by the term Homogenous and which country has a homogenous population?

41. What different imperial powers owned the Philippines?

42. What country in SE Asia has largely remained independent of foreign rule and influence?

43. Describe the Mongolian Empire.

44. What connections do Taiwan and Mongolia have with China?

45. Where and what is Macau? Hong Kong?

46. What are the 6 major rivers in S. Asia (3) and East/SE Asia (3)?


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