Worksheet for NHS Applicants

Worksheet for NHS Applicants

In order to assist you in the process of applying for membership to National Honor Society, we are providing for you a brief checklist to organize your information before completing our online application. The following information is requested for your application, and is taken into consideration for acceptance. Complete thoroughly and accurately, with as much detail as possible, to avoid a misunderstanding on the part of our faculty council that decides on membership.

Area 1: Extracurricular Activities- List any club or extracurricular activity you’ve been actively involved in throughout high school so far. List the full name of the club or sport and the years.

Activity #1: ________________________ Years (school years) ______________________

Activity #2: ________________________ Years (school years) ______________________

Activity #3: ________________________ Years (school years) ______________________

Activity #4: ________________________ Years (school years) ______________________

Area 2: Leadership Activities/ Honors – List any leadership positions you’ve held in clubs or on sports teams in high school. . If you were involved in an activity that helps foster leadership skills, such as Eagle Scouts, or you have been given an award for some form of leadership (Most Improved Player…), please list. Note: Juniors applying are expected to have held at least one leadership position!

Leadership #1: ________________________ Years (school years) ______________________

Leadership #2: ________________________ Years (school years) ______________________

Area 3: Community Service Activities- As specifically as possible, please note how many HOURS you’ve participated in community service and over what years in high school. Do not include hours that you accrued before high school. Please note on the NHS Website what counts for community service hours and what does not. Babysitting siblings does not count, nor can participating in team or school-mandated activities during which you got class credit or funds for your team. If you were paid at all, it is not service.

Service #1: ________________________ Hours ________ Years (school years) __________

Service #2: ________________________ Hours ________ Years (school years) __________

Service #3: ________________________ Hours ________ Years (school years) __________

Service #4: ________________________ Hours ________ Years (school years) __________

Area 4: Work Experience- We take into consideration when students are working outside of school. Please be prepared to share with us work experience where you are paid, if applicable.

Additional Information: Teachers will be making recommendations based on the applicants. We will bring a list of the candidates to a faculty meeting, where the teachers and staff will have the ability to nominate candidates. We would hope that all members we select would have at least 1 recommendation from a teacher. Teachers will also be able to express concerns if you have had issues with something like plagiarism.

You will also need to write a 250 word essay about what you think you will personally contribute to our organization. Please make these specific and proofread, as it reflects negatively on you when there are numerous grammatical errors.

Please know that the actual online form will not allow for you to go back and change things once you’ve submitted, and you must fill it out completely in one setting for it to upload. Use proper spelling, grammar, and capitalization on this form as well, as you are competing for a prestigious position based on scholarship along with the above categories! You can access the online application by going to the NHS page on the Basha website. Look under the “Application” tab and then follow the link to the 2015 application.


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