Parasha Quiz

Parasha Quiz - Mishpatim 5768 - תשס"ח משפטים

1. What are the four means of execution available to the bet din?

2. A Jewish servant who refuses freedom has his ear pierced. Which ear is pierced? Why?

3. What is the rule when an ox gores and kills a person? What happens to an ox who does this repeatedly?

4. What are the different payments imposed on someone who wounds another person?

5. How many times must an ox gore for it to be considered a muad (one that can be expected to gore)?

6. a) How much does a thief have to pay if he slaughters or sells a sheep or ox that he stole? b) Why is the payment for a sheep less than that of an ox?

7. From which verse does Rashi learn that one should not project their own failings on someone else?

8. From where do we learn that God doesn't withhold the reward from any creature?

9. From where does Rashi learn that one is permitted to preemptively kill someone who is coming to kill them?

10. The Mishna states that the wise person is one who learns from everyone. What can be learned from a thief?

11. a) From which fruits must bikkurim be brought? b) Must bikkurim be brought from fruits grown during the shemitta year?

12. a) I am a thief who was caught. Who am I? b) I am a thief who was not caught. Who am I?


1. Stoning, burning, sword, strangulation

2. The right ear is pierced because that ear heard at Har Sinai that it was forbidden to steal, and that Bnei Yisrael are servants of God alone.

3. The ox must be stoned and its flesh is forbidden to be eaten. If an ox gores people repeatedly, both the ox and its owner must be put to death.

4. Pain, shame, unemployment, medical bills, and the value of the lost limb.

5. Three times.

6. a) For the ox he must pay 5 times its value, and for the sheep 4 times. b) Because he already bore the shame of carrying the sheep on his shoulders.

7. From the verse, "You shall not take advantage of the stranger … for you were strangers in Egypt."

8. From the mitzvah to give non-kosher meat to dogs, as a reward for not barking during the exodus

9. From the verse describing what happens should one find a thief sneaking around heir house (22:1).

10. Rabi Zusha says: "I learned 7 things from the thief! Use the nighttime, be prepared to endanger yourself, don't give up, honor your friendships (don't steal from friends), don't be too greedy, don't tattle on your friend, love your work".

11. a) Only the 7 special fruits of Eretz Yisrael b) Yes

12. a) Yaakov stole the birthright b) Rahel stole her father's idols

© Ezra Marom, 2007.


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