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Politics During the War

I. Republican Agenda

A. Promoted westward expansion by passing the Homestead Act (1862), the Morrill Land Grant Act (1862), and the Pacific Railway Act (1862)

B. Promoted their economic policy by passing high tariffs and the National Bank Acts (1863-1864)

II. Lincoln pushed his Constitutional limits

A. Lincoln dealt forcefully with disloyalty and dissent

1. arrested citizens over the threat of what they might do

2. arrested Copperheads who spoke out against the war effort

3. suspended the writ of habeas corpus

a) in exparte Merryman the Supreme Court ruled he had acted unconstitutionally; Lincoln ignored the decision

III. Diplomatic relations with Europe

A. The CSA needed a foreign ally

1. South tried to win a decisive battle in the North to convince supporters (never did)

2. Both nations remained officially neutral

3. Britain sold ships to the Confederacy

B. Significance of the 1861 Trent Affair…

IV. Emancipation

A. Process began with the Confiscation Acts of1861 and 1862 (authority to seize enemy “property”)

B. Emancipation Proclamation

1. issued by Lincoln after Antietam; took effect Jan. 1, 1863

2. support had been growing, especially among Radical Republicans

3. A military order to free the slaves in any Southern states that were rebelling against the Union—did NOT affect the border states!

a) effect/significance?

C. The 13th Amendment was ratified in 1865, legally abolishing slavery

V. The Draft

A. The South was forced to order conscription in 1862

1. wealthy men hired substitutes to fight for them

2. one white man from each plantation of twenty or more slaves was exempt

a. “rich man’s war and poor man’s fight”

3. some counties and states ignored the order

B. The North passed the Enrollment Act in 1863

1. Could pay $300 to evade draft or hire a substitute

a. some men joined under different names to get money


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