Lehman College

Lehman College of the City University of New York


Requirements for the English Major (including English Honors)

Literature Specialization – 40-43 credits

According to the Undergraduate Bulletin 2019-2021

Course Number/Title Credits Semester Taken Grade Semester Sched.

Required Courses (22 credits):

ENG 300: Introduction to Literary Study 4 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 301: English Literature I – 3 __________ ______ ___________

Origins through Early Modern

ENG 302: English Literature II – 3 __________ ______ ___________

Restoration through Revolutions

ENG 303: English Literature III – 3 __________ ______ ___________

Romantic through Modern

ENG 307: The Novel 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 308: American Literature 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 350: Senior Seminar 3 __________ ______ ___________

Elective Courses (18-21 credits):

Choose courses from each of the following four groups of electives. Total credits must add up to at least 18 credits in 6 courses for Literature Majors and at least 19 credits in 7 courses for Honors Literature Majors.

A. Shakespeare

ENG 312: Shakespeare 3 __________ ______ ___________

B. Select 1 or 2 courses from:

ENG 338: Postcolonial Literatures 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 339: Latino/a Lits in English 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 340: African&AfricanAm Lits 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 341: Asian&AsianAmer Lits 3 __________ ______ ___________

C. Select 1 or 2 courses from:

ENG 304: Structure Modern English1 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 305: History English Language1 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENW 301: Poetry Writing 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENW 302: Fiction Writing 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENW 303: Creative Nonfiction Writing 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENW 304: Nonprofit Grant Writing 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENW 305: Professional Writing 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENW 306: Peer Tutoring1 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENW (THE) 308: Playwriting 3 __________ ______ ___________

D. Select 2 to 4 courses from:

ENG 328: Poetry1 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 330: Fiction1 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 334: Drama1 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 335: Crit Appr Children’s Lit1 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 336: Crit Appr Adolescent Lit1 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 337: Irish Literature 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 342: Film Studies 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 343: Urban Literature 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG (WST) 344: Women Writers 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG (WST) 345: Topics Gender/Sex 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 346: Bible as Literature 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 347: Western Trads-Narrative 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 348: Western Trads-Drama 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 349: Eastern Traditions 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 355: Special Topics Lit I 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 356: Special Topics Lit II 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 381: Tutorial2 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 460: Honors Seminar-SpecTopics2 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 463: Seminar Lit-Theory/Crit3 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 481: Honors Tutorial in Lit4 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 482: Honors Colloquium4 1 __________ ______ ___________

One 300/400-level literature or writing

course in English or A&H (w/perm) 3 __________ ______ ___________

HUM 470: Humanities Internship 5 __________ ______ ___________

1 Recommended for MHSE

2 Maximum 6 credits

3 Required for Honors Literature; open to all students

4 Required for Honors Literature; English honors students only


Lehman College of the City University of New York


Requirements for the English Major (including English Honors)

Creative Writing Specialization – 40-43 credits

According to the Undergraduate Bulletin 2019-2021

Course Number/Title Credits Semester Taken Grade Semester Sched.

Required Courses (22 credits):

ENG 300: Introduction to Literary Study 4 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 301: English Literature I – 3 __________ ______ ___________

Origins through Early Modern

ENG 302: English Literature II – 3 __________ ______ ___________

Restoration through Revolutions

ENG 303: English Literature III – 3 __________ ______ ___________

Romantic through Modern

ENG 307: The Novel 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 308: American Literature 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 350: Senior Seminar 3 __________ ______ ___________

Elective Courses (18-21 credits):

Choose courses from each of the following four groups of electives. Total credits must add up to at least 18 credits in 6 courses for Creative Writing Majors and at least 19 credits in 7 courses for Honors CW Majors.

A. Select 2 courses from:

ENW 301: Poetry Writing 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 302: Fiction Writing 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW (THE) 308: Playwriting 3 ___________ _______ ____________

B. Select 1 course from:

ENW (FTS/THE) 309: Screenwriting 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 311: Adv Poetry Writing I 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 312: Adv Fiction Writing I 3 ___________ _______ ____________

C. Select 1 course from:

ENG 304: Structure Modern English1 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENG 305: History English Language1 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENG 312: Shakespeare1 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENG 338: Postcolonial Literatures 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENG 339: Latino/a Lits in English 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENG 340: African&AfricanAm Lits 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENG 341: Asian&AsianAmer Lits 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 303: Creative Nonfiction Writing 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 304: Nonprofit Grant Writing 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 305: Professional Writing 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 306: Peer Tutoring1 3 __________ ______ ____________

D. Select 2 or 3 courses from:

ENW 328: Adv Poetry Writing II 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 329: Adv Fiction Writing II 3 ___________ _______

ENW 330 (THE 408): Adv Playwriting 3 ___________ _______

ENW 364: SpecTopics-CreativeWriting2 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 381: Individual Tutorial-Writing2 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW (FTS/THE) 409: Adv Screenwrtg 3 ___________ _______

ENW 461: Seminar-Creative Wrtg 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 481: Honors Tutorial in Writing3 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENG 482: Honors Colloquium3 1 ___________ _______ ____________

One 300/400-level creative writing

course in English or A&H (w/perm) 3 __________ ______ ___________

HUM 470: Humanities Internship4 5 ___________ _______ ____________

1 Recommended for MHSE

2 Maximum 6 credits

3 Required for Honors Creative Writing; English honors students only

4 Required for Honors Creative Writing; open to all students


Lehman College of the City University of New York


Requirements for the English Major (including English Honors)

Professional Writing Specialization – 40-43 credits

According to the Undergraduate Bulletin 2019-2021

Course Number/Title Credits Semester Taken Grade Semester Sched.

Required Courses (22 credits):

ENG 300: Introduction to Literary Study 4 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 301: English Literature I – 3 __________ ______ ___________

Origins through Early Modern

ENG 302: English Literature II – 3 __________ ______ ___________

Restoration through Revolutions

ENG 303: English Literature III – 3 __________ ______ ___________

Romantic through Modern

ENG 307: The Novel 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 308: American Literature 3 __________ ______ ___________

ENG 350: Senior Seminar 3 __________ ______ ___________

Elective Courses (18-21 credits):

Choose courses from each of the following three groups of electives. Total credits must add up to at least 18 credits in 6 courses for Professional Writing Majors and at least 19 credits in 7 courses for Honors PW Majors.

A. Select 2 courses from:

ENW 303: Creative Nonfiction 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 304: Nonprofit Grant Writing 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 305: Professional Writing 3 ___________ _______ ____________

B. Select 1 course from:

ENG 304: Structure Modern English1 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENG 305: History English Language1 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENG 312: Shakespeare1 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENG 338: Postcolonial Literatures 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENG 339: Latino/a Lits in English 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENG 340: African&AfricanAm Lits 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENG 341: Asian&AsianAmer Lits 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 301: Poetry Writing 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 302: Fiction Writing 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 306: Peer Tutoring1 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW (THE) 308: Playwriting 3 ___________ _______ ____________

C. Select 3 or 4 courses from:

ENW 323: Biography&MemoirWriting 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 324: The Literary Essay 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 325: CultureCriticism&Publication3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 333: Marketing & PR Writing 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 334: Grant & Proposal Writing 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 335: Technical Writing 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 365: SpecTopics-ProfWriting2 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 381: Individual Tutorial-Writing2 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 462: Seminar in Prof Writing 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENW 481: Honors Tutorial in Writing3 3 ___________ _______ ____________

ENG 482: Honors Colloquium3 1 ___________ _______ ____________

One 300/400-level professional writing

course in English or A&H (w/perm) 3 __________ ______ ___________

HUM 470: Humanities Internship4 5 ___________ _______ ____________

1 Recommended for MHSE

2 Maximum 6 credits

3 Required for Honors Professional Writing; English honors students only

4 Required for Honors Professional Writing; open to all students


Lehman College of the City University of New York


Open to All Majors (Except English)

The Minor in English – 12 credits

According to the Undergraduate Bulletin 2017-2019

The Minor in English consists of four courses totaling 12 credits, planned as one of three options listed below. ENG 111 and ENG 121 do not count toward the Minor in English. The English Minor is open to all majors (except English).

|Literature Minor (12 credits) |

| |

|Students must take one 200-level ENG course (3 credits) and three 300/400-level ENG courses (9 credits). One 300/400-level ENW course in |

|Writing may be substituted for a 300/400-level ENG course in Literature. |

|Professional Writing Minor (12 credits) |

| |

|Students must take ENW 217 (Editing and Proofreading, 3 credits) and two of the following ENW courses (3 credits each): ENW 303 (Creative |

|Nonfiction Writing), ENW 304 (Nonprofit Grant Writing), ENW 305 (Professional Writing). The fourth course may be any 300/400-level elective|

|in Professional Writing, Creative Writing, or Literature (3 credits). |

|Creative Writing Minor (12 credits) |

| |

|Students must take ENW 210 (Introduction to Creative Writing, 3 credits) and two of the following three ENW courses (3 credits each): ENW |

|301 (Poetry Writing), ENW 302 (Fiction Writing), ENW 308 (Playwriting). The fourth course may be any 300/400-level elective in Creative |

|Writing, Professional Writing, or Literature (3 credits). |

Lehman College of the City University of New York


Open to All Majors, Including English

Professional Communications Minor – 13 credits

According to the Undergraduate Bulletin 2017-2019

In addition to the 12-credit English Minors in Literature, Professional Writing, and Creative Writing, students have the option of the 13-credit Interdisciplinary Minor in Professional Communications. The Minor is open to all majors, including English.

The Professional Communications Minor provides students with the opportunity to develop high-level skills in multimedia communications. These professional communications skills are increasingly and urgently required by businesses, public sector and non-governmental organizations, and in the fields of healthcare and science. A range of relevant courses enables students to hone their skills in professional writing, using both traditional formats and new media platforms, and to prepare and deliver in-person and web-based presentations. The 13-credit Minor is designed for students majoring in various departments within the Schools of Arts and Humanities, Social and Natural Sciences, and Nursing and Health Sciences. These majors include but are not limited to English, Multimedia Journalism, Computer Graphics and Imaging, Business Administration, Health Services Education and Promotion, Health Services Administration, and Nursing. Students from any department seeking to burnish their professional writing and presentation skills for the twenty-first-century marketplace will find the Minor in Professional Communications an invaluable complement to their chosen major.

Degree Requirements

Undergraduate students may declare the Minor in Professional Communications upon successful completion of ENG 111 and ENG 121. Students satisfy the requirements for the 13-credit Professional Communications Minor by taking four courses, three of which are at the 300-level.

12-Credit Minor in Professional Communications

Writing Skills Core (3 credits):

ENW 201: Writing Essentials (3)

Professional Writing Elective (3 credits):

ENW 300: Business Writing (3)

ENW 304: Nonprofit Grant Writing I (3)

ENW 3070: Health and Science Writing (3)

ENW (MMS) 333: Marketing and Public Relations Writing (3)

ENW 335: Technical Writing (3)

Multimedia Communication Courses (6 credits):

ENW 3100: Writing for New Media (3)

ENW 3200: Professional Communications and Presentations Seminar (3)

Lehman College of the City University of New York


English Major + Education Minor

Teacher of English

According to the Undergraduate Bulletin 2019-2021

English Majors who are also Minors in Early Childhood and Childhood Education (ECCE) or Middle and High School Education (MHSE) must fulfill the requirements of a 40-43-credit English Major in Literature, Professional Writing, or Creative Writing, regardless of whether or not they are pursuing certification.

Education Minors who receive certification as undergraduates may pursue an M.A. in English.

Education Minors who do not receive certification as undergraduates may pursue an M.S. in Education.

Students interested in becoming teachers should consult the Office of the Dean of Education for the latest information on New York State requirements for teacher certification.


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