BTEC Level 2 – Unit 3

Purpose The purpose of making the portfolio is to showcase what I’m capable of and what I’ve done for my course in college. I will be using the portfolio to sell myself to future employers like Konnekted to get a job. One of the requirements is it has to be accessed online, and all I have to do is give them the link to my website and they will already be able to access college works I’ve done for my course. One of the purpose is also to give them a little bit of information about myself like my name, may age, what course I was doing, my hobbies and what I like to do in my spare time, and some links related to these. My website also shows some of my skills like how I am supposed to make it look like whether to make it formal or informal. As I have to make it look professional, I’ve had to tidy the menus and use the parent and child for the units as it will only be scattered all over the navigation bar without doing so. To make it user-friendly, I’ve arranged the units in numerical order so it will be easier for the users to find each units.Target audience The portfolio’s target audience are potential employer, students, and teachers. For future employers, the website has to look very professional as this will based whether they should hire me. For students and teachers, assignments should be up to date for it might help them understand things about subjects on the course. It could also help new teachers in the industry gain more knowledge about the course. Assignments should also be up to good standard as potential employers will be looking at it. Having high standard projects can also show experience on using software/applications and that is already one good point on why they should hire you.As it has to be formal, it should be made professionally and not have any grammatical errors, font size and colour should also be considered and make sure not to use spelling shortcuts.This is my Home page, this page displays on initial search of my website. This page is about giving my audience information on what the website is about and what they can expect from it. It has a title page on top so they will know what page they are on and not get lost. The banner I have used was my own image. It is actually an image of a carpet overlaid by a keyboard image, I then lower the opacity of the keyboard and resulted to having a carpet keyboard. I’ve also added a watermark to it so people will know that it is originally done by me. My navigation bar used to have menus scattered all over and everything was unordered. So I had to use a parent page to organize my units and put them in numerical order to make it easier for viewers find every units. This is my About page. This is where you can find personal information about me such as age, which college I go to, what course I am doing, hobbies and what I like to do on my spare time. This page also has a title so people won’t get lost on what page they are on. Hyperlinks were also added to it such as links to my favourite basketball team and their league and links to the leagues I use compete in. These links can give anyone more information about my interests. This is My Units page. This is the parent page for all the units, I did this to keep my website neat and look professional. It is the same with every page, it has a page title to make easier for viewers know which page they are on. It starts off with a little introduction about my units in the course. It then has hyperlinks below that directs you to each individual units. This page can be useful most of the time as some web browser has got some trouble displaying all my units from the dropdown menu.This is my Gallery page. It has the same layout as all the pages as I want to keep it consistent as not to confuse my viewers and to make sure it stays professional. My gallery page has images taken in college that I used for a different course as I haven’t got any from my current course. As I think there isn’t enough images on this page, I’ve just left a note that I will try to put up more images as I update my portfolio every now and then.Overall evaluationI think that the portfolio has met the purpose and requirements will be able to help me get a job for a future employer. It displays skills I have honed along the duration of my course and it shows what I’m capable of. I was on track on making my website along with my fellow peers, not until I accidentally changed my theme to a different one and everything went back to default settings. So I had so start on arranging my navigation bar, put them in order and do the parent and children pages for my units again. I quite struggle on figuring things out again to get back on track on finishing my portfolio. It was quite hard to ask for help as my peers were also clueless as I’m the only one who tried changing the theme.I have asked my peers to review my portfolio when I finished it. I had feedbacks like not having a banner, unused widgets not being taken out and having no images in the galleries page.So I’ve taken it into consideration, as I have to, and made changes to the website. I’ve added a banner and watermarked my name on it so I can cut the long title on the header and have my name on the banner instead. Also, a couple more lines were added to my introduction on my home page as I only had a few words before. Unused widgets were removed from pages so it there won’t be unnecessary distraction at the bottom of pages. I’ve have added images on the galleries page where I did not have any last time, images I’ve used were pictures I’ve taken from my last year’s course as I don’t really have any from this year.As I want to keep some things as it is, some feedbacks were ignored like lack of colour and the navigation being simplistic/boring. The reason I did this is because I want it to look professional, and also to be easy and simple for people to navigate around my website.The design from my storyboard did not match my final portfolio as I’ve chosen a paid theme for my design and could not get it for free for my portfolio. I wanted to use images for my menus but I don’t know how to do it and not even sure If I’m allowed to. My design did not match the actual site as I always make updates that can make my portfolio even better, so I can’t just stick to my design plan when I’m given the opportunity to make it better. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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