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Name_____________________________________________________Date_____________________The Nile River-114300164465001) The Nile River flows north and south, right through the heart of Egypt. Why do you think the Egyptians settled near the Nile River and grew their civilization there? There are many reasons – come up with as many as you can!____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2) The Nile River also flows straight into the Mediterranean Sea, to the north. Why do you think this was so important for the Egyptians? What’s so special about a river flowing into a huge body of water? What could it let the Egyptians do?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3) Today, the country of Egypt is on the African Continent. But during the rule of the Ancient Egyptians thousands of years ago, their rule was a lot bigger than what the country is today. It even extended into Asia. What do you think happened? Why do you the area that they ruled has decreased (became smaller) in size?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________0-953643000Based on what you just read answer the following QUESTIONS on the lines below: 1. Why do you think it was so important to the ancient Egyptians that the Nile River flooded every year? 2. Why was it good that it flooded? Why was it bad if it did not flood?NAME 6TH Grade Social StudiesAncient Egypt“Life on the River” Assignments: Paragraph and Picture (P&P)Assignment #1:Directions: Imagine you are a man or woman who has just arrived in ancient Egypt to begin your new life with your family. You have heard about the great things happening in Egypt. But when you arrive, you realize that there is a lot more to Egypt than just the great pyramids and famous Pharaohs. Write from the point of view of this person who has just arrived.What do you see around you?Is it what you expected or is it different?Does life in Egypt seem like it is easy or hard?How do you think you will earn money to support yourself?Make sure you look over ‘Life on the River’ before you write your response.Assignment #2:Directions: You have just read the article “Life on the River” and written a paragraph about what you would experience if you were there. Now your job is to draw a picture that shows what you would be doing for a job. To begin this assignment you have you have to pick ONE of the following jobs: (1) Farmer, (2) Scribe, (3)Ferryman, or (4) Mother. Once you have picked you have to complete the list of responsibilities for the job below and then draw your picture. For your picture make sure that everything is neat and clear as well as includes details about the job and color.Chosen Job: List of job responsibilities (what you do at your job):1.2.3. Picture-18923026670Job: 00Job: ................

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