Your Intuitive Senses - Beginner Spiritual Development Circle

50 Psychic Senses You May Already Have and How To Develop Them275272582740500The term “clair” is used to describe?intuitive senses or “psychic gifts”. Many people talk about them, but don’t really know what they are or how they work.?Many people use their psychic senses without understanding or even knowing the gifts they possess! We typically rely on the five main senses to gather information; our eyes, ears, fingers, nose and mouth. Our world from a logistical stand point is often identifiable as either on or off, 1 or 0, black or white, you’re either pregnant or you’re not, the password works, or it doesn’t. There is no grey area, no in between. However, many people, unbeknownst to them, also have a wide variety of experiences where they are “in tune” with the Universe at a much broader level and can perceive dimensions not understood by the normal person.Your Intuitive SensesWhat might be your strongest gift?If you have an interest in the metaphysical such as energy vibrations, prayer, intentions, meditation, and positive affirmation then you may also have psychic senses. These intuitive gifts can be extremely confusing and challenging at times. A simple understanding of these sense will allow you to identify where your intuitive gifts may be strongest. Focusing on the strongest of your gifts and developing this “clair” sense more keenly will also begin to open and awaken your other intuitive senses.Quite possibly the most misunderstood of these psychic gifts is clairsentience or the ability to sense the emotions and energetic vibrations of people, animals, places, and other substances around them. You can feel the energy of others both in your heart and in your body. Clairsentients are also known as empaths and are sensitive, not because they feel sorry for another person, but because they can sense their true feelings and intents.Intuitive Senses and Divination ToolsClairvoyance (ability to see)Clairvoyance?(or clear vision) is the ability for an individual to visually perceive messages from another realm through the mind’s eye. Many clairvoyants receive their messages whilst meditating, usually in the form of symbols and mental images (inner sight) and have the ability to reach into various vibrational frequency giving them insight into the past, present and future.You may be clairvoyant if:You see colors around people and can read their aura based on the patterns.You have very vivid dreams. You can see shapes, colors, pictures or objects when you close your eyes to sleep or during meditation. You see flashes of light, sparkly lights, movements, or shadows through the corners of your eyes. You tend to use the words “I see…” in conversations with others. 34004255956300Exercise: Look at a candle flame for a moment. Then close your eyes and “see” the flame to understand where your “third eye” sense originates. Focusing on this area helps to activate your clairvoyant sense.Divination Tools that may expand your clairvoyant gift: Tarot or Oracle CardsCrystals & Color VibrationsAura DetectionGuided MeditationsJournaling Your DreamsVision BoardsClairsentience (feel)Description: Clairsentience (or clear feeling) is the ability for an individual to perceive information through a feeling throughout their body. You can feel other people’s pain, even the location of the pain on their body. ?Sometimes you will take on that feeling within your own body. The feeling which clairsentience experience may have nothing to do with their own surroundings or emotions and is in fact a form of message from another realm. It is a gift which allows an individual to tune into the emotional experience of people, places, plants and animals. With the ability to tune into the vibrations and tones of an aura. Clairsentient beings are often referred to as Empaths who this skill for healing, nurturing and problem solving. You may be clairsentient if:You are very sensitive to your surroundings: you easily sense or "pick up on" the vibe of a person, place, or thing. You use the words "I feel" when you are having conversations with others. 340995087630You can feel the presence of spirits.You have burst in to tears or had fits of anger and are not sure why. Your emotions change suddenly when you are around people or when you arrive at a person's home. You tend to avoid confrontation or discord and often find yourself trying to be the peacemaker in a situation. You tend to keep to yourself so as not to feel and thus react to the emotions of others. You have often been told that you are too emotional or sensitive sometimes causing you to dim your own self-expression. You don't attend social gatherings, and if you do, you sit in a corner by yourself avoiding the crowd, just because you receive negative vibes from people, some strange feelings. When people are in pain, you can feel it in your own body. You find it difficult to watch any type of violence or distress on TV or social media. You feel uneasy, uncomfortable, or overwhelmed when in large groups or public places. You can feel the energy of things like computers, or vehicles, or buildings, or houses.You tend to pick up the feelings of others and then project them back to the person without realizing what you are doing. You can “feel” the presence of spirits or feel something “odd” when you are in a place where a spirit might be. You avoid certain movies because of their content such as violence, suffering, or animal stories because of the drama and emotions they produce. It is very easy for people to hurt your feelings and may find yourself the victim of physical, emotional, or verbal abuse. You prefer to work in careers that allow you to help others whether it's animals, people, or nature such as nurses, doctors, or veterinarians. You are a natural Healer and are often drawn to holistic and spiritual practices. 359092581788000Exercise: When you feel anxiety, stress, overwhelm or upset, ask yourself, “Is this mine?” If the feelings are indeed yours, tune in to your chakra energy system for guidance and direction on what might be causing you upset. Imagine Divine Love and Wisdom coming down through the Crown Chakra and practice the “Letting Go” technique.Divination Tools that may expand your clairsentient gift: CrystalsJournalingKinesiology (Muscle Testing)PendulumsDivining RodsChakra Energy HealingClairaudience (hear)Clairaudience (or clear hearing) is the ability for an individual to receive messages through broadcast from spiritual realm. These messages are received through what is known as the “inner ear” and are most commonly channeled through a state of meditation. However, many experts of clairaudience have the ability to receive these forms of messages in any environment and psychic mediums often pair this skill with clairvoyance.You may be clairaudient if:You listen more than you talk. You tend to use the words “I hear…” in conversations when relating to others. You hear words, phrases, or even music at frequencies that other people do not hear. Sounds can be too loud for you even if made at a normal range. You often hear buzzing or ringing in your ears. You hear messages either inside your mind or audibly. You speak to plants and animals because you sense they can understand you. Exercise: Sit on a park bench and listen to all the sounds. Listen to the space in between the sounds. You will become aware of many sounds you wouldn’t normally pick up on.Divination Tools that may expand your clairaudient gift: 33623256032500Kirtan KriyaProsperity AffirmationsPoetry/Music Sound VibrationsGuided MeditationsSinging BowlesClaircognizance (know)Claircognizance (or clear knowing) is the ability for an individual to suddenly know something to be true, even though you didn’t see it, hear it, or feel it. You just know. It is a stroke of insight or a download of information that needs no processing or interpretation. Claircognizant beings are often referred to as Channelers as this is the gift of allowing a higher intelligence, higher level of consciousness, a.k.a. spiritual beings to enter into the mind of an individual. Those who are able to channel can bring healing energies and psychic information through to the aid of human beings. You may be claircognizant if:You are able to touch an object and intuitively receive information about the owner. You have ever felt like you have received telepathic information from someone.You are often the first person to "sense" when something isn't right or unsafe or there is danger for yourself or your family. You ‘just know” information without having any reason for it. Knowledge often come to you spontaneously. You are aware of facts and figures that you know in your soul is 100% accurate. Information comes to you in the way of simply knowing the truth of a situation, career path, or even a relationship. You tend to use the words, “I know…” in conversations with other people. You receive the answers to things and don't understand how or where it came from. Tend to have an ‘unquiet mind’ with ideas swirling around and popping in, especially when at work or involved in a creative project. When you provide really helpful advice, you forget what you said straight away and wonder where you got such wise information. 372491016002000You automatically know when someone is telling the truth or not. Exercise: With a deck of cards, intuitively sense the face and suite of the card and guess, one by one, what card you are holding. Tally the number you got correct! Divination Tools that may expand your claircognizant gift: KinesiologyJournalingNumerologyChannelingPractice of TithingTarot or Oracle ReadingsClairolfaction (smell)Clairolfaction (or clear smelling) is the ability for an individual to smell odors which are not within their surroundings. Similar to other forms of clair sense, these scents are not smelt through the physical aid of the nose, but instead through a psychic frequency which holds no limitations with physical time and space boundaries.You may have this gift if:You can smell a fragrance/odor of substance or food which is not in one's surroundings.?You can smell the presence from the spirit world such as flowers, smoke, or other scent. You are able to elevate your energy vibrations using sage, incense, and/or candles.3314700485140Exercise: Incorporate these scents into your daily practice of God Consciousness awareness. These are good “triggers” to help you connect with Spirit.Divination Tools that may expand your clairolfaction gift: SageIncenseScented Candles Essential OilsAromatherapyClairgustance (taste)Clairgustance (or clear tasting) is the ability for an individual to taste substance without physically placing an object in their mouths. Those who possess a clairgustant skill are able to perceive the essence of a substance from spiritual realms through the aid of taste.34194753181350You may be clairgustant if:You self-medicate with either alcohol, drugs, or other reckless behavior as a means of escape. You enjoy cooking and fine dining.Exercise: Notice where you may be shopping for items for their nutritional value versus the taste or consistency of the food item. Try tasting something while pinching your nose to cut off clairolfaction sense.Divination Tools that may expand your clairgustant gift: Herbs & SpicesEssential OilsCooking ReviewWhile some may find it difficult to balance the energies of these gifts as well as manage the emotional chaos of our everyday lives, you may find the awareness of these gifts can be used as a source positive vibrations, feelings, and emotions. You now have the opportunity to begin to observe your surroundings using your new-found spiritual awareness. There are many divination tools and energy practices that will give you the ability to tune in to your energy and expand your intuitive gifts. You may want to practice how to defend yourself against energetic waves of negative emotions in your environment instead of reacting to them. Knowing how your spiritual gifts work, how to turn them on and off, will allow you to better identify with your own emotions once you can observe and separate your energetic vibrations from the energy of others!Once you are aware of the different ways the Universe can speak to you, a door is opened to this powerful guidance, which will assist you in creating a meaningful and magical spiritual journey!There are numerous benefits from tapping in to your inner awareness, but it's important to remember that it's not just about predictions or finding easy answers to problems.3476625561975Here are just a few of the rewards of developing your intuitive abilities:- improve your relationships- enhance your creative ability- make the most of your career- receive intuitive guidance on important decisions- connect to your loved ones who have passed on- enhance your physical abilities- feel more connected to nature and the Universe- notice more synchronicities in your life- be more guided on your soul's journeyYou can benefit from all of these things and more by using and strengthening your intuitive psychic ability! Start by creating a spiritual practice of sitting quietly and listening to your intuition. Put on some soft meditative music, burn some incense, get yourself into a comfortable position and write in a journal. Maybe join a spiritual community that moves, touches, and inspires you to pursue your psychic development. Regardless of your psychic abilities, we’d love to have you join our Beginner Spiritual Development Circle Meetup Group at spiritcircles where we provide a safe loving environment to learn energy techniques, divination tools, and meet like-minded beginner psychics just like you! All levels of experience are welcome and you do not need to be psychic to attend. When you acknowledge and listen to your Higher Self, you’ll embark upon a journey to a special place deep inside you and you’ll discover all the tools you need to start thinking and feeling from within. Over time you’ll begin to view your life, the world, and everything around you through more spiritual eyes. You’ll become aware of and develop an extraordinary new understanding, one of increased awareness, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance and healing. Now that you’ve established some basic facts about your natural intuitive senses, feel free to explore and develop your gifts to your fullest potential!Beginner Spiritual Development CirclesWe have several online programs to help expand your psychic gifts at . To learn more about how to explore and expand your psychic gifts, check out our introductory program at today!00Regina A. Luffey, Business Coach, Teacher & MysticBeginner Spiritual Development Circle, LLCAlexandria, VA 22311Regina helps men and women develop their spiritual intuitive gifts, so they can easily access higher realms of consciousness using simple divination tools for guidance and direction to create a life they love full of prosperity, happiness, and success.Regina has been a natural mystic all her life and has been able to detect the energy of people, places, and things since the age of 9. Regina has developed her own intuitive gifts and healing modalities while studying with many Holistic Practitioners, Spiritual Healers, Psychic Mediums, Coaches, Authors, and Speakers around the world. Regina now practices as a Teacher & Mystic at Holistic Meditation and Metaphysical Centers around the MD, DC, and VA area. For more information about the Beginner Spiritual Development Circle, visit : Concepts and strategies shared in Beginner Spiritual Development Circles are ideas that have worked for members of our Light Being community. All content is for informational purposes only. Always use your own judgment and get the advice of professionals before partaking in any practice or exercise for your own spiritual health and well-being.1047750646747500To schedule an online appointment, please visit . ................

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