42576758724265Version 1.0 Nov-29-20124000020000Version 1.0 Nov-29-20126697345638810000-9525053340Annual Performance ReviewManager GuideStarbucks Talent Management System00Annual Performance ReviewManager GuideStarbucks Talent Management System.-76200835025Need Technical Support? Contact successfactors@Need Process Support?Contact your PRO generalist020000Need Technical Support? Contact successfactors@Need Process Support?Contact your PRO generalistTable of Contents TOC \t "UserGuide_Heading1,1,UserGuide_Heading2,2" System Navigation PAGEREF _Toc362865306 \h 3Overview of SuccessFactors Modules PAGEREF _Toc362865307 \h 4Goals PAGEREF _Toc362865308 \h 4Performance PAGEREF _Toc362865309 \h 4Development PAGEREF _Toc362865310 \h 4Company Info PAGEREF _Toc362865311 \h 4The Starbucks Talent Management Process PAGEREF _Toc362865312 \h 5Performance: Overview PAGEREF _Toc362865313 \h 6Getting Started PAGEREF _Toc362865314 \h 6Form Sections PAGEREF _Toc362865315 \h 6Ratings PAGEREF _Toc362865316 \h 6Form Status / Route Map PAGEREF _Toc362865317 \h 6Form Toolbar PAGEREF _Toc362865318 \h 6Performance: The Annual Performance Review Form PAGEREF _Toc362865319 \h 7Complete The Annual Review PAGEREF _Toc362865320 \h 7Update Accomplishments, Strengths And Opportunities PAGEREF _Toc362865321 \h 7Review Partner Goals PAGEREF _Toc362865322 \h 7Add A Goal PAGEREF _Toc362865323 \h 7Edit A Goal PAGEREF _Toc362865324 \h 8Delete A Goal PAGEREF _Toc362865325 \h 8Acknowledge The Annual Performance Review PAGEREF _Toc362865326 \h 8View A Completed Annual Review PAGEREF _Toc362865327 \h 8Print Completed Annual Performance Review Form PAGEREF _Toc362865328 \h 8System NavigationLog OnOpen your browser and navigate to: Enter your Case-Sensitive Username and PasswordClick Forgot Your Password?Open your browser and navigate to: Click the Forgot Your Password? linkEnter your Case-Sensitive Username in the Username: fieldClick Navigation BasicsUpon logging in, the Home page displays. This page provides access to all the activities and processes in the system, and gives an overview of your To-Dos. To access Home from anywhere in the application, select Home from the drop-down menu at the upper left-hand side of the screen.Use the module drop-down menu to go different parts of the system. Select a module from the list to move. Partners may select the following modules:HomeGoalsPerformanceCompany InfoPartner ProfileManagers may access additional modules based upon their role.Click the arrow next to your name on the upper right-hand side of the screen to access the Options menu and to Logout of the system.Use People Search to locate other partners. Search uses predictive text that allows partial entries to assist with locating an individual. Search is accessible from any location within the system.The Browser Back ButtonNOTE: Please refrain from using the Back Button.The Starbucks Talent Management System keeps your personal data confidential. To do this, the website does not allow the use of the Back Button. If you click the Back Button, you may lose data and may need to log back into the system. Overview of SuccessFactors ModulesSuccessFactors modules automate Starbucks Goal Alignment, Partner Development Planning, Organization and Partner Planning (OPP) and Annual Review processes. Below are short descriptions of each module in the Starbucks system.GoalsAn online plan used to create and store your annual goals in a central place.PerformanceThe online Annual Performance Review records partner accomplishments, strengths and opportunities. Folders organize each year’s review and keep them within easy reach.Inbox: Forms that require your action.En Route: Forms that require actions from other pleted: Forms that are complete are stored here.DevelopmentAn online form used to document your development pany InfoCompany Info contains company specific materials and information. Tools include: Org Chart, Directory and Resources.Performance: OverviewBelow is a basic overview of the Annual Performance Review process. This information orients you to the system before providing instructions on how to interact with the form.Getting StartedTo start the review process, select Performance from the drop-down menu in the upper left-hand side of the screen. The annual review starts in the Inbox. The form starts in a state that allows the manager to enter notes on the partner’s accomplishments, strengths and opportunities. Discuss your partner’s performance with your partner before filling out the Annual Performance Review form.Form Sections Form sections display the information required to complete the annual review. Click on a section link, the large grey box on the left, to go to a specific section of the form. Review the information and instructions listed for each section.RatingsThere is one Overall Form Rating. Please enter Performance Ratings into CompAdvisor. System administrators will export CompAdvisor ratings from CompAdvisor and import them into SuccessFactors once Salary Planning is completed. To ensure the rating does not change after Salary planning, the rating field is not eatable.Form Status / Route MapThe current performance step appears in green on the form. Routing options below the current performance step help move the review form through the review process. Performance Steps:Routing Options:Form ToolbarClick the icons in the upper right-hand corner of the Annual Review form to take the following actions:View Full FormPrint previewPerformance Form HistoryView From by SectionPrint to HTML or PDFNotes HistoryView Form by ItemSave FormInfo about this formSpell CheckAdd To OutlookThe Starbucks Talent Management ProcessEffective talent management involves an ongoing conversation between partners and managers. It includes setting clear performance expectations at the beginning of the year, providing regular feedback and coaching throughout the year and rating annual performance at the end of the year. The Annual Review process follows these steps:1905011633200Goal Alignment – Partners and manager agree on goals for the year and start an ongoing conversation about the partner’s accomplishments, strengths and opportunities.Annual Performance Review - The manager summarizes partner accomplishments, strengths and opportunities, verifies each partner’s goals in SuccessFactors and rates the partner performance in CompAdvisor.NOTE: Please enter Performance Ratings into CompAdvisor. System administrators will export CompAdvisor ratings and import them into SuccessFactors once Salary Planning is completed.Acknowledge Discussion – Partners and managers meet to discuss the Annual Performance Review. After the Annual Performance Review discussion, the manager and partner acknowledge the discussion plete - A copy of the completed form is available in the partner’s and manager’s Completed folder.Performance: Completing the Annual Performance Review FormAt the end of the year, managers summarize partner accomplishments, strengths and opportunities and rate partner performance (what they achieved and how they achieved it). Below are the instruction on how to complete the annual review by updating accomplishments, strengths and opportunities. Complete the Annual ReviewOn the Home page, click Performance from the drop-down in the upper left-hand corner.Click the title of the Annual Review form to launch it.Summarize this partner’s Accomplishments, Strengths or Opportunities in the fields provided.Note: Notes entered in these fields are not visible to partners. Review the goals on the form to ensure they are accurate. Add, edit or delete goals as necessary.Click one of the buttons at the bottom of the form:Saves your work, closes the form and allows you to return to it later.Closes the form without saving your changes.Marks the review as ‘Complete’ and moves it to the Discussion step.Update Accomplishments, Strengths and OpportunitiesOn the Home page, click Performance from the drop-down in the upper left-hand corner.Click the title of the Annual Performance Review, and then click in the menu on the left.Click the text field below Accomplishments, Strengths or Opportunities and enter a comment into the field.Note:Comments entered here are not visible to partners until you move the review to the signature stepPlease refrain from forwarding the annual review form to your partner.Ratings in CompAdvisor will not appear in SuccessFactors until late September.Click to save your changes.Review Partner GoalsPlease review the goals listed in the Goal Alignment Section of the Annual Performance Review form to ensure they are accurate. Add, edit or delete goals as necessary.Add a GoalOn the Home page, click Performance from the drop-down in the upper left-hand corner.Click the title of the Annual Review form, and then click in the menu on the left.Scroll down the page and click .Select the appropriate Visibility and Category settings, and fill in Goal and Measures field.Click .Edit a GoalOn the Home page, click Performance from the drop-down in the upper left-hand corner.Click the title of the Annual Review form, then click in the menu on the left.Click the button next to a goal to edit it.Update the appropriate Visibility and Category settings, and the Goal and Measures fields, as necessary.Click .Delete a GoalOn the Home page, click Performance from the drop-down in the upper left-hand corner.Click the title of the Annual Review form, then click in the menu on the left.Click the button next to a goal to delete it.Click to confirm deletion.Finalize Review & Move to Discussion StepWhen you are complete with a review, click Click the to confirm that you have completed this reviewNote:If need to change a finalized review, please contact successfactors@ for assistance.Please do not acknowledge Annual Performance Reivews in SuccessFactors until CompAdvisor data has been imported into Successfactors in late Septemeber.Performance: Acknowledge the Annual Performance Review ConversationAfter performance ratings are exported from CompAdvisor and imported into SuccessFactors, please schedule an hour-long meeting with each partner and discuss their review with them. After the review, acknowledge the Annual Review Covnersation in SuccessFactors. After you acknowledge the conversation, SuccessFactors will ask your partner to acknowledge the conversation.Acknowledge the Annual Performance ReviewOn the Home page, click Performance from the drop-down in the upper left-hand corner.Click the title of the Annual Review form you need to sign.When you are ready for your partner to see the review form click Click the button to allow your partner to see the review formNote:You partner will need to follow these steps above to acknowledge your discussionView a Completed Annual ReviewOn the Home page, click Performance from the drop-down in the upper left-hand corner.Click in the menu on the left.To view an Annual Review, click the title of the Annual Performance Review form. Print Completed Annual Performance Review FormOn the Home page, click Performance from the drop-down in the upper left-hand corner.Click the title of the Annual Review form that needs to be printed.Click the print icon on the toolbar in upper right-hand corner for the screen.Click the PDF option, and then click .Click the Print icon on the tool bar. ................

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