Weekly Newsletter .uk


St Mary, Our Lady of Walsingham (LC)

Haseldine Road, London Colney, AL2 1RR

*St Anthony of Padua Catholic Church (RA)

Radlett Presbytery, 22 The Crosspath

Radlett, WD7 8HN*

*(Postal address for all parishes)*

The Good Shepherd, (SH)

Black Lion Hill, Shenley, WD7 9DH


FOR MASS INTENTIONS PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE OR USE THE ENVELOPES AVAILABLE AT THE BACK OF CHURCH or your own envelope with all the details on. Please State if it is a RIP or “intentions of” and either put it in the collection basket, or drop it into the Radlett Presbytery at the address above. (Mass Intentions may change if there is a funeral, & moved to the next available date). Specific dates cannot be guaranteed. If you want to know the date please write your e-mail address or phone number clearly on the envelope, thank you. Please do not use the envelopes for any other purpose.

MASS TIMES – 11th October

(SH) Sat 5.00pm:



(LC) 11.30am:


(LC) Mon 9.30am:

(RA) Tue 10.00am:

(SH) Wed 9.30am:

(LC) Thu 10.00am: No Mass

(Intention now 04/11/20)

MASS TIMES – 18th October

(SH) Sat 5.00pm:



(LC) 11.30am:

Coming Soon - Mass live streamed from St Anthony of Padua Church on the following link:


Please speak to Fr Kevin before one of the Masses or phone (01923 635541 option 4) to make an appointment.

PARISH OFFICE (01923 635541,option 3)

Mon – Wed 9.00am – 12.30pm & to 11.00am on Fri Closed on Thu, Sat & Sun.

For booking a place at Mass please ring on Friday morning 8.45am – 11.30am only.

Parish Administrator: Mrs Catherine King

London Colney Church will be open on Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm-7:30pm for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and individual prayer.

Pope’s Prayer Intention: The Laity’s Mission in the Church - We pray that by the virtue of baptism, the laity, especially women, may participate more in areas of responsibility in the Church.

The God Who Speaks Matt 22:1-14

Meditate: “Blessed are those invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb” (Rev 19:9). The Bible describes heaven as a wedding. Jesus is the groom, who loves us and makes us ready for that feast day through our lives. We are invited to get ready so that, ultimately, we can accept that invitation and thus enter the feast of heaven.

Act: Some of those invited has excuses to avoid going to the wedding. Many a times we also have excuses not to spend time with the Lord. Think of the excuses you make and perhaps try to give them up.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

At breakfast time on Monday, I had a visit from the police. Apparently a neighbour of the church in Radlett complained to the police that after Mass, people were not wearing face masks and were not observing the rules of social distancing. Needless to say, the policeman was not able to tell me who the complainant was. I always find this sort of complaint very cowardly as the complainant knows full well that his identity will not be revealed. You might recall I had a similar complaint a couple of years because I placed bollards outside the church so that there was space for the hearse to park for a funeral.

As I understand the rules, we not required to wear face masks out of doors. Again, as I understand the situation, it is illegal to meet in a group of more than six (unless you are from the same household) and you should obey the social distancing rules. Please be aware, then, that as we leave Mass (probably not only in Radlett) we are being watched! Fr Kevin

Please note: Mass on Monday at London Colney will be at the earlier time of 9.30am and there will not be a Mass on Thursday. Fr Kevin apologises for any inconvenience.

Fr Kevin will be blessing Graves on Sunday 8th November.

• London Road Cemetery at 12.15pm.

• London Colney Cemetery at 1.15pm.

• Shenley Cemetery at 1.30pm.

• Radlett Cemetery at 2.00pm

November is the month of the Holy Souls. If you would like your departed loved ones to be remembered as part of the, ‘November Dead List’ then please place your list of names in a special envelope, available from the back of Church, with your offering, to be returned via the collection, or dropping it into the Presbytery at Radlett. Please state parish (LC RA SH), thank you.

Times and Places for All Souls day, Mon 2nd Nov:

Shenley 9.30am

London Colney 11.00am

Radlett 7.00pm

Registration for First Holy Communion and Confirmation 2021. Registration is now open to prepare for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion and Confirmation in 2021. Please send an email to radlett@.uk with, ‘First Holy Communion’ or ‘Confirmation’ in the subject line. An Application Form as a Word Document will be attached with the reply. Please complete the form and return it by email to the Parish Office (radlett@.uk) by midday on Friday 23rd October. The sessions to prepare the children and teenagers will be in a Covid-secure environment according to the instructions which have been received from the Bishops of England and Wales. Given the uncertainty of the times, the dates cannot yet be fixed for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation and indeed it is by no means certain that the preparation classes will be able to be held. We will, though, do the best we can in the situation and within the rules of social distancing!

CATHOLIC CERTIFICATE OF PRACTICE FORM (CCP) SIGNING FOR RECEPTION, NURSERY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL: Please send completed CCP forms for Fr Kevin to sign along with an SAE for return to Fr Kevin Moule, Radlett Presbytery, 22 The Crosspath, Radlett, WD7 8HN. Please ensure that these forms arrive at the presbytery at least 10 days before the closing date set by the school otherwise you may not receive it completed and signed in time for you to enclose with your application. Please only send the certificate of catholic practice to sign and please ensure that your child’s details are completed on the form.

The NHS Covid app has now been launched. The App uses contact tracing technology to help to protect ourselves and others. You might have noticed that as you come into each of our churches there is a ‘QR-code’ which you should scan using the NHS App. The app notices and logs other nearby app users. If any of these users later tests positive for coronavirus those who use the app will receive notification and advice. The app also lets us report any symptoms we might have and advises if a test is needed. If you have a smart phone then it is a very good idea to download the app. The more people who use the app the sooner we will return to normal!

London Colney Red Box Holders: please collect a manila Missio envelope. In accordance with COVID guidelines issued by Missio we are putting out the official envelopes for people to take away with them, empty their boxes into them. Please bring the envelope back and give to one of the stewards, within the next three weeks. Thank you.

CAFOD’s Family Fast Day this weekend to help people facing the worst of the coronavirus crisis. We’ve all felt the impact of this terrible disease – let’s come together to help the poorest and most vulnerable people in the world survive, rebuild and heal. Please pray for all those affected and donate online at .uk/give

Churches together Quiz night: There is another quiz night being organised for Thursday 15 October via 'Zoom' details below. The previous one was a lot of fun. Please let Dcn. Tony know if you wish to attend so we can gauge numbers. tonybarter@.uk . Zoom Quiz evening - Thursday 15th October @ 8pm

It would be a great help to have more volunteers to be Stewards:

• in all three churches for Sunday Masses.  Please would a couple of people say, ‘yes, I am prepared to help at Shenley on a Saturday evening at 5.30pm, or on a Sunday at Radlett at 10.00am or at London Colney on a Sunday at 11.30am!’

• More would be helpful to support those who are Stewards for the weekday Masses at London Colney, Radlett and Shenley.  

Please contact the office if you can help. Thank you, of course, to all those who already volunteer as Stewards but the more the merrier and many hands make light work!

Fr Kevin

Booking Weekend Masses: * Please ring the parish office on FRIDAY morning only between 8.45am and 11.30am to book a Mass (01923 635541, Option 3). If the Church is full you may be offered a place at one of our other parishes if there are places available, or be put on the following Sunday’s list. You can just turn-up for a Mass but if the capacity of the church has been reached you will be asked to stand outside the church. These limits on numbers are set so that we can ensure that our churches are safe spaces so that all can practice social distancing. Don’t forget our obligation to be present at Mass on a Sunday and Holy Day has for the time being been suspended. If you cannot get to Mass on a Sunday, why not come during the week if Masses are available.

Baptisms, Marriages, Confessions, Funerals, and Sick Calls. We are now allowed to celebrates the Sacraments of Baptism and Marriage and to celebrate a Funeral Mass, with certain restrictions. ; e.g; only 30 people are allowed to attend; no singing and families must congregate in, ‘bubbles’. Only one family can present a child for Baptism. The ceremonies around Baptism (e.g. the clothing with a white garment and the giving of a candle should be omitted). Marriages are permitted but the congregation is limited to 30. At a Funeral Mass it is not permitted to place anything on the coffin and mourners should not touch the coffin. At this time, it is regrettable but priests are not yet supposed to make sick calls. Regarding confessions priests are now permitted to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession). The instructions suggest that the, ‘confessional’ must not be used but a private place either indoors or outdoors. If you wish to make your confession then Fr Kevin will as usual be available before Mass. Thank you for your understanding in these important matters.

Planned Giving: If possible Direct Debits or online donations are the most secure and efficient way to make your Mass offering. Like everyone else, our Parishes still have had to pay bills since the lockdown began in March. Our Parish account details are as follows:

Account Name: WRCDT London Colney

Sort Code: 40-05-20

Account Number: 01094815

Account Name: WRCDT Radlett

Sort Code: 40-05-20

Account Number: 01094807

Account Name: WRCDT Shenley

Sort Code: 40-05-20

Account Number: 71308467

For envelopes please reference PG and then the number on your envelopes. Alternatively, you can still put Planned Giving envelopes or cash into the basket when you attend Mass; or send a cheque, payable to the Church you attend in an envelope(with a Planned Giving envelope if appropriate) and either post this to, The Parish Administrator, Radlett Presbytery, 22, The Crosspath, Radlett WD7 8HN. Alternatively, you could make an electronic transfer to the Parish of your choice:

Thank you for your consideration and for your generosity, which I appreciate and never, ever take for granted. Fr Kevin


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