Lesson 3: Dos and Don’ts with Computer

Lesson 3: Do’s and Don’ts with Computers

AIM: In this lesson you will learn the correct ways of using computers.

[Moz picture with five bullets]

While using computers we should:

• Be safe: It works on electricity.

• Be gentle: It is delicate.

• Keep clean: It is sensitive to dust.

• Keep correct posture: It can cause injury.

• Share equally: It is for everyone.

1. Be Safe

G: There are so many wires attached to the CPU.

B: Yes,one wire is plugged into the electrical socket. So we should be careful.

Moz: Very good. A computer works on electricity just like your Television. So, it is important to be careful.

A) Ask the teacher every time you want to turn the computer on or off.

B) Do not pull any wires connected to the CPU.[ mark the picture with a cross ]


C) If any wire has come out, ask your teacher to put it back. Do not put fingers into any slot.


2. Be Gentle

B [Pressing some keys] :These keys are so easy to press.

Moz: Yes, gentle pressing of each key is enough. A computer is a delicate machine.

A) Do not bang hard on the keyboard.[ mark X ]


B) Do not pull parts away from the computer (Kaumudi: pic of girl pulling out the mouse ,no man ,mark with X ).


3. Keep Clean

B: I am very hungry. Can we eat now?

Moz: What if some food falls on the keyboard?

G: It will become sticky and stop working !

Moz: The computer is sensitive to dust.

A) Keep the computer and its nearby area clean. [ pic to be marked with a tick ]


B) Cover the computer when it is not in use. [ tick ]


C) Do not eat or drink near the computer. [ pic to be marked X ]


4. Keep Correct Posture

Moz: What will happen if you sit very close to the monitor?

B: We will not be able to see clearly. Our eyes will start paining.

Moz: Yes, when you are using a computer, your posture is very important.

A) Keep a proper distance from the monitor.


B) Keep you chair at proper height. [ pic of proper ht with the girl, as above ]


C) Do not keep your hand on the mouse continuously.[ Need a pic mark X ]

5. Share Equally

B [To G ]: I have finished playing this game. It is your turn now.

Moz: It is good that you are taking turns in using the computer. In school, you have to share computers with your friends. Everybody should get an equal chance to learn and play.

A) Take turns for using the Keyboard and Mouse. [ pic?]

B) Give space to your classmates while using computers.[tick]


C) Do not disturb others by playing loud music. [ mark X ]


Moz: It is time for you to go home. Tomorrow, we will learn how to use the mouse…. Chin Chinaki.


After you have studied this lesson, you will be able to:


Use a computer safely and carefully.

Keep correct posture.

Share a computer with others.

Worksheets 1.3

[ kaumudi use names like babli ,sham in worksheet instead of boy, girl ]

1. See the pictures below. If it shows the correct way to use a computer, enter a tick mark (√) in the box. If it shows the wrong way mark it with an X.

a. The girl is cleaning the computer. Is this necessary?


b. The children are putting their fingers in the slots meant for wires. Is this right or wrong?


c. The children are sharing the computer. Is sharing a good habit?


d. The boy is banging very hard on the Keyboard. Is this the right way to handle the computer?


e. The children are pulling out all the wires from their slots. Is it Ok for them to do so?


f. The music is being played very loudly. Is playing music so loudly



g. The girl is sitting with a straight back. The boy is bending and is very close to the monitor. Put a tick mark on which position is right and an X on which position is wrong.


h. The girl is neatly covering the computer so that it does not gather dust. Is this the way the students should keep their computers clean?


i. The boy is sitting in a low chair. Is this the right posture while using a computer?


Activities 1.3

1. Make a Poster: Make a poster with the do’s and don’ts and put it up in a prominent place in you class room or computer room.

2. Share a game with your friends: Ask your teacher to open it for you. Click: Applications=>Games=>Educational suite GCompris.

a. Count the Items: Place the items in the best way to count them and enter the number of each item

b. Numbers with pairs of dice: Count the number of dots before they reach the ground


Explore 1.3

1. How will you share the computer to draw a picture?

2. What are the do’s and don’ts while watching television?

Teacher's Corner 1.3

1. Begin the lesson by asking , “what makes the computer work?” lead them to discovering that it needs to be plugged in. Ask them to think of other things that need power, e.g., TV. Ask if they know the dangers associated with power cords and power outlets. Summarise the safety issues. Emphasize that the teacher must be asked every time the computer is to be turned on

or off.

2. Ask, “What if they banged the keyboard?” “What will happen if they pull the mouse?”. Summarise that the computer is a delicate machine.

3. Ask them as to what would happen if water or food gets spilled near the computer. You may get a variety of responses ranging from “Mommy will shout” to “There will be a bomb blast”! Clarify their myths and inform them as to why they should not eat or drink near the computer.

4. Ask questions like, “what would happen if they put their head very close to monitor?” “How long should they work at the computer?” Show students the proper way to position the neck when viewing the monitor or demonstrate with a student. You can summarize their responses and finally give the following guidelines:

a) Keep your eyes at least at an arms distance from the monitor.

b) Keep your neck straight so that you are not looking up or

down at the monitor.

c) After 10 min. of using the computer, move your eyes and neck,

d)Stretch your hands and fingers if you are using the keyboard or mouse.

Demonstrate the proper way to position wrist when using the keyboard and mouse.

Show students simple eye and neck rotations and stretching

5. Talk about how loud sounds can damage our ears. Tell them to keep the loudness of

speakers at a comfortable level. Lead a discussion on appropriate team behaviour –

sharing, giving space, taking turns, not crowding, pushing, pulling, etc. Tell them to take

turns when using keyboard or mouse. You can ask them, “What would happen if nobody

wants to share the computer at school? Will everybody be able to learn? Will they enjoy

using comptuers as much without their friends?”



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