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Neolithic Age Advertisement Assignment

Purpose: To show your understanding of how the transition from the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age marked a major improvement and progression in human development.

1. Review the Neolithic Age cartoon advertisement on the right.

2. Choose ONE aspect of daily life that changed for human beings as they progressed from the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age that you studied in class:

○ Food Supply

○ Population/Settlement

○ Shelter

○ Resources

○ Occupations

○ Technology

3. On the paper provided (whitepaper can be found in my cabinet), please create a similar cartoon, illustrated advertisement that attempts to persuade Paleolithic hunter-gatherers to change their Paleo ways and live the “Neolithic way of life.”

4. Your cartoon advertisement needs to utilize techniques used in persuasive commercials and other advertisements and needs to include the following:

__ a catchy slogan

__ problems with the Paleolithic way

__ why the Neolithic is better

__ what someone needs to do to become “Neolithic”

__ at least 1 testimonial in which someone explains how becoming Neolithic made them better

__ colors

__ no white space

__ details (no stick figure, please)

__ accurate information based on your notes

Political Cartoon Example: Your cartoon should resemble something like this.



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