1. Which document is an example of a primary source?

1. a textbook on Russian history

2. an encyclopedia article on religions of the Middle East

3. a novel on the Age of Exploration

4. the diary of a survivor of a Nazi death camp

2. In addition to providing water for Indian agriculture, the Ganges River remains important to India because it is

1. the only source of Indian hydroelectric power

2. a sacred river for the Hindu population

3. the birthplace of Hindu culture

4. an unofficial boundary between the Hindus and Muslims

3. An effect of a mountainous topography on Inca and Chinese civilizations was the development of

1. industrialization

2. single-crop economy

3. desalinization projects

4. terrace farming

4. Many people in Southeast Asia hope for the timely arrival of the summer monsoons each year because

1. floods are the only way to water their farmlands

2. daily temperatures often reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit

3. little rain has fallen for many months

4. oases provide water for nomadic herders

5. Which geographic factor has helped China remain isolated for many centuries?

1. many natural harbors

2. navigable river systems

3. severe climate

4. northern and western mountain ranges

6. Which geographic factor was most important to the development of the early river valley civilizations?

1. fertile soils

2. high mountains

3. vast deserts

4. smooth coastlines

7. The code of Hammurabi is an example of

1. written rules for legal procedures

2. the power of strong kings to control trade

3. regulations on the way to conduct wars against neighboring nations

4. the power of a legislature to veto laws passed by absolute monarchs

8. Which statement cites an example of cultural diffusion?

1. Venezuela has large reserves of oil

2. young people dance to rock music in Russia

3. students in China learn calligraphy in school

4. the Caste system is an important part of life in India

9. In most traditional societies, the teaching of values is mainly the responsibility of the

1. judicial system

2. government

3. educational system

4. family

10. Which statement best supports the idea that cultural diffusion has greatly affected Southeast Asia?

1. the population of Southeast Asia is concentrated in rural areas

2. monsoon climates affect food production in Indonesia

3. a reliance on subsistence agriculture remains a problem for many Southeast Asian economies

4. Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam are practiced throughout Southeast Asia

11. In India, which aspect of society has been most heavily influenced by religious beliefs, tradition, and the division of labor?

1. caste system

2. policy of neutrality

3. urbanization

4. parliamentary government

12. During the centuries of dynastic rule, the Chinese rejected other cultures as inferior to their own. This situation illustrates the concept of

1. ethnocentrism

2. imperialism

3. social mobility

4. cultural diffusion

13. The Japanese feudal system and the Hindu caste system are similar in that both systems

1. promoted social mobility

2. developed a rigid class structure

3. encouraged the people to take part in government

4. resulted in economic opportunities for the lower classes

14. The introduction of Buddhism into China and of Islam into Indonesia are examples of

1. social mobility

2. cultural diffusion

3. ethnocentrism

4. interdependence .

15. Which term is used to describe the spread of Buddhism from India through Southeast Asia?

1. ethnocentrism

2. isolation

3. imperialism

4. cultural diffusion

16. The early civilizations of the Nile River Valley, Mesopotamia, and the Yellow River Valley were similar because they were

1. industrialized societies

2. monotheistic

3. dependent on fertile land

4. dependent on each other for trade

17. Judaism, Islam, and Christianity share a belief in

1. the central authority of the Pope

2. a prohibition of the consumption of port

3. reincarnation and the Four Noble Truths

4. monotheism and ethical conduct .

18. According the teachings of Confucius, the key to the successful organization of society is that

1. the ruler should be chosen democratically

2. the evil in humans must be eliminated

3. ancestor worship should be discontinued

4. individuals should know and do what is expected of them

19. In traditional Chinese culture, which philosophy had the greatest influence on the development of social order and political organization?

1. Taoism

2. Shintoism

3. Confucianism

4. Marxism

20. The Ancient Athenians are credited with

1. inventing and using the wheel

2. eliminating slavery

3. establishing governments that had democratic elements

4. inventing the printing press

21. One similarity between Axum, Kush, and Nubia was that they were

1. military leaders in the Neolithic Age

2. rivers along which early trade developed

3. writers of epic poems about Greek cities

4. early civilizations in Africa

22. Alexander the Great’s conquests of Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, and Persia led to the

1. spread of Hellenic culture

2. adoption of a feudal system

3. establishment of representative democracy

4. spread of Islamic culture throughout Europe .

23. One similarity between the Ancient African kingdoms of Egypt, Ghana, Mali and Songhai is that all of these kingdoms were located

1. in mountainous terrain

2. in coastal areas

3. on major trading routes

4. in rain forest areas

24. A similarity between the ancient western African kingdoms of Mali, Ghana, and Songhai is that these kingdoms

1. limited the power of their rulers

2. practiced Christianity

3. established economies based on trade

4. isolated themselves from contact with other cultures

25. The Middle Ages in Western Europe was characterized by

1. the manor system and the importance of land ownership

2. absolute monarchies and strong central governments

3. decreased emphasis on religion in daily life

4. extensive trade with Asia and the Middle East


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