
Mr. Albin

What Women Want Project

After viewing the movie, What Women Want, and based on our work in class, construct a well-written project following these guidelines. You must answer each question using a full paragraph containing complete sentences that are grammatically sound. Pictures or any other extras are encouraged. Be creative in creating a solid project. Please type your project, double-spaced, with a cover (title page).

1. How did Nick’s upbringing contribute to his actions? Was he a product of his own environment?

2. Who is the fastest growing consumer group and who did they replace? What affect would this have on you if you were in advertising?

3. Do you think the appointment of the new creative director was justified?

4. Can a man market a product for women as effectively as a woman? Vice-versa?

5. Would you like the power to hear what other people are actually thinking? Would you harness the power for good or evil? Would you want to get rid of this gift?

6. In reference to the retailer project: How would you market that store to the public? Create a print advertisement for the company. Who is your target audience?

7. What were Nick and Darcy’s impression of each other before they met? Did it change, if so, how?

8. Do you think the Nike ad would effectively hit the target market? Be sure to define the target market in answering this question.


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