PK Men’s Retreat

Feb 1-3



Really looking forward to being together next month. Enclosed is much of the former material we have used historically to spur our thinking but want to focus on the 8 main questions that will encompass the timeline, surveys, etc, we have used before.

Prep work prior to Meeting at PK:

1) Review your goals from 07 and let us know how you did.

(Meal Discussion)

2) Take the 1-2 page PLS we have done the last several years, pull all of them, and make copies for everyone. 

(Meal Discussion)


What are some growth observations you can make?

What things are showing up year after year?

What is keeping you from taking ground in this area?

What are some steps you can take in 08 to make progress?

3) Do timeline

4) Spend time with Christ over the next weeks answering the Big 8 questions. (Blocked Time)

5) Create your Goals for 08.

6) Included Resources to Spur Your Thinking if you choose to use them:

Time line Instructions

A Year in Review Questions

Spouse and Kid Surveys

The Big 8:

1) What surprised you to learn about yourself?

2) What is most heavy on your heart? (Or what is most prominent on your heart?)

3) After having done your time line for 07 what were the top 3 heart transforming things that happened to you.

4) What is the 1 thing you did in 07 that was the… (Pick 1 or all )

Most Fun



5) What was your biggest disappointment in 07?

In your own heart?

That affected those around you?

In the World at large?

6) What 3 things did you do this year that most advanced God’s Kingdom ?

7) What is the number 1 thing God taught you about Himself this last year?

8) What are your biggest concerns as you move into 08?


2007 Highlights – Time Line

The goal of the time line exercise is for you to piece together how God was at work in your life over the last 12 months – make sure to connect the dots for your benefit and for our understanding. Your focus should be on what you believe God was communicating to you rather than a list of events. Goals for 2007 and prayer needs should flow from your time line.

Complete the time line and, if helpful, use the suggestions below to help you think through the last year.

• Favorite memories from the last 12 months with family, career, friends and ministry – what events over the last year stirred your heart

• Primary spiritual lessons learned

• Spiritual low points

• Key failures/attacks from Satan/non-productive dabbling

• Spiritual high points

• Key successes

• Best time with your spouse

• Best time with your kids

• Answered prayers

• Character challenges

• Where did you see God at work

• Where did you miss joining God in His work

A Year in Review

What were your top three most significant events of the year past?

What was your family’s number one major accomplishment of the year?

What was the funniest story that happen to you this year?

What major news event impacted/influenced you most this year?

What do you personally want to accomplish this next year?

What was the riskiest thing you did this year. ( i.e. stepping out of your comfort zone)

What was your greatest contribution this year to the community?

What would your spouse want you to change this year?

What does your spouse think is your best physical feature?

What one new toy would you like to acquire this year?

Who do you want to encourage this year to see them grow in their faith?

What has caused the greatest spiritual growth in your own life this year?

What do you want to have your children accomplish this year?

What was your favorite movie of the year? – rental?

What was your favorite family memory of the year?

What was your favorite family / adult vacation of the year?

What one tangible thing do you want to give away this year?

What do I feel especially good about within the past year?

What do you want to do more of this year with your kids?

What was your biggest challenge of the year?

What do you want to do more of this year with your spouse?

What are you most grateful for from the last year?


Dear Love of my life, women of God and lifetime bride,

Thank you for being a part of this special retreat. Please take some time and share with me your thoughts to the following questions.

1. If someone were to ask you, “Describe your current marriage relationship.” What would you say and why?

2. What would you consider the key challenges we faced as a family this past year? What about in our marriage?

3. If you could change anything about last year, what would it be and why?

4. What were the “best” memories that we made together?

5. What are the top three things I have done “right” or done “well” this past year?

6. Do you feel like I am doing my fair share around the house, raising kids and planning activities?

7. What are 3 romantic dates/trips you would enjoy in 2007?

8. What do I do that really ministers to you and you would love it if I did it more?

9. What are your top concerns for each of our children?


Dear Son/Daughter,

Your dad is going to spend two days with some of his friends that he has been hanging out with for the last 10 years. It is a time of fun, friendship, and reflection. Your answers to the following questions are going to be very helpful. Please answer these questions and give this to your dad when you’re finished. Thanks.

1. What have been some of the best times you have had with your dad this past year?

2. What are the best things about your dad?

3. If you had to give him some advice on being a better dad, what would it be and why?

4. What are some things that you would like to talk with your dad about and why?

5. What are three things about your dad that he is really good at?

6. What are some of your fears that you would like your dad to pray for you about?

7. What is something that you would like to do with your dad? What about a trip?

8. What has been your biggest failure this year? What has been your biggest success this year?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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