
Title: “Angels and Demons: seeing the spirit realm for what it really/truly is”

Intro: A time when God/I opened my eyes to see something I didn’t see

Halloween’s coming…

A story about angels…or demons (why is it always women?)

Intro the story behind the movie angels and demons (da vinci code)

Start talking about the Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, and what does this have to do with angels and demons? Not much! Some people think too much about angels and demons, and others think way too little about angels and demons. Halloween is coming, so I want you to have a good understanding before it even gets here.

People are always trying to tell us what to think. We need God to do this

Halloween Background

Need: Some teenagers think way too much about angels and demons, others not enough

Let the Bible shape your thinking on the spiritual realm

TRUTH: God wants us to have a biblical understanding of the spirit realm.

OT: God told Israel where to go to not get ambushed by Syria

There are times when God tells you not to go to protect you!

Girl in the car we found wrecked

Syria thought this was someone of their own telling Israel where not to go

Elisha even told the king of Israel things Syria’s king said from his private bedroom

So they decide to capture Elisha

They surround Elisha and his servant gets freaked out

Elisha prays that God would open his servant’s eyes to see angelic protection


Elisha prays that God would blind the eyes of the Syrian’s

Elisha leads the blinded Syrian’s to Samaria (Israel’s capital city)

Israel feeds the Syrian’s there, send them home, and Syrians never attack again

NT: The beginning of angels

Where did angels come from? When did they come into existence?

God creates them on day 1 (Gen 1:1-2, Job 38:7)

What are angels and what’s their purpose?

Angels are immaterial (Heb 13:2), fearsome (Luke 2:9) warriors for God. Not precious moments figurines (Do not fear. Don’t wet your pants)

Worshippers, Messengers, Soldiers (Rank), Deliverers, Spectators, Warriors, Ministers,

Satan rebels and falls by tempting Adam and Eve (Gen 3)

Satan and demons originally angels that worshipped Jesus

Satan was filled with pride which was desire to dethrone Jesus

Satan was originally an angel. Demons were originally angels.

Who is Satan? His purpose? What are demons? Their purpose?

Goal of Satan and demons isn’t to deceive you, but to take away glory of Jesus. They do this through sin and guilt.

There are 2 angels to every 1 demon (Rev 12)

Jesus and Angels (Hebrews 1)

This church was all about angels. Some of you are all about angelic realm

Angels are all about Jesus. So we need to be all about Jesus.

Angels do intersect our lives at times. We need to love people and Jesus.

We need to conquer sin through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 13:2 – Love Jesus by loving all people.

That’s exactly what God had Elisha do. Elisha prayed that the Syrians would be blinded. Then he led them into Samaria, the capital of Israel. Then they fed them. Then they turned them back to Syria. Do you have people bothering you? Do them good and give yourself an opportunity to witness to them.

CHALLENGE: Because of the spirit realm, be fascinated with Christ!

Story: Background on Halloween (Wikipedia)

Background on Angels and Demons (Wikipedia)

Life: HarvestFest



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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