I Can Be An Oceanographer

I Can Be An Oceanographer


Paul Sipiera

An Anchor Activity Using Expository Books

Frederick County Office of Advanced Academics

CaptainThinker Tasks

1. Look at a globe. What percentage of the planet Earth do you think is covered by oceans? Look up the correct answer in your book. Were you close to your estimate? Explain your answer.

2. What is an oceanographer? Give examples of what an oceanographer does.

3. Indicate some ways oceans are important to life on planet Earth. Use the text to support your answer.

4. Identify and explain some different kinds of instruments oceanographers use.

5. Imagine that you were a marine biologist or a marine geologist. What would be some of your job responsibilities? Explain using information from the text.

6. If you were an oceanographer, what are some ideas you might recommend to preserve the ocean’s environment?

Brainy Bee

1. Develop a vocabulary list of new and important words for your book on oceanography. Design a way to present your words and their definitions to the class.

2. Construct an organizer to explain the different types of oceanographers.

3. Simulate a food chain from the ocean.

4. Comment on and write about the following quote from page 13 in the book, “the food chain in the oceans must remain unbroken.”

5. Select and research an animal from the ocean to

study and write about. Decide how you are going to present your information to the class.

6. Write a poem or song about the ocean. Use information from the book in your poem or song. Record your poem or song on a tape for the class.

7. Create a concept map about oceanography. Use the organizer provided.






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