Unit 2: Ecology Review Sheet

Name: ______________________________Ecology Review SheetThe test will cover your notes from class:Energy Flow - Population Dynamics - Biome BookLevels of Organization - Succession/ Symbiosis/CyclesWhat is Ecology?What is the original source of energy for most living things? ___________If you can take this energy and turn it into food you are called an __________________________ or a ________________________.What is the process of turning light into energy? _________________________What is the process of using chemicals to create energy ___________________ If you must consume your food to get energy you are called a _____________________________ or a _______________________.Where do the following organisms get their energy? Give an example of each.Herbivore:Example:Carnivore:Example:Omnivore:Example:Detritivore/Scavenger:Example:Decomposer:Example:What is a trophic level? Only ________% of the energy stored in an organism is passed on to the next trophic level. Where does the rest of the energy go?What are the three ways to show energy transfer?What are the three types of pyramids?What does biomass mean?What does abiotic mean? ______________________________ List three abiotic factors:What does biotic mean? _______________________________ List three biotic factors:Define niche.Define habitat. What is a limiting factor?What four main things must an organism get from their habitat?List and define the 6 levels of ecological organization (opcebb)? What is primary succession? How is it different from secondary? Which type of succession occurs faster? _______________________ + ______________________ = climateList the terrestrial biomes AND give one characteristic of each that makes them unique.List the aquatic biomes AND give one characteristic of each that makes them unique.Define and give an example for each of the types of symbiotic relationships:Mutualism- Example:Commensalism-Example:Parasitism-Example: What is predation?Give one example of a predator/ prey relationship.What is competition?What increases competition? What is the difference between immigration and emigration?What is the carrying capacity?How does the limiting factor affect carrying capacity? List two ways that a population can decrease in size.List two ways a population can stay the same size.List two ways a population can increase in size.What is demography? What is a density dependent factor?List three density-dependent factors. What is a density independent factor?List three density-independent factors.Draw and label roles of a small food chain, including: lion, zebra, grass and sun.How many trophic levels is the lion away from the sun? What level consumer would the lion be?If the grass received 100 calories from the sun, how many of those calories would the lion receive (think 10% rule)?Compare the amount of energy the lion would receive if it ate the grass to the amount it gets eating the zebra. Draw and label the water cycle. Include precipitation, condensation, evaporation and transpiration. Draw and label the carbon cycle. Include combustion, fossil fuels, photosynthesis and cellular respiration. What organisms carry out nitrogen fixation and why? ................

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