Review Questions -- The Great Gatsby

Review Questions  -- The Great Gatsby

|Chapter 1  |

|Nick Carraway begins by telling the reader some advice passed to him from his father. What does this advice mean? Why does he begin |

|the novel with this information? |

|Where is Nick from and what are three things that characterize him? |

|What are some of the colors associated with the Buchanan's house? |

|How are Jordan and Daisy first described? How does Nick know them? |

|What is Tom Buchanan like? |

|What issue does Tom raise at dinner? |

|Daisy says she's a cynic. What does that mean? Why has she become a cynic? |

|Why does Daisy want her daughter to be a fool? |

|What is Nick's impression of his evening with the Buchanans? |

|What is Gatsby doing when Nick first sees him? Why doesn't Nick introduce himself? |

|Chapter 2 |

|What is the Valley of the Ashes? Where is it? |

|Who is Dr. T.J. Eckleburg? What might this be symbolic of? |

|Who lives in the Valley of the Ashes? |

|What are George and Myrtle Wilson like? What does George do for a living? |

|Who comes to Tom and Myrtle's apartment party? How do these characters relate to Myrtle? |

|How does Myrtle behave at the apartment? |

|Who is Catherine? Why does she lie about Daisy and Tom's reason for marriage? |

|Why did Myrtle really marry George Wilson? Why is she unhappy? |

|How does Nick feel at the party? Why does he stay? |

|What does Tom do to Myrtle at the apartment? How is this consistent with his character? How does everyone else react? Why? |

|Chapter 3 |

|Describe Gatsby's parties. Give as much detail as you can. |

|Why do so many uninvited people attend Gatsby's parties? How do people behave at the parties? |

|Two girls gossip with Jordan Baker. What rumor do they spread? Why is this incident important? |

|Who is Owl Eyes and what does he notice about Gatsby's books? Why is this significant? |

|How does Nick meet Gatsby? What do they discuss? |

|What happens at the close of Gatsby's party? Why is this incident significant? |

|Nick pauses from the story near the end of Chapter 3. What does he want the reader to know? Why? |

|What is Jordan Baker like? Why doesn't Nick mind that she is dishonest? |

|What phrase does Gatsby repeatedly use? Why might he call Nick this? |

|What is Nick Carraway's "cardinal virtue"? |

|Chapter 4 |

|What is Gatsby's biography? Why doesn't Nick believe it? |

|Gatsby shows Nick his medal. What is Nick's reaction? Why? Where is Montenegro? |

|How does Gatsby get out of the speeding ticket on t he way to New York City? What does this show us about Gatsby? |

|How might the funeral procession be symbolic? What might it foreshadow? |

|Who is Meyer Wolfsheim? What is his biggest gambling plot? |

|What does Jordan tell Nick about Gatsby and Daisy? Why has Daisy married Tom? |

|How does Daisy first find out that Tom is cheating on her? |

|According to Jordan, why did Gatsby buy the house in East Egg? |

|What request does Gatsby have of Nick? Is this reasonable? Why? |

|Why doesn't Gatsby want Daisy to know the real reason Nick has invited her to tea? What does this tell us about Gatsby's personality?|

| |

|Chapter 5 |

|What does Gatsby propose to Nick when he learns that Nick doesn't earn a lot of money? What is Nick's reaction? Why? |

|What colors does Gatsby wear to the tea party? Why might this matter? |

|How does Gatsby behave on the day of the tea with Daisy? Why? |

|What is the initial encounter between Gatsby and Daisy like? What is Gatsby's reaction-- what does he tell Nick? |

|When Nick returns to the house, what do Gatsby and Daisy look like? Why is this important? |

|Nick informs Jay and Daisy that the rain has stopped. What might this be symbolic of? |

|What is important to Gatsby as he gives Daisy a tour of his home? Why? |

|What can Gatsby see across the bay? What might the green light symbolize? |

|Who is Ewing Klipspringer? What do the words of Klipspringer's song tell us? |

|What observation does Nick make about Gatsby's five-year dream-come-true? |

|Chapter 6 |

|What is the true story of Jay Gatsby? Be specific. |

|What is shown in the scene with Tom a nd the other couple dropping in on Gatsby? What is Tom's encounter with Jay like? |

|Why does Gatsby decide to go to dinner with Mr. Sloane, the woman, and Tom? |

|Why does Tom decide to accompany Daisy to Gatsby's next party? |

|Why is it ironic that Gatsby does not drink alcohol? |

|What kind of conversation do Tom and Daisy have about Gatsby's party? |

|Why does Gatsby ask Nick to stay after Daisy leaves? Why is Gatsby concerned about Daisy's opinion? |

|What does Gatsby want Daisy to do? What does Gatsby really want? |

|What are Gatsby's beliefs about the past? Why is this important? |

|What is the true story of Gatsby and Daisy? Why is this important? |

|Chapter 7 |

|Give two reasons Gatsby may have decided to stop hosting parties. |

|The weather is hot when Nick goes to meet Daisy. How might this be symbolic? |

|Why is Tom researching Gatsby's past? How does Tom live by a double standard? |

|What does George Wilson want from Tom? Why? |

|Why do Tom and Gatsby fight? What do they argue about? How does Daisy appear to feel about the situation? Why? |

|What does Gatsby tell Tom about himself and Daisy? Why are the men so concerned about love? |

|Why does Tom send Daisy home in Gatsby's car? |

|Why does George lock up his wife? Myrtle calls George a coward because he won't beat her. How is this ironic? |

|Why does Myrtle go running out of the house after the car? What happens to her? |

|What color was the "death car" reported to be? Why is this detail important? |

|Compare Wilson's reaction to his wife's death to Tom's reaction. |

|Chapter 8 |

|After the incident with Myrtle, Jay tells Nick the truth. Why does he choose that moment to tell Nick the truth? |

|What advice does Nick give Gatsby? |

|Why is Gatsby so intent on winning Daisy over? |

|Did Gatsby go to the war? How did he end up at Oxford? |

|What did Gatsby do after he returned to America? |

|Why does Nick tell Gatsby, "They're a rotten crowd . . . You're worth the whole damn bunch put together"? |

|How does George finally find out Myrtle is cheating on him? |

|What role does the sign play in Myrtle's murder? How does the ad "inspire" George? Who does George think killed Myrtle? |

|Why does Gatsby go swimming? |

|What happens to Gatsby and to Wilson? |

|Chapter 9 |

|Why is Nick writing this story? |

|Nick tries to invite Gatsby's "friends" to the funeral. What happens? Why do people react the way they do? |

|What is Henry Gatz like? What is his attitude about his son, Jay Gatsby? |

|Who does come to Gatsby's funeral? How is this significant? |

|What does Nick's dream symbolize? (p. 178) |

|How does George find out Gatsby owned the car? Why does Nick refuse to shake Tom's hand? |

|Why does Nick see Jordan again? |

|What is Nick's opinion of Tom and Daisy? How has Nick changed? |

|What is the lesson we learn at the end of the novel? |

|What "preyed" on Gatsby? |


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