Who is Dr

Video: Medicine Man

1. Who is Dr. Robert Campbell?

2. What is Dr. Campbell analyzing?

3. Can “Peak 37” be synthesized?

4. What do you notice most about the climate in the movie?

5. What does Dr. Campbell think he has discovered?

6. How does he support his claim?

7. What does “Depswa” mean?

8. Where is Dr. Crane from?

9. What’s the problem?

10. How many Indians were there before the white man arrived?

11. How many are there now?

12. What are the doctors looking for while soaring in the trees?

13. What about rain?

14. Why is the river low?

15. What’s missing from each “failed sample”?

Name _____________________

Period ___________

16. Research is a process of ________?

17. Who visits Dr. Crane during her dream?

18. Why does Dr. Campbell fight with the Indian?

19. How many people has Dr. Campbell seen die from cancer?

20. What is endangering the bromeliads?

21. Why does Dr. Campbell flee to the demolition site?

22. What/who destroyed Dr. Campbell’s camp/research?

23. Who hands Dr. Crane the golf club?


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