Famous Photographer and Genre Study with a First Person Fictionalized Journal EntryLearning Targets: (PHOTOGRAPHY)I can define DSLR and provide a summary on how an image is recorded on a DSLR.I can research various aspects of critiquing work (aesthetic and technical merits).I can discuss various aspects of critiquing work (aesthetic and technical merits).I can create a critique of acquired images produced by professionals.I can express an opinion based on knowledge of composition.I can express an opinion based on knowledge of genre.I can express an opinion based on knowledge of design.I can express an opinion based on knowledge of style.I can express an opinion based on knowledge of message.I can express an opinion based on knowledge of presentation.I can express an opinion based on knowledge of target audience.I can investigate what a specific photographer does.I can report on what a specific photographer does. *see rubric Learning Targets: (ENGLISH)I can put myself in the shoes of someone else and articulate feelings.I can write a fictionalized journal entry. *see rubricTHE ASSIGNMENT ITSELF*You will receive two marks for this assignment! PHOTOGRAPHYPlease answer each of the following questions in regards to your genre/photographer/photograph any way you chose to represent your understanding.Examples of tools to use: Prezi, Powerpoint, video, Photoshop project, drawing or any other approved method… ENGLISHYou will take the main SUBJECT of your image and write a fictionalized journal entry from a first person perspective. Your subject can be a human, animal or other living being. Stay away from highlighting just a landscape. You will get into character and focus on the emotions felt by the person being photographed.QUESTIONS TO CONSIDERWhat genre of photography did you select?Define that genre and the necessary components to shooting images that would be categorized in that genre?Who is your selected photographer that shoots in this genre?Get to know the person behind the work. WHO is your photographer? -where did they grow up-where do they live now-who influenced them-where did they go to school-what is their net worth-have they won any awards -how did they get into this line of work -what inspires them -do they have a favourite shot -do they have a 500px/website/social media (what can you learn from this) -how long have they been working in this line of workTake some time to get accustomed to their style/their passion. Describe at least 5 key elements that you believe embody the work of this photographer. Why do you think this is important to them? Describe your photograph using imagery. Describe the image as if I were blind and you were trying to ‘paint a picture for me in my head.’Try and use the language we have discussed in class.What drew YOU in? Why do you like it? What is it about YOU that makes YOU like this specific piece of work?Knowledge ApplicationUse what you know about the following options on a DSLR camera and write a few sentences about your educated opinions in each area.ISO: What do you believe this photographer’s ISO was likely set at? How do you know? What are the tells?SHUTTER SPEED: What f stop do you think this image was likely taken at? How do you know?What are the tells? APERTURE: What f stop do you think this image was likely taken at? How do you know?What are the tells? Details: What details stand out to you? Why? Do you think they were planned and intentional?Exposure: Is this photo over exposed? Is this photo under exposed? Does it have perfect exposure… talk about why it works! Background: What is happening in the background? Colouring/Contrast: What is happening with the colouring and contrast? What works?Photoshopped: Is this image edited? Are they any tells? Explain why or why not you think it is edited. Does it look authentic? Weighting: Where is the visual weight? Is your photography evenly weighted? How do you know? Do you think it works? Crop: Would you have cropped this image any other way? Why do you think they cropped it?Feeling: What feelings do you think the photographer intended to show (TONE)? What feelings does it evoke for you (MOOD)?Intent: Why do you think this photograph was taken?Cost: How much do you think it cost to take this image? Where would the costs have been incurred? Additional: Are there any leading lines/rules of thirds or framing? Is so. Explain why and how they work. Distractions: Are there any distractions within the piece? Do the distractions take away from its over all appeal or do they add to it? JOURNAL ENTRYYour entry should be a maximum of four pages and a minimum of one page and a half. It is a journal so the writing is informal! Have fun with this. Write as if you were writing in your own personal journal. Age, background, education, nationality, everything comes into play. Remember: YOU ARE THIS CHARACTER—GET IN THEIR HEAD!You must present your package in a creative way of your choosing.You need to present your responses to the photography questions separate from your journal entry. (They can be in the same method but remember this is two SEPARATE assignments. You can chose separate methods if you chose.) ................

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