Reading Questions - Arnold's Classroom - Welcome

UNIT 5: The Presidency, Executive Branch and Policy Reading QuestionsChapter 8: The PresidencyChapter 9: The Executive Branch and BureaucracyChapters 17-19: PolicyChapter 9: The Executive Branch and the Federal Bureaucracy (p.306-332)Introduction: The Executive Branch and the Federal BureaucracyWhat is a bureaucracy? Give an example in a governmental and private one.How do Americans view specific bureaucracies compared to the government as a whole?Roots of the Federal BureaucracyHow was the spoils system an example of patronage? Describe the historical events that led to the passing of the Pendleton Act?What is a merit system?Describe the role of BOTH President Teddy Roosevelt and President Franklin D. Roosevelt in increasing the size of the federal bureaucracy.The Modern BureaucracyCompare and contrast modern businesses with the bureaucracy? Or in the words of James W. Wilson, how is the Dept. of Motor Vehicles (driver’s license office) different from McDonalds?Describe your typical bureaucrat. Is Mr. Ritter one?Complete the chart:Complete chart:Agency TypeFunctionExamplecabinet departmentsgovernment corporationsindependent executive agenciesindependent regulatory commissionsHypothetically, Mr. Ritter decides to put up some campaign signs (egad!) in this classroom and sends an email to other VHS staff members disparaging a candidate running for office. Are his actions legal? Why or why not?How the Bureaucracy WorksAccording to Max Weber, bureaucracies are characterized by 6 certain features. Read these features and describe a possible breakdown that could contribute to bureaucratic dysfunction.What is the difference between an iron triangle and an issue network? Which is more current?How do bureaucracies make policy?Describe how a bureaucracy acts like a legislature?Describe how a bureaucracy acts like a judiciary?Toward Reform: Making Agencies Accountable Describe a pro and a con to executive control of the bureaucracy.Describe a pro and a con to congressional control of the bureaucracy.Describe a pro and a con to judicial control of the bureaucracy.Policy Chapters SKIMMABLE!Chapter 17: Domestic Policy (p.596-634) Describe the 7 steps often used in making policy. For each step, give an example that does not deal with acid rain.What is income security and how did this idea originate?What were the 3 main components of Social Security as passed in 1935?How does Social Security work?What is Medicare and Medicaid?<LOOK-UP ONLINE> What are the main provisions and funding components of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Health Care Reform) signed by President Obama in March 2010?Why have alternative energy policies gone mainstream in the past decade?Chapter 18: Economic Policy (p.636-668) How did the Great Depression change the federal government’s involvement in the economy?Describe 2 of the social regulations passed by the federal government in the 1970s.Describe 2 examples of deregulation. Why might the federal government follow this policy?Summarize how the Federal Reserve System attempts to control the money supply.What are the two main pillars of fiscal policy? Summarize federal spending on entitlements and discretionary spending as evident in the chart on page 661.Chapter 19: Foreign and Defense Policy (p.670-703) Define the following foreign/defense policies under the past 4 presidents:Powell Doctrine (Bush, 41)Engagement (Clinton)Enlargement (Clinton)Bush Doctrine (Bush, 43)Obama (not in book!) What policies do you agree with---multilateralism or unilateralism? Read page 702-703 and then respond in a paragraph or two. CONGRATULATIONSREADING QUESTIONSCOMPLETED!** If you completed every one. ................

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