HEBREW: THE HEAD (200) Letter ‘Resh - Number Meanings

[Pages:3]mark h lane

HEBREW: THE HEAD (200) ? Letter `Resh'


The twentieth Hebrew letter `Resh' is pictured at right:

The spiritual number 20 means `Distress', `Redemption', 'Wisdom'.

The root numbers of 20 are `Division' (2) of the `Testimony' (10)

In Hebrew the character Resh is used to represent the number 200.

The spiritual number 200 means `Lion's Mouth' (usually in a bad sense).

The root numbers of 200 are `Division' (2) of `Holy Flock' (100) The rabbis picture Resh as `Leader'. Christians picture Resh as `The Head': in the sense of human reason.

Noah Blessing Japheth Egypt Holy Land Babylon

When saints use human reasoning to make rules for believers, this divides the `Holy Flock'. The unity of God's people proceeds from their heart belief, their faith, not their human reason:

Ham Curse Shem

"For we walk by faith; not by sight" (1 Cor. 5:7)

Human Wisdom:

When Jacob was preparing his family and his flocks for the impending attack [or so he thought] by Esau, he sent a gift ahead to appease him:

"Two hundred she goats, and twenty he goats, two hundred ewes, and twenty rams" (Genesis 32:14)

Lion's Mouth (200)! Distress (20)! Lions' Mouth (200)! Distress (20)!

A leader or ruler of the land who has no fear of God, who relies strictly


human reasoning is considered in Scripture like a dangerous wild

animal ? ready to devour the humble meek people of God; having no

thought of God's recompense for his sin.

You will notice in the character Resh: the head is full of emptiness!

"The fool hath said in his heart there is no God." (Ps. 14:1)

Nevertheless, believers are called to reason, to think upon holy things:


mark h lane

"Whatsoever things are true ... think on these things." (Phil. 4:8) ANALYSIS OF RESH ? IN GOD'S TRUTH SQUARE (Appendix on last page explains the Truth-square) The hidden messages written on the stones of the Truth-Square containing the letter Resh: The two stones that are completely covered: BLESSING NOAH (Savior) Translation: The Blessing (of knowing) The Savior: Covered Up! The three stones that are partly covered: JAPHETH (Open Mouth) BABYLON (King) Shem (Name) Translation: Cry Aloud! My Name is Lord! (We are all gods) The four stones that are untouched: HOLY LAND (Holy Life; Messiah) EGYPT (Bondage) CURSE HAM (Burnt) Translation: Cast into Jail the Holy Man (We are not obligated to behave honorably or to be holy)

Reject the belief God Curses Sin; and that Sinners go to Hell (Sin has no consequence) The hidden messages in the numbers on the stones of the Truth-Square containing the letter Resh: The stones that are touched by the letter: 17 `Victory' [17 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 7] The stones that are untouched by the letter: 28 `God in You' [28 = 5 + 6 + 8 + 9] Translation: Victory: God in You This can be understood two ways:

The humanist who rejects the existence of God ends up believing that he is a god who can discern truth and error, good and evil (according to his self-made human standards);

The spiritual man who accepts the existence of God, believes God in his heart, so in that sense God is in him. He accepts the truth which God has provided about good and evil, human origin by creation and human destiny in the after-life, everlasting life or everlasting destruction.


mark h lane

The conclusion: Either You are Lord or Jesus is Lord. Either your head is god; or God is your Head.


The Truth-Square is a set of blocks or stones arranged in a 3 x 3 square. The spiritual number 3 means `God' and `Truth'. The number 9 = 3 x 3 means God's (3) Truth (3): `Judgment' (9). The LORD is "Judge of all the Earth" (Gen. 18:25).

In the Truth-Square we see the four corners of the Earth, each one in the direction it belongs relative to the Holy Land: Europe is North; Americas are West, Africa is South, and Asia is East. (Note: The North side of the 3-square is not a corner, that is why the North must appear in the North-East quadrant of the 3-square). The four corners of the Earth also correspond to the fathers of all peoples. Japheth is the father of Europeans. Noah is the spiritual father of Americas.

NOAH (Americas)


JAPHETH (Europe)

EGYPT (Slavery)

HOLY LAND (Israel)

BABYLON (City of Cain)

HAM (Africa)


SHEM (Asia)

The Holy Land (5) also stands for Israel the people God called to dwell there and it stands for Messiah who was born there and will rule there. God put a Blessing (2) and a Curse (8) before Israel. To the east is Babylon (4), which also signifies Kingdom or World Rule. To the west is Egypt (6), which is the land of Slavery and Bondage. Shem (7) can also mean Name, and Ham (9) can also mean Burnt. Each stone in the Truth-Square also signifies a number: 1 to 9. Of course, numbers have their own spiritual meanings. For more information on that, please see the Number Maps on our site.



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