The Wreckers: - Weebly

Novel Study Important Terms

Alliteration – is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of a word, to intensify the beat. Example: sweet smell of success, do or die, safe and sound

Allusion – is a reference to another work of literature (song, movie, novel etc.) within writing.  Example: In the movie “Reeves says “This is not Kansas Dorothy”. This is an allusion to the movie “Wizard of Oz”.

Analogy –.Comparison between two pairs, where one difficult comparison is explained with reference to a simpler, but similar comparison.

Antagonist – is the character, force, or collection of forces in fiction or drama that opposes the protagonist and gives rise to the conflict of the story; an opponent of the protagonist. Although the antagonist often acts against the protagonist, they do not have to be a villain, they can simply just be the character acting against the protagonist

Atmosphere – Atmosphere is the mood or persistent feeling implied by a literary work. An author establishes atmosphere partly through description of setting and partly by the objects chosen to be described.

Characterization – is the method a writer uses to reveal the personality of a character in a literary work: Methods include what a character says, does and what others say about them.

Climax – the decisive moment in a drama, the climax is the turning point of the play to which the rising action leads. This is the crucial part of the drama, the part that determines the outcome of the conflict.

Complication – is a complicating factor or occurrence as in the plot of a story or in the unfolding of events. Example: A complication in MSND would be when Puck put the lotion on the wrong Athenian’s eyes, causing much conflict.

Conflict – is the struggle within the plot between opposing forces. The protagonist engages in the conflict with the antagonist, which may take the form of a character, society, nature, or an aspect of the protagonist’s personality. (Three types are external, internal, and inter-personal)

Dialogue – is the conversation between characters in a drama or narrative.

Diction – is a writer’s choice of words, phrases, sentence structures, and figurative language, which combine to help create meaning.

Epiphany – (in fiction) when a character suddenly experiences a deep realization about himself or herself; a truth that is grasped in an ordinary rather than a melodramatic moment.

Figurative Language – is a type of language that varies from the norms of literal language, in which words mean exactly what they say. (simile, metaphor, personification).

Flashback – is action that interrupts to show an event that happened at an earlier time which is necessary to better understanding

Foreshadowing – is the use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in the piece.

Hyperbole – is an exaggeration or overstatement.

Imagery – is a word or group of words in a literary work which appeal to one or more of the senses: sight, taste, touch, hearing, and smell. The use of images serves to intensify the impact of the work.

Irony – takes many forms. In irony of situation, the result of an action is the reverse of what the actor expected. In dramatic irony, the audience knows something that the characters in the drama do not. In verbal irony, the contrast is between the literal meaning of what is said and what is meant.

Metaphor – A comparison between two unlike things. The metaphor can be stated or implied.

Mood – is the atmosphere or feeling created by a literary work, partly by a description of the objects or by the style of the descriptions. A work may contain a mood of horror, mystery, holiness, or childlike simplicity, to name a few, depending on the author's treatment of the work.

Narrator – is the teller of a story. The narrator may be the author or a character in the story through whom the author speaks.

Onomatopoeia – is a literary device wherein the sound of a word echoes the sound it represents. Example: crunch, drip, boom

Personification – is a figure of speech in which something nonhuman is given human characteristics.

Point of View – is a way the events of a story are conveyed to the reader, it is the "vantage point" from which the narrative is passed from author to the reader. The point of view can vary from work to work, in first person – the narrator is telling things from his or her own perspective, or in the third person, telling things from the perspective of an onlooker. If the speaker knows everything including the actions, motives, and thoughts of all the characters, the speaker is referred to as omniscient (all-knowing). If the speaker is unable to know what is in any character's mind but his or her own, this is called limited omniscience.

Protagonist – is the hero or main character in a story, who acts against the antagonist. Although the protagonist is often the hero or heroine, they do not have to be heroic.

Setting – is the time, place, and circumstance in which the action of a narrative takes place. The elements of setting may include geographic location, characters' physical and mental environments, prevailing cultural attitudes, or the historical time in which the action takes place.

Simile – is a figure of speech that takes the form of a comparison between two unlike quantities for which a basis for comparison can be found, and which uses the words "like" or "as". Example: Shakespeare’s "My love is like a red, red rose…"

Suspense – is a literary device in which the author maintains the audience's attention through the buildup of events, the outcome of which will soon be revealed. It results primarily from two factors: the reader's identification with and concern for the welfare of a convincing and sympathetic character, and an anticipation of violence.

Symbolism – is a device in literature where an object represents an idea.

Theme – is a central idea or statement that unifies and controls the entire work. The theme can take the form of a brief and meaningful insight or a comprehensive vision of life; it may be a single idea.

Title (significance) – is how the title relates to the work and what new insights can be gained into the work when one considers the title (e.g. is it symbolic? Related to theme? Create suspense? Hint at thesis? Identify topic of essay? Etc.).

Tone –expresses the author's attitude toward his or her subject. Since there are as many tones in literature as there are tons of voice in real relationships, the tone of a literary work may be one of anger or approval, pride or piety-the entire gamut of attitudes toward life's phenomena.


How to write a well-developed paragraph:

1. Opening sentence: Should include the question reworded into a statement.

2. Definition: Define literary term.

3. Introduce 1st example

4. Explain 1st example and connect it back to the question asked.

5. Introduce 2nd example

6. Explain 2nd example and connect it back to the question asked.

7. Introduce 3rd example

8. Explain 3rd example and connect it back to the question asked.

9. Closing Sentence: Restate main idea of the paragraph. (In conclusion, these examples show…)

Please answer the following questions as we read each chapter. All questions must be answered in complete sentences unless the question asks you to provide a list. Some questions will require a well-developed paragraph with multiple examples used for support. Use the space provided as a guide for length.

Chapter 1

1. What is John’s father’s opinion of the sea? (page 1)


2. Personification is giving human like characteristics to objects and things.

Give one example of personification on page 1.



3. What is the name of the ship? (page 1)


4. List four cargo items on board ship? (page 2)



5. Foreshadowing is a hint or clue about what is to come in a story.

Give one example of foreshadowing found on page 2.


6. Who is the captain of the ship? (page 3) ______________________

7. A simile is a comparison using “like or as”.

Find 4 examples of similes in this chapter. Page numbers are listed to help your search.

a._________________________________________________ p. 1

b._________________________________________________ p. 3

c._________________________________________________ p. 4

d._________________________________________________ p. 6

8. How old is John? (P. 3)


9. At the end of chapter one, John says that he can’t swim. Why is his inability to swim a problem?


10. External conflict is when a character struggles with an opposing force such as man against man, man against nature and man against society.

Provide ONE example of external conflict from this chapter and identify the type of external conflict.


11. Internal conflict is when a character has an inner struggle.

Identify ONE example of internal conflict from this chapter. (Page 6)


Chapter 2

12. Figurative language is language that uses figures of speech such as simile, metaphor and personification -- used to create imagery.

Simile: a comparison using “like” or “as” between two unlike things

“The sky was filled with gulls. They soared in huge, lazy circles, overlapping like the wheels and cogs of an engine.” (p. 9)

Circle the correct type of figurative language used in the line above to describe the opening scene?

a. Personification b. Metaphor c. Simile

13. John woke up to an awful sight after the shipwreck. List four examples of death and destruction that he sees. (p. 10 and 11)

a. ______________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________________

d. ______________________________________________________________________

14. List two clues that the men on the beach were not there to rescue survivors from the ship wreck. (p. 11 and 12)

a. ______________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________

15. Who killed Cridge? (p.13)


16. On page 14, John watches the men and women take things from the ship.

Identify three items that the wreckers stole from the ship (p.14).

a. _______________________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________________

c. _______________________________________________________

17. John tries to escape the beach area and heads towards the cliffs. (p. 13) But he is soon discovered after he reaches the cliffs. (p.14).

Explain what gives him away? _____________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

18. What does he see on the cliffs that tells John that the men wrecked the ship on purpose? (p.15)


19. John is chased by the wreckers (p. 15, 16 and 17). He goes into the village and finds a place to hide.

Name the place: _____________________________________ (p.18)

Chapter 3

20. Find three examples to show that Stumps is not a good man? ( p. 22 - 24 )

a. ______________________________________________________________________


b. ______________________________________________________________________


c. ______________________________________________________________________


21. Find two examples in this chapter that show Stumps has a lot of strength.

a. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

22. What does Stump have belonging to John’s father? ( p. 22 )


23. The author builds up suspense in this chapter by letting us know that the men chasing John are getting closer and closer. (p.22, 23)

Find two “direct references” to show this:

a. ____________________________________________________________________


b. ____________________________________________________________________


24. What is Stumps hiding from the wreckers? ( p. 24)


25. Why does Caleb want to kill John? (p. 25 )


Chapter 4

26. Why does Simon like Galilee better than London? (p.29)


27. Who do they meet along the way to Galilee? (p.30)


28. As Simon and John travel across the moor to Galilee, how many shipwrecks does Simon name? (p.32)


29. Where did John go on his first trip at sea? (p.32)


30. Give details to describe Simon’s property. (p.35)


31. Name three items in Simon’s house that indicate he is wealthy?

a. _____________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________

c. _____________________________________________________

32. What is starry-gazy? (p.35)


33. List two new characters introduced in this chapter. (p.35 and 38)

a. ______________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________

34. What do Simon and John argue about on page 37 and 38:


35. What did John eat for supper on his first night at Galilee? (p.39)


36. Mary wouldn’t give Simon any of the starry–gazy. Why not?


Chapter 5

37. How do we know that John has dreamt of his father more than once? (p.41)


38. Who was Simon’s son and what happened to him? (p.42)





39. John asks Mary about Tommy Colwyn. Why was Tommy hanged? (p.44)


40. What happened to John’s mother? (p.45)




41. Flashback is when past events are brought into the plot to help explain the present scene.

Identify an example of a flashback (page 46) in the story and explain why the flashback is important.









42. What secret does John tell Mary?



43. Why do the people of Pendennis rely on the wrecks to support them?

(Hint: Look at the history of the town on p.47)




44. Why do the Mawgans have “the right of wreck”? (p. 47-48)


45. Which line shows that Mary is foreshadowing what is to come later in the novel. What do you think will happen? (p.48)




Chapter 6

46. Describe what happened the night Mary saw the false lights. (p.49-50)







47. How did Stumps lose his legs? (p.51)


48. John and Mary argue about Simon’s involvement with the wrecks. What evidence does John have to convince him that Simon is involved? (p.51-52)




49. The ponies do not like the tombstones. Why? (p.53)


50. What are the corpse lights? (p.54)


51. Why are people afraid of the corpse lights? (p.54)


52. Mary has a secret garden. What do the flowers she plants there represent? (p.56)


53. Mary thinks someone besides Caleb Stratton runs the wreckers. Why? (p.57)


54. What is Mary’s plan to stop the wreckers? (p.58)





Chapter 7

55. What is a tempest? ( p. 61- Look it up in the dictionary)


56. Write a paragraph (in your own words) to describe the widow. (p. 61-62)

WRITE AT LEAST 4- 5 SENTENCES – the topic sentence is started for you.

The widow is a character who _______________________________________________


57. What reason does Mary give John for why she thinks the widow is crazy? (p.62)


58. When John enters the stable, he hears Simon shouting. Who is he shouting at? (p.65)


59. How did Eli try to communicate with John? (p.67)



60. Why does Simon tell John and Mary to ride on the roads and stay away from the moor? (p.69)



61. What did Mary serve for supper? (p. 69)



62. Provide two examples of events in this chapter that make Simon look suspicious and explain why it is suspicious behavior.






63. Explain how figurative language is used to effectively develop the character of Mawgan. (p.74)







Chapter 8

64. What does John say to show that he was not suspicious of the night they loaded the wine? (p.75)


65. Why did John ignore his suspicions later? (p. 77)


66. What does Mawgan think is the truth about John’s cargo? (p. 79)


67. Why does Mawgan almost hit John? (P. 79)


68. Why hasn’t Mawgan talked to Stumps? (P. 82)


69. What makes Eli unique? (P. 85)


70. What happened to Eli’s tongue? (P. 86)


71. How did Mary know there was a ship in the bay? (P. 87)


Chapter 9

72. Explain what it means when you hear 2, 3 and 4 gun shots. (P. 89)


72. What is one event that makes Simon look suspicious in this chapter? (P. 91-93)


73. Give two examples of suspense being built up in this chapter.

a) ______________________________________________________________________


b) ______________________________________________________________________


74. What does the widow’s presence mean? (p. 95)


Chapter 10

75. Personification is giving human characteristics to inanimate objects.

Mood the feeling created. Atmosphere is the overall mood.

Give an example of personification (p. 99) and explain how it develops the mood and atmosphere.


76. What is Mary’s plan to find John’s father? (p.101)


77. Describe in 3-4 sentences the condition John’s father is in when John finds him.(pp. 105, 108)


78. Give two examples of suspense being built: one examples is on page 107 and one is on page 109.

a. __________________________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 11

79. Why did John lie to Parson Tweed? (p. 112)


80. Why did John and Mary leave the ponies behind? (P. 112)


81. How did Stumps make sure that no one but he could find the gold? (p. 114)


82. Briefly describe the figurehead of the Isle of Skye. (p.115)



83. What are two things Stumps says that show he intends to hurt John? (p. 116 and p. 118)


b. ______________________________________________________________________

84. How is suspense created at the end of this chapter? (p.119)


Chapter 12

85. What happened to make Stumps’ nose disappear? (p.121)


86. What did Parson Tweed mean when he said Stumps had “a stone for a heart”? (p.122)


87. The people of Pendennis are watching a ship and waiting for it to wreck. Where is the ship at this point in the novel? ( p.125)


88. John thinks that Simon is huddled in a __________________ and waiting to light the lanterns so the ship will wreck. (p.125)

89. What has to change so that the ship can be free? ( p.125 – 126)


90. Describe what the Widow does on p. 126 to try to wreck the ship.


91. _______________ cursed the ship when it narrowly escaped wrecking on the rocks of Wrinkle Head? (p. 127)

92. The Widow blames John for the ship escaping the wreck. What does she want Simon to do to him? (p.127 -128)


93. What is Caleb’s answer for finding John? (p.128)


94. What line on p.128 creates suspense?


95. What does the Widow mean when she says to Simon “You’ll rue the day!” (p.129)


96. Mary and John stayed hidden from the wreckers and watched the entire scene. Where do they go at the end of the chapter? (p.129)


97. What do we learn about Simon’s personality at the end of this chapter?


Chapter 13

98. What happened to Mary’s family? (p. 132)


99. What happens that causes Mary to look for Eli? (p.132)


100. Describe where Eli lives. (p. 133)


101. Foreshadowing is a hint or clue of what is to come in the story. Give an example of foreshadowing on page 133:


102. Explain what happened the first time the false beacons were used. (p. 134 – 135)


103. On page 137, Simon finds Eli. Where and in what condition is Eli?


104. Mary believes Simon killed Eli. Why? (p. 136 )


105. Who pulled the pitchfork from Eli’s ribs? ( p.139)


106. Where does Simon bring Eli? (p.140)


107. What evidence can you find for and against Simon’s guilt of trying to kill Eli?

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Chapter 14

108. How is Simon getting John back to London? (p.141)


109. Give one example to show that Simon might be concerned about Eli? (pp. 141, 142)


110. Give one example on page 142 to show that John is experiencing an internal conflict. (Internal conflict is when the character struggles with a decision or situation.)


111. Personification is giving human qualities to inanimate objects. Find one example of personification on page 147: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

112. Eli has been angry with Simon since Mary was a baby. Why? (p.148)



Chapter 15

113. What makes Simon look like he might be a wrecker? (p. 151)


114. What happens to John’s pony as he rides across the moor? (p.152)


115. Describe Tommy Colwyn as John sees him on page 153.



116. On page 157, the author writes: “His foot was --". What effect does not finishing this sentence have on the reader?



117. How is suspense created on page 159?


Chapter 16

118. Why do you think John is so happy when Mary finds him? (p. 161)


119. Who is revealed to be the “puppet master”?


120. Why does this person wreck ships?


121. Identify two surprising things happen in this chapter.



122. What happened to Parson Tweed?


123. What was John’s father really doing (instead of getting gold) the night they loaded the wine? (P. 168)


124. What is one example of foreshadowing* from this chapter? (P.170)


*Foreshadowing is a hint or clue as to what is to come.

Chapter 17

125. What helps John realize the true size of the ship about to be wrecked? (P. 173)


126. What makes Simon look suspicious on page 174?



127. What truth is revealed about Simon on page 176?



128. What secret is revealed about Mary’s garden on page 177?


129. Who is Simon’s mother?


Chapter 18

130. How does John prevent Jeremy and Caleb from shooting him? (p. 185)


131. What two conditions does John’s father give him if he wants to go to sea?

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

132. What do you think the author is suggesting with the last line:

“But on the darkest, wildest nights – or so the story goes – the corpse lights still walk on the beach at the Tombstones.” (p. 191)



A to Z about The Wreckers

|A |B |C |

|D |E |F |

|G |H |I |

|J |K |L |

|M |N |O |

|P |Q |R |

|S |T |U |

|V |W |X |

|Y |Z | |

The Wreckers

Personal Response Journal Entry #1

John is lucky to have survived the wreck of The Isle of Skye. Unfortunately at first he finds himself in Pendennis and Galilee among people whom he cannot trust.

Who is someone in your life whom you can completely trust? Write about this person. (A family member, a friend, etc.) How have they proven that they are trustworthy or reliable? Discuss three qualities that you like about this person, how they have these qualities and explain why these are qualities that you admire.



Wreckers Assignment

Personal Response

1. Discuss how the main character is like or unlike a person you know.

2. Describe an experience you've had that was like the experience of a character in the book.

3. Explain why you would like to have one of the characters as a friend.

Expressive Writing Response

3. Write any kind of poem or rap about your book. (Min. 16 lines)

4. Write an obituary for one character.

5. Choose a character and assume this character kept a journal. Write a journal entry this character would make.

6. Find THREE songs that seem to relate to your novel. Write out the lyrics and

then write an explanation of how they relate.

Tell what you think happened before the story began.

7. Write another part of the story where you describe what happened to the main character after the story ended.

8. Write a horoscope for two main characters from the. Make sure the horoscopes have predictions and comments that directly relate to what your chosen characters experience.


7. Draw and colour a map to where a major part of the story takes place. Label the major landmarks or points of interest. The map in you book does not count as this is a map of the coast. Be more specific.

Create a poster to explain how you would make your book into a movie-- who would play the main characters, where would you film it etc? You must use visuals and text to explain your choices.

Create a collage of a major theme of your novel or one that illustrates certain parts of your novel.

26. Pretend you are a character in the novel and describe the other

characters in the novel and what you think of each of them.

27. Make a scrapbook of pictures of the main characters. You could

cut out pictures of people and animals that you think look like the

characters and places in the novel. Or you could collect magazine

and newspaper articles.

Create a book jacket for the novel. Remember a book jacket includes a cover drawing, title, author, price information, as well as the “blurb” on the back that describes the novel. Examine other covers for ideas.

Create a board game version of the novel. Your board game will have to have characters and events from the novel incorporated inot it. For this activity, you will have to make the game itself, including all necessary parts. the game will be demonstrated ( played ) in class.

Create a children’s storybook for the novel. You will have to shorten and simplify the story. Include illustrations, and a cover.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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