

Directions: On the line beside each question, write the page number from which you found the answer. Write longer answers on a separate sheet of notebook paper.

1. _________ What does the word genocide mean? the systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group

2. _________ What does annihilation mean? total destruction

3. _________ What does Holocaust mean? the state-sponsored systematic persecution of European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collaborators between 1933 and 1945

4. _________ What does anti-Semitism mean? ill-feeling or hatred toward Jews

5. _________ What does prejudice mean? an irrational hatred of a person, group, or race based upon a preconceived opinion or judgment

6. _________ What word stereotype mean? a generalization of a person; a person who is regarded, not as an individual, but as a member of a group or nationality

7. _________ Explain how the White Rose movement, which openly protested Nazism in Germany, was a form of Resistance. Because they openly protested Nazism in Germany, it was considered Resistance.

8. _________ What town do Eliezer and his family come from? Sighet

9. _________ What specifically does Elie recruit Mosche the Beadle to teach him? The Cabbala

10. _________ What is Elie’s oldest sister’s name? Hilda

11. _________ Upon his return to the village, what does Moshe the Beadle try to do? warn the villagers about Nazi threat

12. _________ What are three reason why the people didn’t believe Moshe’s tale? He only wanted pity. He was imaginative. He was mad/crazy.

13. _________ After being evacuated from their original homes, where are the Jews of Sighet first sent? to a ghetto within Sighet

14. _________ On what day is Elie’s family deported to Sighet? Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. the first day of Passover, the commemoration of the Exodus from Egypt. Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. The Sabbath, the day of rest

15. _________ When the Jews of Sighet are deported, how many people are on each train car? 80

16. _________ On the train from Sighet, of what does Mrs. Schachter have visions? fire

17. _________ Madame Schatcher’s visions about fire are an example of what? foreshadowing

18. _________ “It was like a page torn from some storybook,” is an example of what? simile

19. _________ “Everywhere rooms lay open…An open tomb.” This is an example of what? metaphor

20. _________ What do several men on the train do when they are unable to endure Mrs. Schachter’s screaming? beat and gag her

21. _________ From whom is Elie separated at Birkenau? his mother and sisters

22. _________ During the first selection at Birkenau, what do Elie and his father pretend their ages are? 18, 40

23. _________ What age is Elie when he reaches Auschwitz? almost 15

24. _________ What occupation does Elie tell the SS officer is? farmer

25. _________ Who is the infamous Nazi doctor presiding over Auschwitz arrivals? Dr. Mengele

26. _________ Under what circumstances when they first arrive to the camp does Elie hear men reciting the Kaddish prayer (prayer for the dead)? when they think they’re headed to the crematoria

27. _________ What is Elie’s new name at the camp? (What is his number?) A-7713

28. _________ In Birkenau, who beats Elie’s father? (Be specific.) A gypsy Kapo

29. _________ At Auschwitz, who recognizes Elie and his father? Their relative from Antwerp, named Stein

30. _________ What happened to those who broke the rules? shot, beaten, hanged

31. _________ Who is Idek? Elie’s Kapo in the electrical equipment warehouse

32. _________ What item did the SS extract from the Jews at the camp? gold teeth

33. _________ Elie prevents the SS from extracting this item by doing what? saying he is sick

34. _________ To whom does Elie eventually lose the gold crown on his tooth? Franek

35. _________ What does the Gestapo do after an instance of sabotage at Buna? hang a young child

36. _________ Whose death symbolizes the loss of Elie’s faith? the pipel

37. _________ What do the men do to help their chances during selection? run

38. _________ What does Akiba Drumer ask Elie and his father to do for him? say the kaddish

39. _________ Why does Elie go to see the doctor? His foot is infected.

40. _________ Who does the prisoner next to Elie in the hospital say that he trusts the most? Hitler

41. _________ Elie and his father leaving the hospital before it’s liberated is an example of what literary element? irony

42. _________ How do the prisoners travel to Gleiwitz? run

43. _________ What happened to the men who slowed down on the way to Gleiwitz? They were either trampled or shot.

44. _________ What happened to the men who slept in the snow at the caved-in brick factory? died

45. _________ How many men get on the train car with Elie and his father on the trip to Buchenwald? 100

46. _________ How many men get off the train at Buchenwald? 12

47. _________ What was the last word Elie’s father said? Eliezer

48. _________ What do the liberated prisoners think about after being freed? food

49. _________ What are three examples of a father and son relationship in the book? Elie and his father, Rabbi Eliahou and his son, Father and son Meir on the train

50. _________ Did Moshe witness the events in the camps? no

51. _________ What opportunities did Elie’s family have to escape before being deported? Moshe tells them of a mass killing. Their housekeeper offers to hide them. Elie asks to go to Palestine.

52. _________ What do night, the babies burning in pits in Auschwitz, and the hanging of the sad-eyed angel all represent? Elie’s loss of faith

53. _________ After Akiba Drumer’s death, what do Elie and the other prisoners do? forget to say the prayer for the dead

54. _________ In January 1945, what sort of infection does Elie contract? foot

55. _________ In the concentration camp hospital, Elie’s neighbor remarks he has lost faith in everything except what? Hitler

56. _________ During the long run after Buna, what does Elie say was the only thing that kept him from giving up? His father’s presence

57. _________ In the shed, taking a brief break from the run, what does Elie pray for? for the strength to never abandon his father for his own benefit

58. _________ In the barracks at Gleiwitz, what does Elie hear? Juliek playing Beethoven on the violin

59. _________ Where does Elie’s father die? Buchenwald

60. _________ What is the most prominent internal conflict that Elie consistently faces throughout his time at the concentration camp? his struggles with his belief in God and his religion

Directions: Identify the following passages as similes or metaphors.

61. “Here came the Rabbi…His mere presence among the deportees added a touch of unreality to the scene. It was like page torn from some storybook, from some historical novel about the captivity of Babylon or the Spanish Inquisition” (Wiesel 14). simile

62. In the above quote from page 14, what is the first thing being compared? the Rabbi’s presence

63. In the above quote from page 14, what is the second thing being compared? page torn from a scrapbook

64. “The barracks we had been made to go into was very long. In the roof were some blue-tinged skylights. The antechamber of Hell must look like this” (Wiesel 32). metaphor

65. In the above quote from page 32, what is the first thing being compared? the barracks

66. In the above quote from page 32, what is the second thing being compared? The antechamber of Hell

67. “We were already accustomed to rumors of this kind [that told the front was drawing nearer to the camp]. It was not the first time a false prophet had foretold to us peace-on-earth…And we often believed them. It was an injection of morphine" (Wiesel 76). metaphor

68. In the above quote from page 76, what is the first thing being compared? rumors

69. In the above quote from page 76, what is the second thing being compared? an injection of morphine

70. “Suddenly his eyes would become blank, nothing but two open wounds, two pits of terror” (Wiesel 72). metaphor

71. In the above quote from page 72, what is the first thing being compared? eyes

72. In the above quote from page 72, what is the second thing being compared? two open wounds

73. “When at last a gray glimmer of light appeared on the horizon, it revealed a tangle of human shapes, heads sunk upon shoulders, crouched, piled one on top of the other, like a field of dust-covered tombstones in the first light of dawn” (Wiesel 93). simile

74. In the above quote from page 93, what is the first thing being compared? tangle of human shapes

75. In the above quote from page 93, what is the second thing being compared? field of dust-covered tombstones


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