بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Rules of Recitation

الموضوع: علم التجويد

Re: Tajweed and Rules of Recitation

Course title: Tajweed

Course no.6, with 3 credit hrs.

Place: IUMN, Islamic University of Minnesota

Lecturer’s Name: Aysha Wazwaz

Email address: aqsa_sisters@, all questions- unless personal- will be forwarded to the rest of the sisters.


Telephone no. Sisters may call 612 483 2893 please only call between 9-10pm

Class’s Language: The class will mostly be in the Arabic language. Sisters are required to know the basics of the Arabic language. I will be explaining the rules in Arabic and English though.

Course Overview

This course teaches the rules of Quranic recitation, according to Hafs, rules include the following:

- Introduction to the science of tajweed. مقدمة إلى علم التجويد

- Reviewing the Arabic lettersمراجعة الأحرف الهجائية/ الأبتثية

- Manners for reciting Quranآداب تلاوة القرآن الكريم

- Importance of reciting Quranأهمية تلاوة القرآن

- Levels/ speeds of recitationمراتب التلاوة

- Tajweed definition, its importance, rulingعلم التجويد أهميته، فضله وحكمه

- Rules of Basmala and Isti’athaالبسملة والاستعاذة

- Rules of Noon and Nunnation أحكام النون الساكنة والتنوين

o Assimilation , with and without Ghunnahالادغام، بغنة وبغير غنة

o Turningالاقلاب

o Manifestationالاظهار

o True concealmentالاخفاء الحقيقي

- Doubled Noon and Meem (Ghunnah)أحكام النون والميم المشددتين

- Rules of Meem أحكام الميم الساكنة

o Similar assimilation الادغام المتماثل

o Labial Manifestation الاظهار الشفوي

o Labial concealment الاخفاء الشفوي

- Rules of lengtheningأحكام المد

o Reasons for lengtheningأسباب المد

o Lengthening letters حروف المد

o Its ruling حكم المد

o Kinds of lengthening أنواع المد

▪ المد المتصل

▪ المد المنفصل

▪ مد البدل

▪ المد العارض للسكون

▪ مد اللين

▪ المد اللازم

• المد اللازم الكلمي المثقل

• المدل اللازم الكلمي المخفف

• المد اللازم الحرف المثقل

• المد اللازم الحرفي المخفف

▪ مد الصلة، وهاء الضمير

- Letters articulations and pronunciations مخارج وصفات الحروف

- أحكام اللام في لفظ الجلالة

- اللام القمرية واللام الشمسية

- إلتقاء الساكنين

- همزة القطع وهمزة الوصل

- كيفية الابتداء بهمزة الوصل

- Stop and continuation signs رموز الوقف والوصل

- Soft and full lettersحروف التفخيم والترقيق

- Rules of letter أحكام حرف (الراء)

And other rulings.

Goals and Objectives:

Our main goal in this class is to:

1) learn the right pronunciations for all the Arabic letters

2) Be able to read the Quran with the right pronunciations.

3) Learn the rules of Quranic recitation. Note: Tajweed does not mean reciting the Quran in a harmonious voice. It means reading the Quran the way it was revealed and the way Arabs used to articulate the Arabic letters and words. Remember the Quran is Arabic and any translation is not considered a Quran but a translation of it.

4) Read the Quran while applying the rules of Quranic recitations.


• Sisters are required to attend all lectures.

• No research required

• Sister please practice before coming to class, listen to the assigned surahs.

• Study all the rules that we take and try applying them during your recitation

• Every rule we take is to be applied in the next class.

• Sisters be calm, we are all here to learn.

• While you’re reciting you’re not being tested. You’re practicing. So take it easy. (


There will be three tests for this course inshaa Allah, plus homework papers. Tests include written and oral testing.

- First test 15 marks (includes written and oral)

- Second test 25 marks (includes written and oral)

- Third test 25 marks(includes written and oral)

- Homework sheets 15 marks, written only

- Attendance and volunteering 20 marks

Note: will accept extra credit work to improve grade scale, please see me if interested.

How to study for the class:

1) Listen to Quranic recitations.

2) Follow up with Quranic recitation, by holding the Quran and listening to the recitations.

3) Look at the words while they’re being recited.

4) Read with the recitor while you’re following up and looking at the words while they’re being recited.

5) Reread what you heard.

6) Read in front of other sisters and listen to their corrections.

7) Listen to other sisters’ recitations, and try correcting them.


1. Most important website

2. gives downloads and important sources.

3. This site is the main site that has all the rules that we will be taking in shaAllah ,

4. I will be sending via email, the presented slides inshaa Allah.

5. As for those concerned in Arabi see same site in Arabi.

6. ملتقى الوحيين لحفظ القرآن

7. Quranic recitations for more than a hundred recitors.

8. Preferred recitor Mohammad Sidiq Alminshawi

9. for Fatiha recitation (English lecture)

10. helpful picture explaining tajweed in Arabic

11. For those interested in tajweed books see

12. Arabic site for tajweed


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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