Student Government Board

2020 SGB Elections Voter’s Guide Vote on February 25 INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/4z/82xmkmkj7pl892b0fh8tydnh0000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET 305562055848My name is Eric Macadangdang, and I’m a junior majoring in Urban Studies and History & Philosophy of Science, and I am running to be Student Government Board President for this upcoming academic year. For my entire undergraduate career, I have been involved in Student Government Board: a member of the First Year Council during my first year, the chair of the Wellness Committee during my sophomore year, and an elected board member this year. Over the course of over two and a half years, I have been afforded the incredible opportunity to collaborate and work with passionate students, faculty, and administration from every part of this campus. It’s led me to help lead the planning of the last two Mental Health Awareness Months, co-write a resolution to call for support of labor rights at the University, work closely with the Wellness Center on substantial changes to counseling services, and collaborate with University partners on the implementation of menstrual product dispensers across campus. Yet, for too many students, SGB and its work seems distant or unknown. How can we be an effective student governing body if we are not meaningfully engaging with all students, no matter the school they are enrolled in or how involved they are on campus? My overall vision for SGB is to transform it into an active advocate and ally to students by meeting people where they are, garnering real feedback to guide our actions, and working to ensure the University sees students more than just numbers or bodies in a classroom. It’s time our VOICES are heard and we continue to use it for a more just campus.I want to give back to a community that has given me so much, and I hope you will consider giving me the opportunity to do so. 00My name is Eric Macadangdang, and I’m a junior majoring in Urban Studies and History & Philosophy of Science, and I am running to be Student Government Board President for this upcoming academic year. For my entire undergraduate career, I have been involved in Student Government Board: a member of the First Year Council during my first year, the chair of the Wellness Committee during my sophomore year, and an elected board member this year. Over the course of over two and a half years, I have been afforded the incredible opportunity to collaborate and work with passionate students, faculty, and administration from every part of this campus. It’s led me to help lead the planning of the last two Mental Health Awareness Months, co-write a resolution to call for support of labor rights at the University, work closely with the Wellness Center on substantial changes to counseling services, and collaborate with University partners on the implementation of menstrual product dispensers across campus. Yet, for too many students, SGB and its work seems distant or unknown. How can we be an effective student governing body if we are not meaningfully engaging with all students, no matter the school they are enrolled in or how involved they are on campus? My overall vision for SGB is to transform it into an active advocate and ally to students by meeting people where they are, garnering real feedback to guide our actions, and working to ensure the University sees students more than just numbers or bodies in a classroom. It’s time our VOICES are heard and we continue to use it for a more just campus.I want to give back to a community that has given me so much, and I hope you will consider giving me the opportunity to do so. -26352515494000 174625175895Eric MacadangdangPresidential CandidateVoices SlateMcKees Rocks, PA Junior 00Eric MacadangdangPresidential CandidateVoices SlateMcKees Rocks, PA Junior -83304130810002199673113405Kathryn FleisherBoard Candidate Voices Slate Cleveland, OH0Kathryn FleisherBoard Candidate Voices Slate Cleveland, OH-8102341431500030784800My name is Kathryn Fleisher and I’m a junior studying Politics & Philosophy and Gender, Sexuality, & Women’s Studies with a minor in Creative Writing. I’m also humbled and excited to be running for Student Government Board. I’m running for SGB for one simple reason: I believe that the University of Pittsburgh has the potential (and the obligation) to challenge each of us to be better academics, better citizens, and better people. In order for that growth to occur, however, our basic needs must be met and we must feel listened to by the University. Unfortunately, this doesn't always happen. That’s why I intend to be an advocate for all students in my capacity as an SGB member, should you provide me the opportunity to do so. As an SGB member, I will: 1) Require student voices to be present wherever and whenever decisions about students are being made; 2) Improve physical and mental health accessibility and accommodations; and 3) Increase (and make relevant, meaningful, and inclusive) civic and community engagement opportunities on campus. Throughout my time at Pitt, I have worked tirelessly to advocate for marginalized communities, and I intend to bring that same passion to advocating for and representing undergraduate students. As a student leader, I co-founded the student coalition Pitt Civics, founded a student organization called Leading Women of Tomorrow to empower women to become leaders in their fields, and, currently, I serve as the Executive Vice President of SGB’s Community & Government Relations Committee. I also write for the feminist magazine The Fourth Wave, am involved in Jewish life, and am a proud sister of Theta Phi Alpha sorority. As a candidate for SGB, I promise to listen to your VOICE, to raise mine, and to partner with you on building a better Pitt for all. 00My name is Kathryn Fleisher and I’m a junior studying Politics & Philosophy and Gender, Sexuality, & Women’s Studies with a minor in Creative Writing. I’m also humbled and excited to be running for Student Government Board. I’m running for SGB for one simple reason: I believe that the University of Pittsburgh has the potential (and the obligation) to challenge each of us to be better academics, better citizens, and better people. In order for that growth to occur, however, our basic needs must be met and we must feel listened to by the University. Unfortunately, this doesn't always happen. That’s why I intend to be an advocate for all students in my capacity as an SGB member, should you provide me the opportunity to do so. As an SGB member, I will: 1) Require student voices to be present wherever and whenever decisions about students are being made; 2) Improve physical and mental health accessibility and accommodations; and 3) Increase (and make relevant, meaningful, and inclusive) civic and community engagement opportunities on campus. Throughout my time at Pitt, I have worked tirelessly to advocate for marginalized communities, and I intend to bring that same passion to advocating for and representing undergraduate students. As a student leader, I co-founded the student coalition Pitt Civics, founded a student organization called Leading Women of Tomorrow to empower women to become leaders in their fields, and, currently, I serve as the Executive Vice President of SGB’s Community & Government Relations Committee. I also write for the feminist magazine The Fourth Wave, am involved in Jewish life, and am a proud sister of Theta Phi Alpha sorority. As a candidate for SGB, I promise to listen to your VOICE, to raise mine, and to partner with you on building a better Pitt for all. 0000 INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/4z/82xmkmkj7pl892b0fh8tydnh0000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET 3240405-88My name is Ben King and I am excited to be running for a position on the Student Government Board. I am a junior communication and political science major with minors in computer science and history, and am currently involved in many groups on campus, including Pitt Tonight, Model UN, and SGB itself, where I currently serve as the Allocations chair. As a board member, I plan to focus on SGB’s fundamental roles: representing students and distributing student activities fee. I will leverage my experience with SGB’s allocations system to improve the process and make sure that student organizations are getting the support they need, and in particular work to make SORC more efficient and user-friendly. With this and other issues, we have to work the university administration to make changes, but we also must not be afraid to hold them to account for the decisions they make. Pitt likes to claim to use a model of “shared governance,” but the only governance that counts is the Board of Trustees. We have student “representatives” on BOT committees, but these students cannot vote and are not allowed to share what they hear with other students, because officially they don’t represent the student body in these meetings. I believe it is absolutely essential that students are truly involved in decisions that affect them, from things as large as raising tuition and as small as getting rid of the motor pool. This is why I plan to push for a voting student trustee to ensure our VOICES are truly represented, not just brushed aside. Students should be able to rely on their student government to represent them well, support their activities, and, when necessary, speak truth to power. These things are not ashy, but they are the core of what student government must be. 0My name is Ben King and I am excited to be running for a position on the Student Government Board. I am a junior communication and political science major with minors in computer science and history, and am currently involved in many groups on campus, including Pitt Tonight, Model UN, and SGB itself, where I currently serve as the Allocations chair. As a board member, I plan to focus on SGB’s fundamental roles: representing students and distributing student activities fee. I will leverage my experience with SGB’s allocations system to improve the process and make sure that student organizations are getting the support they need, and in particular work to make SORC more efficient and user-friendly. With this and other issues, we have to work the university administration to make changes, but we also must not be afraid to hold them to account for the decisions they make. Pitt likes to claim to use a model of “shared governance,” but the only governance that counts is the Board of Trustees. We have student “representatives” on BOT committees, but these students cannot vote and are not allowed to share what they hear with other students, because officially they don’t represent the student body in these meetings. I believe it is absolutely essential that students are truly involved in decisions that affect them, from things as large as raising tuition and as small as getting rid of the motor pool. This is why I plan to push for a voting student trustee to ensure our VOICES are truly represented, not just brushed aside. Students should be able to rely on their student government to represent them well, support their activities, and, when necessary, speak truth to power. These things are not ashy, but they are the core of what student government must be. INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/4z/82xmkmkj7pl892b0fh8tydnh0000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET 1041400144145Ben King Board Candidate Voices Slate Pittsburgh, PA 00Ben King Board Candidate Voices Slate Pittsburgh, PA INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/4z/82xmkmkj7pl892b0fh8tydnh0000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET 9028233125003194613-1Hi! My name is Annalise Abraham and I am a sophomore studying Environmental Studies. I am a member of the professional environmental fraternity Epsilon Eta Delta and an organizer with Fossil Free Pitt Coalition. I want to serve on Student Government Board to uplift the amazing work students are already doing on campus. As a board member, I want to work on improving Pitt’s sustainability practices. Pitt is already doing great work around reducing our environmental impact, but sustainability also includes social and economic aspects. One of my initiatives includes ensuring that our financial investments reflect student values. Students deserve a say as to what industries we should and should not invest in. I also want to make food on campus cheaper and more accessible to students. My plan would include developing a way for students to share extra meal swipes or dining dollars at the end of a semester to help students dealing with food insecurity. As food is a human right, I believe we should have a program to give students a set of swipes or dining dollars, no questions asked, on a short-term basis. Lastly, I want to increase the conversation around student’s housing concerns. We need to expand and grow the programs already available, so students know their rights as tenants. I also want to expand the ways we collect goods during campus move-out so that less goes to waste. I value my time at Pitt because of the people I have met here and the things I have learned. As students, I believe we are the biggest stakeholders at the university. We deserve to have our VOICES heard. That being said, please let me know if you have any suggestions or questions as to how you would like SGB to operate. Hail to Pitt! 00Hi! My name is Annalise Abraham and I am a sophomore studying Environmental Studies. I am a member of the professional environmental fraternity Epsilon Eta Delta and an organizer with Fossil Free Pitt Coalition. I want to serve on Student Government Board to uplift the amazing work students are already doing on campus. As a board member, I want to work on improving Pitt’s sustainability practices. Pitt is already doing great work around reducing our environmental impact, but sustainability also includes social and economic aspects. One of my initiatives includes ensuring that our financial investments reflect student values. Students deserve a say as to what industries we should and should not invest in. I also want to make food on campus cheaper and more accessible to students. My plan would include developing a way for students to share extra meal swipes or dining dollars at the end of a semester to help students dealing with food insecurity. As food is a human right, I believe we should have a program to give students a set of swipes or dining dollars, no questions asked, on a short-term basis. Lastly, I want to increase the conversation around student’s housing concerns. We need to expand and grow the programs already available, so students know their rights as tenants. I also want to expand the ways we collect goods during campus move-out so that less goes to waste. I value my time at Pitt because of the people I have met here and the things I have learned. As students, I believe we are the biggest stakeholders at the university. We deserve to have our VOICES heard. That being said, please let me know if you have any suggestions or questions as to how you would like SGB to operate. Hail to Pitt! INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/4z/82xmkmkj7pl892b0fh8tydnh0000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET 18288011557000092597162431Annalise Abraham Board CandidateVoices Slate Newtown, PA Annalise Abraham Board CandidateVoices Slate Newtown, PA 337921380645Hi, my name is Cedric Humphrey! I am a junior currently studying Political Science and Economics with a French minor. I am an intern for the University’s Oce of Community and Governmental Relations, the Vice-President of the Pitt Club Handball Team, have worked as a Community Assistant working in the Hill District with the Pitt CEC, and currently serve on this year’s Student Government Board. When I ran for board last year I wanted the experience. This time around I’m running to help make the University that I love the absolute best it can be, I’m running for all of you. While on Board this year, I have worked to encourage the University to stand by their commitment to promote civic engagement. With the 2020 election coming up, I think Pitt should be a leader in working to promote, highlight, and celebrate the engagement work that our students partake in. I have already started this work and have been doing so for several months, and I am seeking re-election to finish what I started. Another initiative that I was able to get off the ground this year involves the policy for transferring credit from internships. I want to clarify the existing policies for internship credits, advocate for a more beneficial policy for students that includes allowing students to transfer credit for paid internships, and make sure that every advisor is aware of these policies so that all students have an equal opportunity to explore an internship as a part of their academic career. I have truly enjoyed serving on the Student Government Board so far and want to continue my work into next year. I would appreciate your vote! If you have any questions please feel free to email me at! Thank you, and as always Hail to Pitt! 00Hi, my name is Cedric Humphrey! I am a junior currently studying Political Science and Economics with a French minor. I am an intern for the University’s Oce of Community and Governmental Relations, the Vice-President of the Pitt Club Handball Team, have worked as a Community Assistant working in the Hill District with the Pitt CEC, and currently serve on this year’s Student Government Board. When I ran for board last year I wanted the experience. This time around I’m running to help make the University that I love the absolute best it can be, I’m running for all of you. While on Board this year, I have worked to encourage the University to stand by their commitment to promote civic engagement. With the 2020 election coming up, I think Pitt should be a leader in working to promote, highlight, and celebrate the engagement work that our students partake in. I have already started this work and have been doing so for several months, and I am seeking re-election to finish what I started. Another initiative that I was able to get off the ground this year involves the policy for transferring credit from internships. I want to clarify the existing policies for internship credits, advocate for a more beneficial policy for students that includes allowing students to transfer credit for paid internships, and make sure that every advisor is aware of these policies so that all students have an equal opportunity to explore an internship as a part of their academic career. I have truly enjoyed serving on the Student Government Board so far and want to continue my work into next year. I would appreciate your vote! If you have any questions please feel free to email me at! Thank you, and as always Hail to Pitt! 347243900347002546433379808Cedric HumphreyBoard CandidateLaunch Slate Harrisburg, PA 0Cedric HumphreyBoard CandidateLaunch Slate Harrisburg, PA 343768192597Hi! My name is Tyler Viljaste, and I’m a sophomore in both the College of Business Administration and in the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, pursuing a dual degree in Finance and Politics and Philosophy. Last year I was a member of the Student Government Board First Year Council, and now I am the Community and Governmental Relations Committee chair. I’m also a brother of Beta Theta Pi, Phi Alpha Delta (PAD - the pre-law professional fraternity), a member of the Parliamentary Debate Team, and a member of Eat@Pitt. I’m running for the Student Government Board so I can ensure other Pitt students have the same successful launch as I have, and ensure that they are equipped with the right tools for a proper landing upon graduation! My primary initiative is to help change the negative perception of Greek life on Pitt’s campus. As a board member, I hope to uplift Greek life by investing more time and university resources into the philanthropic activities of IFC, NPHC and Panhel, such as Greek Sing and Greek Week, and the various professional and honor fraternities across campus to help change how Greek Life is perceived. Another one of my initiatives is to help solve issues with dining services on campus. I will get rid of the $2,000 meal plan minimums for freshman students, I will work to bring in more local businesses like Millie’s to be a part of meal plans, and look into alternatives to Sodexo as their contract expires this year. Finally, I will work to push for the creation of a LGBTQIA+ student resource center in the Union. I sincerely hope that you decide to vote for me so that I can help make each student’s launch into the new decade a successful one. Hail to Pitt! 0Hi! My name is Tyler Viljaste, and I’m a sophomore in both the College of Business Administration and in the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, pursuing a dual degree in Finance and Politics and Philosophy. Last year I was a member of the Student Government Board First Year Council, and now I am the Community and Governmental Relations Committee chair. I’m also a brother of Beta Theta Pi, Phi Alpha Delta (PAD - the pre-law professional fraternity), a member of the Parliamentary Debate Team, and a member of Eat@Pitt. I’m running for the Student Government Board so I can ensure other Pitt students have the same successful launch as I have, and ensure that they are equipped with the right tools for a proper landing upon graduation! My primary initiative is to help change the negative perception of Greek life on Pitt’s campus. As a board member, I hope to uplift Greek life by investing more time and university resources into the philanthropic activities of IFC, NPHC and Panhel, such as Greek Sing and Greek Week, and the various professional and honor fraternities across campus to help change how Greek Life is perceived. Another one of my initiatives is to help solve issues with dining services on campus. I will get rid of the $2,000 meal plan minimums for freshman students, I will work to bring in more local businesses like Millie’s to be a part of meal plans, and look into alternatives to Sodexo as their contract expires this year. Finally, I will work to push for the creation of a LGBTQIA+ student resource center in the Union. I sincerely hope that you decide to vote for me so that I can help make each student’s launch into the new decade a successful one. Hail to Pitt! 13421323483699Tyler Viljaste Board Candidate Launch Slate Gibsonia, PA0Tyler Viljaste Board Candidate Launch Slate Gibsonia, PA183395381932400313673957872Hi! I’m Ravi, I’m an engineer, and I’m running on your slate. Wait what? I mean my slate. I mean my slate which is called YOUR slate because it’s really all about you! I love Pitt; in fact, Cathy is the only woman to ever make me question my sexuality. But some things here aren’t so great. Allocations, for example, a disaster. Student groups – often isolated. And admin decisions about student wants or needs usually don’t have any student input. I’m running to bring [1] transparency (release the whole allocations budget & all decisions to the public! – if it’s all honest then why hide it?), [2] connectivity (connecting different student groups – lowkey matchmaking, kind of an expert), and [3] student advocacy (when the Sodexo contract expires next year, students should be able to vote for their favorite option, not admins who’ve never stepped foot into Market!). I feel like lately SGB has fallen into the trap of solving problems that don’t really exist, probably cause SGB doesn’t really talk to students (and I oop). I currently chair the Diversity and Inclusion committee, which is the most student-facing committee in SGB. We love and welcome complaints, survey students to scope out issues, and then aggressively work on the fastest solutions. I want to bring that to all of SGB – I want us to start talking to students again! What’d you say? A vote for my slate, is a vote for YOUR slate! 00Hi! I’m Ravi, I’m an engineer, and I’m running on your slate. Wait what? I mean my slate. I mean my slate which is called YOUR slate because it’s really all about you! I love Pitt; in fact, Cathy is the only woman to ever make me question my sexuality. But some things here aren’t so great. Allocations, for example, a disaster. Student groups – often isolated. And admin decisions about student wants or needs usually don’t have any student input. I’m running to bring [1] transparency (release the whole allocations budget & all decisions to the public! – if it’s all honest then why hide it?), [2] connectivity (connecting different student groups – lowkey matchmaking, kind of an expert), and [3] student advocacy (when the Sodexo contract expires next year, students should be able to vote for their favorite option, not admins who’ve never stepped foot into Market!). I feel like lately SGB has fallen into the trap of solving problems that don’t really exist, probably cause SGB doesn’t really talk to students (and I oop). I currently chair the Diversity and Inclusion committee, which is the most student-facing committee in SGB. We love and welcome complaints, survey students to scope out issues, and then aggressively work on the fastest solutions. I want to bring that to all of SGB – I want us to start talking to students again! What’d you say? A vote for my slate, is a vote for YOUR slate! 1777685555446001041724456253Ravi Gandhi Presidential Candidate Your Slate 0Ravi Gandhi Presidential Candidate Your Slate 340273246299Hey there, I’m Victoria Chuah, I’m a computer science major, and I’m running on your slate. Wait what? I mean my slate. I mean my slate which is called your slate because it’s really all about you! This school can spend millions on sports teams, yet they can’t seem to find money to properly fund arts communities. There are dozens of different dance groups on campus, yet there isn’t an adequate amount of space for people to practice. If the university is going to stop groups from using the Posvar ground floor, they have to provide alternative spaces for groups to practice in. The small amount of studio space that is provided now is often double-booked, or too small for some groups to fully rehearse. Especially with Greek life trying to use spaces for Greek sing now, it is next to impossible to get enough space for enough time in order to have effective rehearsals. I want to push for larger dance spaces in the master plan for new buildings, as well as opening different spaces on campus back up to dance groups. A vote for my slate, is a vote for YOUR slate. 00Hey there, I’m Victoria Chuah, I’m a computer science major, and I’m running on your slate. Wait what? I mean my slate. I mean my slate which is called your slate because it’s really all about you! This school can spend millions on sports teams, yet they can’t seem to find money to properly fund arts communities. There are dozens of different dance groups on campus, yet there isn’t an adequate amount of space for people to practice. If the university is going to stop groups from using the Posvar ground floor, they have to provide alternative spaces for groups to practice in. The small amount of studio space that is provided now is often double-booked, or too small for some groups to fully rehearse. Especially with Greek life trying to use spaces for Greek sing now, it is next to impossible to get enough space for enough time in order to have effective rehearsals. I want to push for larger dance spaces in the master plan for new buildings, as well as opening different spaces on campus back up to dance groups. A vote for my slate, is a vote for YOUR slate. 8333694375198Victoria Chuah Board Candidate Your Slate 00Victoria Chuah Board Candidate Your Slate 211970100443006788393448685Victor So Board Candidate Your Slate 00Victor So Board Candidate Your Slate 462983819324003401695-1680My name is Victor So. So what? So cool and so ready to give the power back to you. So you can vote for YOUR slate. Market Central is a gourmet restaurant! Now that I have your attention, let’s talk about some things that need changing... As an RA, there are many problems that are frustrating to deal with, which makes any ordeal much more stressful. As a board member for SGB, I want to give students a better dining experience by working with the University to find and provide better tasting and more inclusive options for our meal plans. I would like to help give students more transparency and flexibility when requesting room changes. I also want to help revamp the room selection lottery system and make it simpler and give more assurances so that students may better plan for the following year. Sodexo’s contract is expiring next year makes this a unique opportunity to get some real changes made to our dining. Making a choice like this shouldn’t be left to administration who doesn’t rely on Market Central for food, it should be left up to the students, and that’s something that I really want to fight for.A vote for my slate, is a vote for YOUR slate. My name is Victor So. So what? So cool and so ready to give the power back to you. So you can vote for YOUR slate. Market Central is a gourmet restaurant! Now that I have your attention, let’s talk about some things that need changing... As an RA, there are many problems that are frustrating to deal with, which makes any ordeal much more stressful. As a board member for SGB, I want to give students a better dining experience by working with the University to find and provide better tasting and more inclusive options for our meal plans. I would like to help give students more transparency and flexibility when requesting room changes. I also want to help revamp the room selection lottery system and make it simpler and give more assurances so that students may better plan for the following year. Sodexo’s contract is expiring next year makes this a unique opportunity to get some real changes made to our dining. Making a choice like this shouldn’t be left to administration who doesn’t rely on Market Central for food, it should be left up to the students, and that’s something that I really want to fight for.A vote for my slate, is a vote for YOUR slate. 344925657873Road work ahead? Uh yeah I sure hope it does...are you also tired of wondering where the money for the seemingly endless construction comes from? My name is Katie Richmond and I’m a second year Mechanical Engineering student and I’m running on your slate. Wait what? I mean my slate. I mean my slate which is called your slate because it’s really all about you! At a school of this size, Student Government plays an integral role in bringing everyone together to feel like a community. Unfortunately, Pitt doesn’t feel like a united community for everyone. Many students feel like they are just an Arts & Sciences kid, just an Engineering kid, just a Nursing kid. I want to get involved to work towards giving students the opportunity to feel like part of the entirety of the University of Pittsburgh. Within the community, the largest issue that I want to work towards is getting students more access to mental health resources across campus. Both Disability Resources and Services and the Wellness Center are overworked and understaffed. Hiring more employees isn’t as simple as it sounds, but the University’s budgetary transparency is greatly lacking in general. This University is for the students, shouldn’t we know where our money goes? How our University is run? When it comes down to it, Student Government is a voice for the students, a bridge between us and the administration. So, let’s open up the conversation. 0Road work ahead? Uh yeah I sure hope it does...are you also tired of wondering where the money for the seemingly endless construction comes from? My name is Katie Richmond and I’m a second year Mechanical Engineering student and I’m running on your slate. Wait what? I mean my slate. I mean my slate which is called your slate because it’s really all about you! At a school of this size, Student Government plays an integral role in bringing everyone together to feel like a community. Unfortunately, Pitt doesn’t feel like a united community for everyone. Many students feel like they are just an Arts & Sciences kid, just an Engineering kid, just a Nursing kid. I want to get involved to work towards giving students the opportunity to feel like part of the entirety of the University of Pittsburgh. Within the community, the largest issue that I want to work towards is getting students more access to mental health resources across campus. Both Disability Resources and Services and the Wellness Center are overworked and understaffed. Hiring more employees isn’t as simple as it sounds, but the University’s budgetary transparency is greatly lacking in general. This University is for the students, shouldn’t we know where our money goes? How our University is run? When it comes down to it, Student Government is a voice for the students, a bridge between us and the administration. So, let’s open up the conversation. 9144003715473Katie RichmondBoard CandidateYour Slate00Katie RichmondBoard CandidateYour Slate206256136567003669175-162047Hello. My name is Aman Reddy, a Microbiology Junior, and I am running as an independent SGB board candidate. As an SGB member, my initiatives would focus on improving three aspects of the Pitt community: quality of student life, community service, and SGB transparency. Certain inconveniences can really make student life a hassle. During my time as a board member, my primary focus is to improve the quality of campus living. Not only for on campus students, but also commuter and off-campus students. I hope to negotiate with campus dining to not only improve the quality of campus food, but also the affordability of Market and Perch. I also plan to establish programs that will help off campus students have access to reliable transportation. For example, while the Pitt campus does not have many parking spaces open to students, there are a considerable number open just off campus. Establishing a Pitt shuttle transport system to and from these lots would not only more mobility, it would take stress off of the already existing university parking spaces. Aside from on campus issues, I also hope to promote an increasing involvement with the community. For instance, working with Sodexo, we could establish a program in which students volunteers use excess food to prepare meals for donation to local food pantries. Even programs such as fundraising for bus passes for those in need could make a great impact in the community. Last, but certainly not least, I will work on improving the transparency of SGB. While the members do quite a bit of work, most of it often gets shrouded in mystery. By hosting activities such as a monthly Q and A sessions over cookies or even a Chick-l-A, I hope to get more people interested and involved in SGB. 00Hello. My name is Aman Reddy, a Microbiology Junior, and I am running as an independent SGB board candidate. As an SGB member, my initiatives would focus on improving three aspects of the Pitt community: quality of student life, community service, and SGB transparency. Certain inconveniences can really make student life a hassle. During my time as a board member, my primary focus is to improve the quality of campus living. Not only for on campus students, but also commuter and off-campus students. I hope to negotiate with campus dining to not only improve the quality of campus food, but also the affordability of Market and Perch. I also plan to establish programs that will help off campus students have access to reliable transportation. For example, while the Pitt campus does not have many parking spaces open to students, there are a considerable number open just off campus. Establishing a Pitt shuttle transport system to and from these lots would not only more mobility, it would take stress off of the already existing university parking spaces. Aside from on campus issues, I also hope to promote an increasing involvement with the community. For instance, working with Sodexo, we could establish a program in which students volunteers use excess food to prepare meals for donation to local food pantries. Even programs such as fundraising for bus passes for those in need could make a great impact in the community. Last, but certainly not least, I will work on improving the transparency of SGB. While the members do quite a bit of work, most of it often gets shrouded in mystery. By hosting activities such as a monthly Q and A sessions over cookies or even a Chick-l-A, I hope to get more people interested and involved in SGB. 8891133054897Aman ReddyBoard Candidate Independent Aman ReddyBoard Candidate Independent 289222350675900 ................

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