Worship with us at Rocky Mountain Calvary

“Able to Make You Wise”2 Timothy 3:10-17Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:10-17Memory Verse: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16Lesson Focus: The importance of Scripture in our walk with Jesus.Activities and Crafts: Coloring Picture, Bible Reading Journal Craft: Mother’s Day Craft for all ages:1st & 2nd: “Icing on the cake” Mother’s day card3rd-5th: Mother’s Day CardIntroduction: Play the game “Before and After”: Tell the kids that you are going to call two kids up to the front. You will give them a piece of paper and the first one must act out what is one the paper (and the kids will guess) and the second child will tell us what should come after. Words to act out: Before:After:CrawlWalkDrink a bottleDrink from a glassCryTalkUse your hands eatingEat with a forkListen to a story being readRead a book yourselfAsk the kids: What do all of these activities have in common? (They all are things that you do when you are young and then when you grow up.) When we are a baby we have to learn to walk, talk, eat, and read. You don’t expect a baby to do math problems do you? Today we are going to talk about the importance of learning while we are young and the importance of the Scripture in our lives.Bible Lesson: 2 Timothy 3:10-12: “Instruction and Persecution”√ Who is Timothy following? (Paul as he is following Jesus)√ Why is it important to follow carefully?√ What things is Timothy supposed to follow? Doctrine – what they believeManner of life – how Paul livedPurpose – who Paul lived forFaith – who Paul believed inLongsuffering – the patience to endure hardshipsLove – the way Paul loved othersPerseverance – the way Paul stuck to what he believedPersecutions and Afflictions – the hardships that Paul facedPaul’s life was something that Timothy could follow. In every way Paul followed Jesus and lived his life for Jesus. Paul followed Jesus by living by faith and by allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and fill up his life. He did not do these things in his own strength. √ Do you think Paul is someone you could follow?Paul endured a lot of hardships. He was stoned, beaten, flogged, ship wrecked, put in prison, etc. In all of them Paul says that he was delivered by Jesus. √ What does Paul tell us will happen to all of us in 2 Timothy 3:12? If we live godly livesWe will suffer persecutionWhy will this happen? Is it fair that we will suffer for following Jesus?Should we be surprised by persecution?√ What does Paul tell us will happen to all of us in 2 Timothy 3:12?2 Timothy 3:13: “Imposters”√ What is an imposter? (someone who pretends to be someone else.)The imposter that is being talked about here is those that tell lies about who Jesus is. “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10Paul tells us that these that come and tell us lies will grow worse and worse. They will tell lies that lead people away from Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:14-17: “Continue in the things that will make you wise.”2 Timothy 3:14: Paul tells Timothy 2 things:Continue in the things that you have learned.Remember where you learned them from.In other words stay true to what you believe and remember that you were taught these things by many people.√ Who teaches you things in your life?2 Timothy 3:15: √ Who taught Timothy? (he was taught from childhood)2 Timothy 1:5 (his grandmother and mother)Paul√ What did these people teach Timothy? The Scriptures√ Do you think it is important to teach kids the Word of God at an early age? Why or why not? (Proverbs 22:6; “Train up a child is the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”)Just like that game that we played at the beginning of the lesson, a baby learns, grows, develops and is taught to be a proper functioning adult. So to, the Bible teaches us that we need to teach the Scripture to children while they are young so that they can grow up spiritually. The Bible is very important to our lives. √ What does this verse say, that the Bible do for us as we grow up? Make you wise for salvation (help you to get saved)Teach you faith in Christ Jesus√ How important is the Bible to our lives?√ Do you believe that the Bible is true?√ Do you believe the Bible is “old fashioned”?2 Timothy 3:16: “Inspiration of the Bible”Let’s break down this very important verse: “All” Scripture: When we use the word “Scripture” it is just another word for the Bible. And when we use the word “all” that means every part of it. “Is given by inspiration of God:” We have been given the Bible. √ Who do you think gave us the Bible? (God)√ What does inspiration mean? (God breathed)√ But did not mean write the Bible? (Yes, but we are told that they wrote the Bible by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (2 Peter 1:21)The Bible is God’s idea. It is the main way God speaks to us. He moved men through the power of the Holy Spirit to write these words. All of it is true,there is not one part that can be thrown out. Isn’t it exciting that the words on a written page can speak to us and when they do it is like God speaking to us. The words in the Bible are alive. They help us in the following ways: Teach us doctrine (help us know what we believe)Reproof: (Helps us correct what we believe)Correction: (They help us correct our wrong ways – keeps our conduct right.) (Correcting in the Greek means “straight.” The Bible straightens us out.)Instruction in Righteousness: They help us follow God. The word “righteousness” means right living. It is the way Jesus lived and the Bible helps us follow God. 2 Timothy 3:17: “Complete”The goal for all of us is to be “complete.” It is to be all that God has meant for us to be. To be complete is to be “grown up.” We are no longer a child who crawls around and says cute little “goo, goo” noises. The Bible helps us to grown up in Christ so that we can serve Him better.Conclusion: Take an old Bible (there are many at church, and say to the kids….”either the whole Bible is true or it is not. All of it is useful or none of it is useful.) Take the Book of Genesis and say, “some people say that creation could not be true”Rip out the book of Genesis. Take the pages of the Matthew and say, some people say, that the miracle of Jesus’ birth cannot be true, and He was not God coming to earth….just a good teacher…Rip out Matthew. Some people say that what Paul says is not important, only the words of Jesus.Rip out Timothy.Either all of Scripture is God breathed or it is not!What do you believe?If the Bible is God’s words to us why don’t we read it more? ................

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