ORT Level 4 Bk 1 - Primary Resources


ORT Level 10 – Treetops - Answers

The Squink

1. The story that Shahnaz was reading was about a

mouse that got lost in a supermarket.

2. A craft fair is when people sell things that they

have made.

3. The mouse Shahnaz made had a knitted pink

square head with felt ears and a button face.

4. Shahnaz called her mouse a squink because it was

square and pink. She used some letters from

each word to make the name.

5. Barry Kent knitted 3 yellow sleeping bags.

6. After they bought their squinks, Mrs. Moon’s

class… made little houses for them, made a big

book, drew pictures of them, took them

everywhere, took them to the supermarket.

7. A new word combining 2 eg. square + pink =



ORT Level 10 – Treetops - Answers

Mr. Stoffles and the Painted Tiger

1. I think Mr. Stoffles is a magician / wizard.

2. Ravi thought Mr. Stoffles was painting a giraffe.

3. No-one had ever seen a tiger that colour before

because it had red and green stripes.

4. The tiger took a sandwich and a lunchbox from

the workmen.

5. The tiger lay on the grass to go to sleep.

6. I think the elephant painting will come alive too

and …

7. took, looked, shook, looking.

ORT Level 10 – Treetops - Answers

The Squink

1. The story that Shahnaz was reading was about a

mouse that got lost in a supermarket.

2. A craft fair is when people sell things that they

have made.

3. The mouse Shahnaz made had a knitted pink

square head with felt ears and a button face.

4. Shahnaz called her mouse a squink because it was

square and pink. She used some letters from

each word to make the name.

5. Barry Kent knitted 3 yellow sleeping bags.

6. After they bought their squinks, Mrs. Moon’s

class… made little houses for them, made a big

book, drew pictures of them, took them

everywhere, took them to the supermarket.

7. A new word combining 2 eg. square + pink =



ORT Level 10 – Treetops

The Squink

1. What was the story about that Shahnaz was


2. What is a craft fair?

3. Describe the mouse Shahnaz made.

4. Why did Shahnaz call her mouse a squink?

5. How many yellow sleeping bags did Barry Kent


6. Write down 2 things that Mrs. Moon’s class did

after they bought their squinks.

7. Try making up a new name for an animal using 2

words, like Shahnaz did. Write down the two

words you make it from and the new word.


ORT Level 10 – Treetops

The Squink

1. What was the story about that Shahnaz was


2. What is a craft fair?

3. Describe the mouse Shahnaz made.

4. Why did Shahnaz call her mouse a squink?

5. How many yellow sleeping bags did Barry Kent


6. Write down 2 things that Mrs. Moon’s class did

after they bought their squinks.

7. Try making up a new name for an animal using 2

words, like Shahnaz did. Write down the two

words you make it from and the new word.

ORT Level 10 – Treetops

Mr. Stoffles and the Painted Tiger

1. What do you think Mr. Stoffles is?

2. What did Ravi think Mr. Stoffles was painting?

3. Why had no-one ever seen a tiger that colour


4. What did the tiger take from the workmen?

5. Why did the tiger lie on the grass?

6. What do you think will happen with the elephant painting?

7. Write down all the words with ook in them.


ORT Level 10 – Treetops

Mr. Stoffles and the Painted Tiger

1. What do you think Mr. Stoffles is?

2. What did Ravi think Mr. Stoffles was painting?

3. Why had no-one ever seen a tiger that colour


4. What did the tiger take from the workmen?

5. Why did the tiger lie on the grass?

6. What do you think will happen with the elephant painting?

7. Write down all the words with ook in them.

ORT Level 10

Kate’s Garden

1. What type of beans was Kate growing at school?

2. What was Jo going to grow at first?

3. Why did Jo’s plants stop growing?

4. Did the sweets really grow into a plant?

5. What does germinate mean?

6. Why did the chicken eat all the loaf by herself?

7. Write down all the words with ar in them.


ORT Level 10

Kate’s Garden

1. What type of beans was Kate growing at school?

2. What was Jo going to grow at first?

3. Why did Jo’s plants stop growing?

4. Did the sweets really grow into a plant?

5. What does germinate mean?

6. Why did the chicken eat all the loaf by herself?

7. Write down all the words with ar in them.

ORT Level 10 - Answers

The Holiday

1. I know that Wilf and Wilma have gone to another

country for a holiday because they had to get an

aeroplane to get there / it was very hot there /

it was an island they went to.

2. Grandfather’s boat had hit a rock and there was

a small hole in the side.

3. When the children went swimming, they saw little fish and a big fish called a ray.

4. A Jump up is a carnival when people get dressed


5. They had to put shutters up at the windows to

stop the storm damaging them.

6. I think the best part of Wilf and Wilma’s holiday

was…. because…

7. lovely, slowly.


ORT Level 10 - Answers

Kate’s Garden

1. Kate was growing broad beans at school.

2. At first Jo was going to grow lettuces and


3. Jo’s plants stopped growing because slugs were

eating them.

4. The sweets did not really grow into a plant. Mum

and Dad made a pretend sweet tree.

5. Germinate means to start to grow.

6. The chicken ate all the loaf by herself because

the other animals wouldn’t help her to make it.

7. garden, marked, squares, jar, marigolds, start,

gardening, supermarket, downwards, gardeners,


ORT Level 10 – Treetops

The Boss Dog of Blossom Street

1. What do you think a boss dog is?

2. What did Snap have to do as boss dog?

3. Give 1 reason why Snap thought he should move

with his owners and give 1 reason why he thought

he should stay at Blossom Street.

4. How do you think Snap felt about his new home?

5. How did Snap stay the Boss Dog of Blossom


6. What time does Snap get the bus home?

7. Write down all the words with ow in them.


ORT Level 10 – Treetops

The Boss Dog of Blossom Street

1. What do you think a boss dog is?

2. What did Snap have to do as boss dog?

3. Give 1 reason why Snap thought he should move

with his owners and give 1 reason why he thought

he should stay at Blossom Street.

4. How do you think Snap felt about his new home?

5. How did Snap stay the Boss Dog of Blossom


6. What time does Snap get the bus home?

7. Write down all the words with ow in them.

ORT Level 10

Karen’s Adventure

1. I think Gran’s grandfather had locked

the door in the wall so that no one would find the box with the dragon egg.

2. When the dragon ate the chicken it got bigger,

its teeth got longer and sharper, its wings began to spread and flap and he changed colour from green to a fiery red.

3. I think the dragon was afraid of the mirror

because it was scared of its own reflection.

4. The Chinese perform the dragon dances because

dragons are supposed to make it rain. The dances

are so that there will be enough rain to make the

crops grow.

5. Hott chopped off the dead dragon’s head. Bothva

had really killed the dragon.

6. orchard, large, garden, darker, parents.

ORT Level 10 - Treetops

The Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om

1. What was the shocking sight that Queen Norah


2. What sort of masks did the cleaning ladies wear?

3. How did Princess Jane find out who the cleaning

ladies were?

4. Why do you think the King and the captains came

home when they saw a dragon?

5. Why can the cleaners only come on Mondays?

6. Write down all the words with double consonants

in them eg. ss, bb, ff etc.

ORT Level 10 - Treetops

The Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om

1. What was the shocking sight that Queen Norah


2. What sort of masks did the cleaning ladies wear?

3. How did Princess Jane find out who the cleaning

ladies were?

4. Why do you think the King and the captains came

home when they saw a dragon?

5. Why can the cleaners only come on Mondays?

6. Write down all the words with double consonants

in them eg. ss, bb, ff etc.

ORT Level 10 – Treetops - Answers

The Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om

1. The shocking sight that Queen Norah saw was

King Harry doing the dishes, Captain Smith was mopping the floor, and Captian Jones was washing the royal shirts.

2. The masks the cleaning ladies wore were a traffic

cone, a lampshade, and a saucepan.

3. Princess Jane found out who the cleaning ladies

were. She put a table cloth over the head of one

of them, she locked one in a cell and she

threatened one of them with the vacuum cleaner.

4. I think the King and the captains came home

when they saw a dragon because they were scared.

5. The cleaners can only come on Mondays because

they are really the King and the captains. On

Mondays they pretend to fight dragons but

really they clean the castle.


ORT Level 10 – Treetops – Answers continued

The Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om

6. Binns, princess, cannot, mess, Harry, will, pinned, popped, mopping, unhappy, sniffed, smelly, scrubbed, really stuffing, grabbed, pulled, scrubbing, terrific, nozzle, better, dressed, smell, telling, begged, success, arrive, happy.

ORT Level 10 – Treetops

The Jungle Shorts

1. What was the good news in the letter?

2. Why do you think Mr. Cox wanted the children to

wear old T-shirts?

3. Why do you think the shorts were called jungle


4. How did Lenny feel about the shorts when his

Mum bought them? How did he feel after he saw the other children in his class wearing them too?

5. Why was the team called the Lyon Street Lions?

6. Why did Mr. Cox smile to himself on the way


7. Write down all the words with ou in them.

ORT Level 10 – Treetops

The Jungle Shorts

1. What was the good news in the letter?

2. Why do you think Mr. Cox wanted the children to

wear old T-shirts?

3. Why do you think the shorts were called jungle


4. How did Lenny feel about the shorts when his

Mum bought them? How did he feel after he saw the other children in his class wearing them too?

5. Why was the team called the Lyon Street Lions?

6. Why did Mr. Cox smile to himself on the way


7. Write down all the words with ou in them.

ORT Level 10 – Treetops – Answers

The Jungle Shorts

1. The good news in the letter was that Class 3 are

going to have a football team.

2. I think Mr. Cox wanted the children to wear old

t-shirts because they were going to get muddy

playing football.

3. I think the shorts were called jungle shorts

because they has big green trees with monkeys

on them.

4. Lenny didn’t like the shorts at first. When he saw

other children in his class wearing them he felt


5. The team was called the Lyon Street Lions

because all the children who had jungle shorts

lived in Lyon Street.

6. Mr. Cox smiled to himself on the way home

because there were 5 pairs of jungle shorts

blowing on the line in Lyon Street.

7. shouted, playground, out, bought, trousers, found,

through, colours

ORT Level 10 – Treetops - Answers

The Boss Dog of Blossom Street

1. I think a boss dog is a dog that is in charge of

the street.

2. As boss dog Snap had to make sure that the dogs

and cats on the street were in their places.

3. Snap thought he should move with Ada and Harry

because dogs stay with their owners. He thought

he should stay at Blossom Street because he was

the boss dog.

4. I think Snap didn’t like his new home because he

didn’t like the other dogs there and he couldn’t

be boss dog because he had to stay in the garden.

5. Snap was still the Boss Dog of Blossom Street

because he got on the bus everyday and went to

Blossom Street.

6. Snap gets the bus home at half past 4.

7. brown, owners, window, own, owner, tomorrow.


ORT Level 10

Purple Buttons

1. What colour was Gran’s button tin?

2. Name 2 things Rachel did with Gran’s buttons.

3. Why did Rachel not like the purple buttons?

4. How did Rachel find the missing jewel from

Gran’s ring?

5. Why do you think Rachel liked the buttons at the

end of the story?

6. Write down all the words with ur in them.

ORT Level 10

Purple Buttons

1. What colour was Gran’s button tin?

2. Name 2 things Rachel did with Gran’s buttons.

3. Why did Rachel not like the purple buttons?

4. How did Rachel find the missing jewel from

Gran’s ring?

5. Why do you think Rachel liked the buttons at the

end of the story?

6. Write down all the words with ur in them.

ORT Level 10

The Masked Cleaning Ladies save the Day

1. What colour shirts were King Charles’ team

supposed to wear?

2. What happened when Princess Jane missed her


3. What do you think King Charles talked to Mr.

Goal about?

4. What shape was Queen Norah’s hat?

5. How did the Masked Cleaning Ladies ‘save the


6. Write down all the words with ous in them.

ORT Level 10

The Masked Cleaning Ladies save the Day

1. What colour shirts were King Charles’ team

supposed to wear?

2. What happened when Princess Jane missed her


3. What do you think King Charles talked to Mr.

Goal about?

4. What shape was Queen Norah’s hat?

5. How did the Masked Cleaning Ladies ‘save the


6. Write down all the words with ous in them.

ORT Level 10 – Answers

The Masked Cleaning Ladies save the Day

1. The other team were supposed to wear red

football shirts.

2. When Princess Jane missed her kick she broke a window.

3. I think King Charles talked to Mr. Goal about spoiling the


4. Queen Norah’s hat was in the shape of a football pitch.

5. The cleaning ladies saved the day by swapping the football

strips over.

6. dangerous, mouse, housework

ORT Level 10 - Answers

Purple Buttons

1. Gran’s button tin was blue.

2. Rachel used Gran’s buttons: to decorate her

crown / to decorate her brother’s cake / for her

new cardigan.

3. Rachel didn’t like the purple buttons because they winked at her with evil, goblin eyes.

4. Rachel found the missing jewel from Gran’s ring

when she flicked a purple button onto the floor

and then picked it up. The jewel was under the


5. I think Rachel liked the buttons at the end of the

story because they helped her to find Gran’s


6. Purple, lurked, four.

ORT Level 10

The Holiday

1. How do you know that Wilf and Wilma have gone

to another country for a holiday?

2. What had happened to Grandfather’s boat?

3. What did the children see when they went


4. What is a Jump up?

5. Why did they have to put shutters up at the


6. What do you think was the best part of Wilf and

Wilma’s holiday. Why?

7. Write down all the words with ly in them.


ORT Level 10

The Holiday

1. How do you know that Wilf and Wilma have gone

to another country for a holiday?

2. What had happened to Grandfather’s boat?

3. What did the children see when they went


4. What is a Jump up?

5. Why did they have to put shutters up at the


6. What do you think was the best part of Wilf and

Wilma’s holiday. Why?

7. Write down all the words with ly in them.


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