What does the word OPINION mean

What does the word OPINION mean?

1. A personal judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty.

2. A belief that is held with confidence but not validated by proof.

3. A statement that may be the result of an emotion or an interpretation of facts.

What does the word FACT mean?

1. A piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred.

2. Information that can be verified.

3. A statement that can be proven.

Instructions: For each statement below, write an F if it is a statement expressing a fact. Write an O if it is a statement expressing an opinion. Have fun!

1. Math is the worst subject in school. _____

2. Tomorrow it’s going to snow. _____

3. My mom loves my sister more than me. _____

4. I received a failing grade on my English test. _____

5. Bell bottom jeans are very ugly. _____

6. Taylor Swift has a new tune that is popular with teens. _____

7. Annabelle will prove to be the scariest horror movie of 2014. _____

8. Ms. Efpatridis’ dog is cute. _____

9. I am taking ENG 2D1 first semester. _____

10. Mr. Cusamano is the principal at St. Edmund Campion S.S. _____


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